Disclaimer: As you know, we receive many requests for advice by email every day, which we always respond to with pleasure 😉
To reconnect with this good old tradition of BonneGueule readers' letters, we are going to tackle two very different themes today. The first, atypical, deals with dreadlocks, while the second focuses on a more recurring (and quite widespread) question: the shapes of pairs of sneakers.
Come on, we're off!
How do I integrate my dreadlocks into my outfit for a good look?
"Good morning,
I have a scalp that annoys me (curly hair, impossible to comb, looking like a big mess. Type of hair that ruined part of my youth at school).
I have reached a point in my life where I have to make a certain choice: either keep my hair as it is and look like a white Jackson 5 , or continue to shave my head and look like a soldier, or I have it. let it grow. My 3rd solution therefore leads, thanks to the magic of Mother Nature, to the formation of dreadlocks.
I've been wearing long dreadlocks for over 5 years, which are cleaner than Mr. Clean (who is bald by the way, what a paradox). My hairdresser, for whom I pay a lot, will confirm my words.
One question remains existential in my mind, how to combine fashion and this type of hair in order to finally escape from the cliché: "You have dreadlocks, so you obviously wear harem pants, and you knit your headbands yourself while listening to Bob Marley ". I'll spare you the thoughts on my style like: "Hey! You dress pretty classy for a Rasta!".
I have to manage quite alone to find clothes that go with the image I want to give (Hollister, Superdry, Tommy Hilfiger, and Abercrombie are among the brands I like). Indeed, I find that there is very little information on fashion and this type of hair (just type "Dreadlocks Fashion" on Google).
I know my question is vague, but maybe you have examples, like some type of beanie or whatever... Or maybe you've had the case of dreadlocked men getting a makeover.
Thank you for your response to my request.
Hello Thomas,
Your question is extremely interesting, and to be honest, it's the first time we've been asked it! Let it be said, the Rasta look is not necessarily the most fashionable today. That being said, if dreads are your choice, then why not! But suddenly, we are indeed entitled to ask ourselves “how to mix style and dreadlocks?” » . However, the two are not incompatible, and that's what I'm going to try to prove to you today.
Playing on contrasts and sobriety
Dreads are by definition a hairstyle that attracts attention but which, beyond their flashy appearance, suffer from a fairly negative image. Indeed, we tend to imagine a guy with locks weaving a hemp bag, just to match his poncho. As a result, natural/ethnic inspired outfits should be avoided, so as not to fall into the caricature side of Rasta...
Playing with contrasts is therefore essential, particularly in terms of volume. You can't sport a lot of hair volume on your head, and pieces with generous cuts on your silhouette. You should really avoid wide cuts, and prefer lines that are fairly close to the body.
To counterbalance with the Rasta imagination and “break it”, fitted cuts will not be enough. The second main thing to take into account is sobriety: wear elegant, refined and modern pieces.
In fact, dreads are a strong piece in their own right. And as we explained to you in the article how to wear a strong piece , you can either calm it down by focusing on sobriety, or complete it. For now, this is the first option that you should choose, at the risk of overloading your look otherwise. In the same spirit, limit accessories: at the risk of repeating myself, you have to be careful to stay sober!
Dreadlocks and men's fashion: some inspirations
The sophisticated high-end looks adopted by brands like Dior, Acne, La Comédie Humaine, Marchand Drapier, or even WooYoungMi , are good sources of inspiration , halfway between pieces with formal DNA and others more urban. It's really a very good source of inspiration.

When Dior goes to locks... The whole thing is dressy and without overload, but sophisticated and modern (in terms of the cuts and shoes, in particular). The dreads also give him a real touch of character!
Note from Benoit: to wear dreadlocks, you absolutely must contrast the very “relaxed” spirit of this hairstyle with structured and modern pieces. I've already seen a few looks with dreads, the result can be very nice. The reference in this area is called Norwegian Rain . You should get your inspiration from him!
This is clearly not the time to wear linen shirts or go oversized.
Samuel Larsen, an actor known for proudly wearing this hairstyle, is a good example of balancing style and dreads, even if his style is super on point.

