The little story of BonneGueule: 10 years with you

The very first BonneGueule article was published in the summer of 2007, exactly 10 years ago.

As I said in the last episode of Let's Talk Clothes , I have a hard time realizing how quickly time has passed. It's strange to realize it, but I'll say it again, BonneGueule is a project that has been present for a third of my life. 10 years of explaining and telling the story of men's clothing... 10 years of dissecting it, advising it, analyzing it, discussing it, in short, 10 years of passion!

BonneGueule has taken me to intense horizons, and I can't wait to see what it will bring over the next ten years.

The market has evolved and many things continue to change today, but one element has remained the same throughout: your support.

You followed us, encouraged us and believed us. And we can never thank you enough for that.

So, since we are not every day 10 years old, we wanted to share with you the highlights of our beautiful history. Hoping that we continue to write it together for many more decades.

For the occasion, Simon has specially coded a chronological sentence for you, to remind you of significant memories, or to help you discover others that you may have never heard.

In any case, it allowed me to immerse myself with emotion in the beginnings of BonneGueule, when I was only a student in Tours. And above all, you will see that I take the opportunity to pay tribute to people who are little highlighted on BonneGueule, but who have radically influenced me. Here we go for a 10 year review!

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