We wear our new jacket in 5 different styles 📸


Well, really, who saw it coming? Person ? Tell me in the comments below.

Here's a nice moment that we like to share with you on some of our launches and that we didn't refuse for this one.

Benoît often says “the perfecto is your friend”.

Five members of our team put it on to show you.

Are you coming to see?

For PH, it's sportswear

“I’m a cool guy, no hassle getting dressed in the morning, well not too much.

And with an already very strong piece like a perfecto, I didn't want to fall into an expected style like a white t-shirt, raw jeans, boots.

My desire: to remain relaxed while enjoying the imagery of the piece.


Contrary to my initial idea, I went with jeans, but white, not raw. Our Slubby does the trick! This adds substance to the outfit, structure to the legs, in a more subtle way.

At the top, I also wanted to give some material, some character, hence this gray heathered Officine Générale sweatshirt, much simpler to wear than it seems.

And at the bottom, a little twist (in St Tropez) with colorful sneakers but not too much. And as a reminder, as I often like to do, orange socks, because yes, I want color in my life?. And wearing white socks would have highlighted the presence of jeans too much.

So is not life beautiful ?"

- Pierre-Henri, accountant at BonneGueule

PH is 1m77 tall and weighs 77kg. He is wearing our size L perfecto.

For Christophe, it’s workwear

Good mouth

Good quality sweater, Barker boots, Cargo Maharishi.

“ When I see a perfecto, it immediately makes me think of my high school years, from 1985. I remember a friend who was a hard rock fan and his perfecto that he never parted with.

For this outfit, I immediately thought of one of my favorite pants, my Maharishi cargo pants, whose cut I really like, the shape of the slanted pockets, this strip of fabric that sticks out...

Good mouth

Above, I found the color and texture of my De Bonne Facture chunky knit sweater to perfectly complement the black of the perfecto and the smoothness of the leather.

On my feet, my Barker boots, which are just starting to soften. I never tire of looking at them as I love the blue and the shape of these walking shoes revisited for the city. Even to the point of doing it while walking. At my own risk.”

- Christophe, editor-in-chief at BonneGueule

Christophe measures 1m74 and weighs 63kg. He is wearing our size M perfecto.

For Antoine, it’s casual chic

Good mouth

Margaret Howell sweater, Dickies pants, Dr Martens shoes.

"To tell the truth, I'm not a big fan of perfectos. I have a lot of preconceptions about this piece and I have the somewhat cliché image of the guy in a perfecto looking slick on a motorbike.

When I was offered the shoot, I was a little reluctant. At the same time, I wanted to be able to make the piece my own and put it into an outfit that fits me.

Ultimately I loved the piece!


I decided to wear it with a green funnel neck sweater from Margaret Howell to add a little color, combined with straight pants and a pair of Doc's to make the outfit a little stronger and less first degree.

The perfecto is for my part adopted!”

- Antoine, sales advisor and merchandiser at BonneGueule

Antoine measures 1m77 and weighs 72kg. He is wearing our size L perfecto.

For David, it’s soft tailoring


BonneGueule sweater . Camoshita pants, GH Bass & Co loafers.

"Can we wear a perfecto in a more elegant outfit?

For me, that’s a big yes!

The trick lies in choosing the right pieces: dressy but not too dressy.

Proof of this is with these Camoshita pants: their visually rich corduroy allows them to stand up to the jacket. Its neutral gray color goes perfectly with black.

The basis of our outfit is there.


Upstairs, because it's winter, I need a good sweater. I choose it beige, in brushed wool. This contrast with black, it's striking, isn't it?

On the feet, the moccasin is invited. Chic but discreet. Bordeaux because this color goes with everything. It's not Jordan who will contradict me."

- David, community manager at BonneGueule

David is 1m88 tall and weighs 80kg. He is wearing our size L perfecto.

For Benoît, it’s streetwear & military


BonneGueule sneakers , shirt and socks . Maharishi pants.

"As I have always claimed, the perfecto is a garment that fits very easily into any casual wardrobe, including casual!

Here, I revisit a great men's classic: the chambray shirt worn with beige pants. Simple and efficient.

The leg opening of the Maharishi chinos works well with the assertive streetwear DNA of these sneakers. That's why I really like wearing them together.

A truly “easy going” outfit that’s easy to get into.”

- Benoît, co-founder of BonneGueule

Benoît is 1m80 tall and weighs 80kg. He is wearing our size L perfecto.

The floor is yours

So, your impressions? Which looks speak to you the most and why? We're waiting for you downstairs! 👇

Bonnegueule Editorial Team,

We needed a signature to bring us all together and share with you our common selections, as well as our current obsessions. In these articles you will find all our talents, our knowledge, our experiences, our sometimes madness (not the neuroses) of the entire editorial team.

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