My memories of trips to Japan, South Korea and Singapore

Mes souvenirs de voyages au Japon, en Corée du Sud et à Singapour

Every time I'm abroad, I can't help but look at how people are dressed, what the clothing stores offer. Obviously, I am also interested in local consumption habits, it is always very enriching.

I had the chance to visit three very different Asian countries:
- Japan in May 2018 to visit our suppliers and show you the workshops where many of our fabrics are made.
- South Korea in January 2017 for an observation visit led by Bpifrance and Business France in the company of French labels to understand and explore the Korean market.
- Singapore in 2009 for a seven-month internship during my studies, then regular one-month stays to see my friends there.

And you will see that if the fashions and customs are logically quite far from ours, they are also so between these three countries.

Have a good trip !

Geoffrey Bruyere, at the origins of BonneGueule

I am one of the two founders of BonneGueule. I believe in quality content, digital that doesn't forget the human, and positive brands. And I'm the one who finds the nicknames in the team!

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