Halloween, suspense and winter coat – Carte blanche to Jérôme

Halloween, suspense et manteau d’hiver – Carte blanche à Jérôme

Let's start by getting in the mood. You have probably noticed that the branches of the trees are visibly becoming bare. It is still possible here and there to enjoy lovely sunny, cool days. But it is now pitch black after 8 p.m.

The weather is capricious and outside, we don't always know which way to dance . We see the first scarves and coats of the cold season appearing here and there. And obviously, we think about our own wardrobe. Just a few days ago, I stopped at the DeBonneFacture store on this very beautiful model:

Yes, it’s a piece that makes you dream! The cold, the fall, the winter, it's a joy for some and a real anguish for others. For my part, everything is fine on that side. But before we get back to that, let's get back to the action in progress, which promises to be thrilling.

It's pitch black as I told you. And it's a little cold too. The music comes out like that , without warning. Cold sweats and chills guaranteed, a bit like the original film .

From then on, there is panic and the walking speeds up in the apartment. A quick and worried glance at my room: let's not forget that this room contains some treasures that perhaps only lovers of clothing can really understand.

That being said, I reassure you, it is indeed a room: there is a bed in a mess and books in a pile like the Tower of Pisa. Small detail that may be important: there is also a portrait of Syd Barrett without Pink Floyd hanging on the wall, just at the entrance to the room. This is a photo almost identical to this one except that it is in black and white at my house:

You will note that he wears a yellow shirt . Visitors therefore know what to expect. But the most important thing is still what is hidden in the two large wardrobes which are used to store clothes .

At first glance, false alarm: everything seems normal. Except if you listen closely... Something is scratching at the door of one of the cupboards. Did I forget the cat in the closet?

Bad pick: it sits peacefully on my Stark SNS Herning cardigan , which looks like this:

men's burgundy wool cardigan

As for the cat, you may already know him: he is presented here . Note that this cardigan is one of her favorite winter pieces - it's very warm and very soft, that's why.

But then what is this mysterious noise that gets louder as the night wears on? The ghost from another age? Possible. On the facade of the building, it is written "Anno 1634". A techwear ninja? Unlikely, but you never know.

Perhaps then a nightmare is brewing: an army of moths ready to invade the sweaters and other knitted pieces of the building, for example. I think for a few moments, a little dazed by these nonsense hypotheses that sometimes come when we are suddenly overcome by anxiety.

Do you know overthinking when it comes to clothes? It's about remaining calm and returning to some semblance of logic. The noise in the cupboard then fades away and everything becomes clearer.

That something scratching at the door is neither a monster nor a creature that is after my locker room. No, it's simply a piece that's been biding its time since the summer.

You have certainly already come across it on the sales pages of the BonneGueule e-shop: its name is Fitou , it is hazelnut in color and it is still quite difficult to resist it. Cats in any case cannot resist it:

But for now, this coat is impatient. If he could talk, he wouldn't hesitate to tell me he wants out, and right away. After all, he's not wrong: the first cold weather is here and it's HIS time .

Except that my internal clock is a little behind and it's still too hot in my opinion to give it the opportunity to shine outside. So while I wait, I mentally go through all the coats I've seen so far. Nostalgia sequence.

This is my very first of its kind, with noble material and beautiful finishes . Until now, I've never been too keen on winter coats, especially ones that are quite long.

Because you know, I like the cold. If I gradually became interested in the coat, it is mainly thanks to you and your many questions on the subject . You do not believe in it ?

Impossible to remember any coat before the year 2000, as if my wardrobe never saw a single one pass by. I very vaguely visualize cropped jackets and that's about it. My first real memory goes back a good ten years: it's a trench-type coat, made of wool and camel in color .

English brand whose name I have forgotten. It wasn't very warm but for someone who isn't too cold like me, it still does the job. I think of him sometimes, especially his color which suited me well.

A few years later, I let myself be tempted by a very thick pea coat found in a thrift store on rue du Temple in Paris. Levi's brand, 70s, nice style and navy color , no more than 50 euros. He accompanied me for many years. If you don't have too much of a budget, and you're looking for something with character, second hand is a very interesting option.

balibaris men's navy overcoat

Then I finally acquired a first generation Balibaris overcoat, a bit like the one you see above. Darker navy blue and second-hand, again. My first thought when wearing it was of Al Pacino. You know, that famous scene where he raises the collar of his coat while feigning a gun with his finger in his pocket.

It happens on the steps of the building where his father is being treated, it's a little cold and it's in “ The Godfather ” by Francis Ford Coppola. When I think about it, it's almost a revelation.

So this is what a winter coat reminds me of: something related to the roller coaster of suspense . It's a bit crazy and yet there is a bit of that, I can't precisely explain why.

As much as I love the cold, I have often been uncomfortable with long winter coats: too long, too heavy, too warm, too bulky? I dream of a Pokéball in which I could put absolutely everything that bothers me when walking : bags, luggage, clothes that you don't know what to do with when you're too hot and more generally all the more or less useful things that we take with us when we become prudent and cautious.

Fortunately, by reading your messages and feeling your curiosity about coats, something has calmed down a little for me in that regard.

So I started looking more seriously, just like you or like Nicolò through his quest for the ideal light coat . The few finds I made gave rise to nuggets like this duffle coat from the Thomas Farthing brand:

brown wool duffle coat thomas farthing

Or even here , through this magnificent pea coat from the SEH Kelly brand :

tobacco wool peacoat

Not very long coats , after all. And rather brown in color . I've been thinking about it for more or less two years.

I admit: I was on the verge of falling for the SEH Kelly model. But I still wisely stayed there, until this moment in the summer of 2021 when I finally recognized it. It was obviously the coat I needed:

hazelnut coat with ecru turtleneck
Love at first sight, or something like “siren song”. It can't really be explained either, except that there's brown in it and that this room reminds me of lots of films that I like. So you don't always have to go very far to find what suits you. You just have to let the evidence come to you.

A thrill on Halloween night, so that's how this coat reminds me. How long will I resist him? Probably as much as it takes to decide to turn the heating back on. But the release is imminent. And you, tell me: where are you in your coat search?

Jérôme Olivier Jérôme Olivier
Jerome Olivier, cinema, velvet and rock'n'roll

Former wine merchant and pocket rock critic, great lover of films and Siberian cats, I create emails and I am interested in the little stories that go with clothes.

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