🎙️Shoes, soft tailoring and clothing by subscription – Parlons Clothes, podcast #5

🎙️Souliers, soft tailoring et vêtement sur abonnement – Parlons Vêtements, le podcast #5
Homewear: how to combine style and comfort Reading 🎙️Shoes, soft tailoring and clothing by subscription – Parlons Clothes, podcast #5 Next Our 5 favorite sleeveless vests at the cinema – Reel

First 2021 issue of the Let’s Talk About Clothes podcast. The opportunity to wish you all a great new year. To discuss clothing, around the table, Benoît, David, Jérôme, Jordan and Nicolò. Here is the menu. Good listening. Christopher.

1. How do you like the shoe?

Benoît told us everything he likes about shoes in his latest Let's Talk About Clothes . His taste for pretty leathers and their imperfections, beautiful colors, patina...
It is the turn of the BonneGueule editorial staff to express their tastes on the subject. Shape, color, English, Italian or French? We tell you everything.

2. Does subscription clothing tempt you?

Subscribe to buy clothes, like we are to Netflix or Spotify. This is H&M's intention with its new brand Singular Society. The promise: from 9.5 euros per month you can buy five items of clothing at cost price. With the guarantee of taking into account environmental considerations and maximum transparency.

3. Does timeless style exist?

In his latest Sapristi , Nicolò asks the question of whether a style can be timeless. What is your definition of the timeless character of a garment? What are your timeless pieces? Responses from the editorial department.

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