The years go by and my passion for clothing remains.
I have been interested in my style for over 10 years. Things have changed a lot since the beginning . My style has become more refined and assertive.
I think I found myself: my clothing identity is very soft tailoring oriented. It's the style that speaks to me and suits me the most.
Now, my style changes in small steps. I continually make small adjustments that allow me to continue to feel good in my clothes, to feel that my style continues to evolve and improve.
Here are the five good style resolutions that I intend to keep in 2024.
1/ Return to a more formal style
If my style has always been casual chic, I must admit that over the last 2 or 3 years, it has tended more towards relaxation.
I wore a lot of sneakers, sweaters, jeans, parkas.
Is it because of the context we experienced, particularly the Covid crisis, that made me adopt more comfortable clothes?
Anyway, I've been wanting to get back to a more tailored style for a few months now.
I had the chance to wear my tuxedo recently and it felt good:

I also bought a Berg&Berg suit during the last Black Friday. It's a bit big for me but I got it at a very good price. It's currently being altered!
It has a fairly classic volume, as I like: high-waisted and loose pants with pleats, long jacket with a low buttoning which is at the level of the pants' belt.
The suits I own are all pretty casual in approach, and I'm glad I own a more traditional one with nice proportions.

Here is a picture of the beast. Soon on my shoulders!
By the way, Berg&Berg is an interesting case : the Swedish brand has been offering the same thing for years, and yet it speaks to me more and more. I feel closer to its universe while it has fundamentally changed nothing in its style.

I really like the brand's silhouettes. Simple but always perfectly executed.
Actually, I just feel good in elegant clothes. And besides, I think it's a style that suits me. It's a match!
2/ More moccasins
I mentioned this in my Christmas list: I have two pairs of loafers ( GH Bass ) and I would like more.

I realize that I wear them really often , summer and winter. I wear my mocs so much that I sometimes forget to wear sneakers, boots or derby shoes for several weeks.
So after the black and burgundy models in smooth leather, a pair in brown suede seems quite appropriate to me. Belgian loafers are very elegant, while remaining versatile enough for my wardrobe.

Is this the third time I've shown this model from Morjas ? Maybe four, actually.
And I'm keeping an eye out for other models that might catch my eye. I haven't taken the plunge yet, but lately I've seen a lot of really nice two-tone loafers . My favorite model is the Casatlantic x Morjas collab:

These from the Vinny's brand are not bad either. White and taupe, I can see them perfectly in light monochrome outfits with cream, beige, ecru :

And since we're talking about monochrome...
3/ Explore cameos and monochromes
There are two main ways to approach colors in an outfit: either with contrasting colors or with close colors (shades and monochromes).
For the longest time, I dressed in contrast . That's the easy way to do it. For example, you can do almost any outfit with blue, white, green, brown, and it will work.

One of many suggestions for white, blue, brown and green outfits. @zabou_tokyo
But right now, I don't want that anymore. I'm going to naturally tend towards cameos and monochromes, which I find are more harmonious in my eyes. And that's what I want to push in my style, at the moment.
Dressing in monochrome is more difficult because it calls upon a more personal sensitivity to colors. You have to feel that certain close shades will go together and others will not.
We can try to establish some rules but I find that it is very case by case. It is a more precise way of assembling colors.

Superb. It's almost an art to be able to handle the nuances of colors with such precision. @stoffà
Concerning monochrome, the challenge is , since we only use one color, to manage to bring visual richness through textures (materials whose appearance complements each other well), details (collars, zips, etc.), shapes.

A perfectly executed charcoal and black monochrome by our style master: @shuhei_nishiguchi
We're talking here about two different ways of approaching silhouettes and style.
And it's quite stimulating for me to explore these lesser-known areas, to create different outfits and associations with my clothes.
Here are two examples of outfits that I recently tested in these registers:

On the left, a range of browns ( De Bonne Facture t-shirt and pants, Universal Works cardigan, Sebago boat shoes)
On the right, a dark monochrome, navy and black ( BonneGueule sweater, Berg&Berg coat, Officine Générale pants, GH Bass loafers)
4/ Wear longer pants
Pants are the piece I attach the most importance to . So I had to tell you about them.
After a few years of seeing quite short trousers, above the shoe, in recent months I have seen more and more looks emerging with trousers worn a little longer , touching or even breaking over the shoe.
It's interesting because I recognize myself in that. Seeing all these cool silhouettes with pants that fall more frankly encourages me to do the same on mine.
In fact, I never cut my pants very short : I always left some margin, and it is this margin that I use today.
My casual pants were worn short but rolled up: I can simply “un-roll” them to wear them longer.

An example with these De Bonne Facture pants which are worn rolled up and which I just have to make fall straight to gain a little length.
My dressier pants all have a bit of room at the bottom, so I just took them to the tailor to gain a few inches.
And regarding my new pants, I chose them a bit longer than before.
Before, my pants came just above the shoe. Now, I make sure they touch the shoe. We're talking about a difference of 3 or 4 cm but I think it counts for the style!
5/ (Finally) start wearing black clothes
Sorry Benoit.
It's time for me to start wearing black clothes . I know you don't like it. But what do you want.
I feel like this is one of the next steps in my style quest.
I will soon be purchasing these vintage pants from Universal Surplus, black and with a volume that I like:

I also saw this jacket at Séfr, the composition of which leaves something to be desired, but I like the rather sharp style (1 button and wide pointed lapels):
Updated January 8th: I just bought this jacket. Hoping it fits me 🤞

And a black Scott Fraser Collection polo shirt for a slightly retro vibe:

By adding my black loafers, I have enough to make a monochrome, all-black outfit. I like this idea.
And even if it's not monochrome, I really want to add black to my outfits to bring big contrasts that stand out.
My passage to the dark side of clothing is imminent.