The costume is in the spotlight – Readers’ letters #10

Le costume est à l’honneur – Le courrier des lecteurs #10
Editorial nuggets #10 – Michel Reading The costume is in the spotlight – Readers’ letters #10 Next Nuggets (vintage) from the editorial staff #11 – Jordan

Let's celebrate this tenth episode of readers' letters under the sign of elegance: let's talk clothes costumes!

Brands offering separable suits?

The question

My answer

Most brands sell their suits without the option of choosing a different size for the pants and jacket. Let's see together those who offer them with separate jacket and pants:

  • SuitSupply offers a range of matching suits that grows every year. From very classic models to others much more casual and original, there is something for everyone.

Jacket and pants are offered with this vest.

  • For fans of well-fitted suits, a small selection of classic-style separable suits on its e-shop .

  • Too classic for you? Go and see Thomas Farthing, for a three-piece in English-style tweed:
  • Anthony Garcon offers two pant sizes for each jacket size. A drop of 8, standard, and a drop of 7, for those who want a little more ease on the pants .

You can choose the size of your pants from the size selection, on the left in this screenshot.

  • Silbon is a good option if you are looking for a suit with a tailoring spirit (generous lapels on jackets, pants with drawstring tabs) under 300 euros.

  • You can also look at Massimo Dutti , which offers a choice of mismatched costumes, also including 3 pieces:

It's here .

With that, you should have something to do :)

Renting suits and tuxedos, a good idea?

The question

My answer

This is a question I see from time to time. Although understandable, we do not recommend renting suits or tuxedos at all.

Why is that ?

First of all, it's expensive for a single-use set : around a hundred euros. You must also leave a deposit of several hundred euros, which risks being kept in the slightest hitch or unexpected task.

Aside from financial considerations, let’s talk style:

  • Although there are wool tuxedos and suits available for rental, I have seen many made from shiny synthetic material.

“The brighter the better, I was told. Was someone lying to me?”

  • And above all, you will not be able to make any alterations to these clothes (back bending, jacket sleeve length, trouser bottoms) since they are intended to be used by several people. You risk ending up with clothing that doesn't fit you perfectly. Which would be a shame for an event where you have to present very well, don’t you think?

If you can afford it, and the evening is important, it may be worth investing:

“It’s the tuxedo that will create usage, and not the other way around.”

Owning a nice tuxedo will make you want to wear it, and you'll find ways to make that happen, especially if it looks like this:

If necessary, Jordan gives you advice on wearing a tuxedo in his article on New Year's outfits , .

  • Or in a beautiful suit with a rich and textured material, which will be sufficiently dressy for your evening, and which you can also wear in everyday life.

A beautiful navy suit, well cut and with character. For a dressy evening, at the office, or on days when you want to feel beautiful. Pini Parma suit.

And of course, if you already have beautiful clothes in your wardrobe, don't hesitate to make do with them.

Any recommendations for accessible dress pants?

The question

My answer

As mentioned above, you can look at Massimo Dutti, Silbon, but also COS , which offers a range of wool pants each season . You will find slightly stronger colors like camel as well as slightly wider cuts.

You can find these pants by clicking here .

The purple suit, a good idea?

The question

My answer

Well, unfortunately, we don't recommend wearing purple on a suit.

Purple is a bright, very saturated and eccentric color. The idea is that it's as difficult to wear a purple suit as a red, yellow or green suit.

Definitely not easy, the “first degree” purple suit.

So, in the world of work, where a certain sobriety is welcome, it may not work. For the record, Geoffrey tried the whole purple suit when he was a consultant (around ten years ago) and it didn't go down well with his colleagues at all!

Also, I don't know of any ready-to-wear brand that we recommend that makes purple suits.

For now, the alternative would be to wear a blue suit, perhaps with some subtle shades of purple. You will also find colors with pretty reflections by turning to half measures.

Hey, we make costumes too!

David Hao, maximum soft tailoring

I think clothing can be a beautiful means of personal development. I like unstructured jackets, straight pants and loafers.

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