Field tested: Selvedge Iron Heart, my armor for paws

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Today, let's talk about jeans. We will all agree that it is not very relevant today to spend crazy amounts of money to afford the overpriced horrors of mega-brands or certain “specialists” in bad taste .

I will not return to the good summaries that abound on the web (I have already exhausted my quota of bad puns).

So what's left to eat? A gateway in my search for “good” denim was the falsely confidential brands Edwin and especially Nudie. However, if the additional cost compared to a brand like Levi's seems justified due to superior quality, we can be right to demand from a raw canvas that it does not crack at the crotch level at the after 6 months. And I'm not the only one to have had this bitter experience.

Nudie ripped
After 6 months, a Nudie Bootcut Ola, it “cracks”!

This type of brand undoubtedly has to worry about the surge of Uniqlo, a Japanese brand which recently set up in Paris and of which Geoffrey has already praised the quality of the offer , considering the prices charged.

Apart from these different ranges, there are a certain number of underground brands focused on very high quality. If the prices are also lower, they remain lower than the “experiments” of the “creators” Dior & co. and invite those who usually spend their money on Notify or more basically Diesel to take an interest in models that are perhaps less eccentric but which would undoubtedly make a better investment.

So I'm taking this opportunity to show you some photos of an Iron Heart selvedge acquired last August, model 634S, straight cut . We're in trouble with this brand which offers an extremely thick and solid canvas, and therefore takes an extremely long time to wash. It is indeed 21oz; a simple calculation is enough to understand that we are twice as heavy as most competitors . The first days of wearing them are a little painful, especially when you know that new jeans taken at the right size must be "slightly" tight to the point that it is a little difficult to close the first button. I no longer knew whether I was wearing a pair of jeans or chain mail.

mesh rib

This outfit was not the most practical for window shopping in SoH o

And by the way, we will do some free advertising for the Self Edge store .

SelfEdge jeans

The canvas has taken on beautiful reflections; the first machine wash took place more than 6 months after purchase

cuffed iron jeans

Selvage, what else?

iron jean patch

Compared to its original state , this detail has also aged well

iron jean canvas

Note that compared to my cracked Nudie shown above, this pair of jeans was worn longer; between the two, there is no photo

Paul Schmitt, BonneGueule contributor

Norman by origin, fan of Rone and many other artists, film buff, web marketing ninja according to Geoffrey and Benoît, if you want to talk about traffic (internet), I'm the one to talk to!

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