Larsen wears a contrasting outfit here: a decidedly raw touch with the boots and the leather jacket, which counterbalances well with the elegance of the shirt and bow tie. As for his hairstyle, he wears it like a real accessory.
In a more mature register, you can also take inspiration from the look of T Michael ( not to be confused ), to whom Benoît is referring. Look :

T Michael proves to us that for a structured look, you don't have to go for dark shades: the whole thing is no less well designed. Also look at his winter look at Pitti , the color of his costume is magnificent.
In short, the main challenge when you have dreads is to manage to detach yourself from the “roots” image, which is almost inseparable from this hairstyle. Elegance and sobriety, really without overdoing details, undoubtedly remain the best solution.
How to choose the shape of your sneakers?
"Hi !
It's a sneaker problem that brings me today. In fact, the problem is that I don't know exactly what I want or don't want :/. I've made several pairs of Redskins, but I want to get out of black. Until now, it is towards this type of model that I have gravitated:
I'm looking more for colors like gray, brown, even blue or red; but in very neutral tones. Nothing flashy, and overall looks good (to wear as a casual outfit, with jeans to go to school and around town during the day, I have other pairs for going out in the evening).
In these, for example, it was the general tone of brown and blue that I liked:
On these below, I like the sole which is not too huge, the visual appearance of the leather, but not the color, because the tones are too dark. They probably won't add anything to the outfit :/
Otherwise I don't really like Nike, Adidas, Puma and company; for the sporty side that is necessarily reflected by the mere presence of the brand logo.
I hope you have enough information to roughly understand what I'm looking for, don't hesitate if you're missing anything!
Thank you in advance for your response, have a good evening!
Sneakers with a hybrid design: we ban!
Thank you for this email Arnaud, this is one of the questions we are asked most frequently. The thing, in fact, is that we don't think the same way when buying a pair of sneakers and "classic" shoes.
However, many people are wrong at this level, so much so that we find ourselves faced with a hybrid model, falsely - but then really falsely - versatile.
The design takes elements of both a derby and a sneaker. But ultimately, what is it? A sneaker? A shoe ? A sneaker? Anyway, I'll stop, you understand me. This pair is just awful.
You really need to distinguish between the two, choose either a pair of shoes or a pair of sneakers , but not a mix of the two! It's necessary to choose !
Beyond this aspect, choosing sneakers with an assertive streetwear DNA is an excellent way to bring relaxation to your looks.

A fairly sharp street outfit (look at the pants), rather relaxed, where sneakers fit perfectly. Sneakers are "really" sneakers, they don't seek to provide a source of elegance and that makes all the difference.
In this regard, some of you have also already told us of your concerns regarding the thickness of the sole. Rest assured, this is completely normal, because this thickness is essential for its assembly. Not to mention that it's not really noticeable from an outside point of view (especially since we see your sneakers from above, and not at ground level), you won't have the appearance of wear wedges :).
On the other hand, I want to tell you that a pair of sneakers can also fit very well into a more sartorial outfit , as is for example the case in this article by Geoffrey, where he combines a suit and sneakers .

You see, sneakers add a little quirky twist to the outfit.
Note from Benoit: here we have a good example of a problem which only exists because the basic selection (of our reader friend) is bad. In this case, don't hesitate to look at other brands or the "sneakers" section of e-shops with the high-end selection like L'Exception or Mr Porter.
“Okay, but I don’t like sneakers!”
What to do when you don't like sneakers? Should we confine ourselves to formal shoes? Fortunately not, we can still bring relaxation in other ways!
In this case, opt for desert boot type models, which, while remaining quite chic, have a much more relaxed side. Derby shoes worn casually are a good alternative.
The tough guys can also opt for a pair of combat boots: more masculine shoes, which can give your looks a very appreciable adventurer aspect.

Without being in the total look, we see that the military-inspired coat and the combat boots echo each other nicely, but a good pair of sneakers would have just as much fit in!
Dreadlocks, sneakers: the results
My friends, if you sport a good mop of dreadlocks, or a resolutely original hairstyle, consider that it is an element in its own right of your outfit! Be careful not to overload it too much, it's a strong piece that you have on your head ;).
As for those who have difficulty choosing their pair of sneakers, remember that there are no half-measures: you choose either formal shoes or sneakers (or desert boots/combat boots, for the most refractory).