Tips: how to choose a tattoo for men?

Conseils : comment choisir un tatouage pour homme ?
More than ever, tattoos are everywhere. Of all ages, of all socio-professional categories. It is multiple on the places of the body where it is applied and on the patterns it represents. The choice is immense and everyone can find a tattoo to their liking. It was time for BonneGueule to recall the rules of a successful tattoo in a new very comprehensive guide.

Editor's note: this article was revised and updated by Lucas in March 2020.

No, tattooing is not exclusively reserved for fifty-year-olds riding Harleys, big American rappers and hyped-up footballers.

The image of tattoos has evolved significantly these days and that’s so much the better. We have too often seen it as the prerogative of marginal communities... or, on the contrary, of the redneck. From now on, it is a way of revealing one's personality and one's history , when it is not a pure work of art.

shirtless bearded man tattoo on arm

Whether one is sensitive to this style or not, one must recognize the mastery and technique required.

Received ideas about tattoos: between beliefs and myths?

However, we should not hide behind the excuse of meaning. It's a long debate that we find almost everywhere, and each time it's the same thing. We expect a story worthy of a US film and that's the drama.

Do you see who I'm talking about? This famous tattooed guy in the evening. But if, you know, the one who wears a short-sleeved tee to show off his new tattoo, or a super plunging V-neck to show off his new chicano on the pecs. This guy who is forced to justify himself, who wants to create charisma and who discredits his act.

So when you are looking for a tattoo idea , here are the thoughts you should NOT have:

  • “Ah, doesn’t that sound too hipster? » ;
  • “Ah, but this world-famous model/singer/athlete has something similar: I’m right”;
  • “It will make me more manly”;
  • “I could go to the beach without worries now”;
  • I’m too skinny/too fat to get a tattoo.”

So many bad thoughts in your head...

tattoos rapper lil wayne scene black sunglasses diamond ring

(Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

NB: We can take inspiration from Lil Wayne's street style... but not from his tattoos!

Do you really get a tattoo to please? Do you really want a tattoo to get compliments on? Do you really think you give the image of a real tough guy? Do you think that being tattooed will change your figure?

Sorry to disappoint you, tattooing is not a miracle cure! Besides, it is not a cure at all. It is an act of expression (of tastes, philosophies, messages, passions or thoughts), and it should be nothing else.

Finding inspiration for your tattoo

Finding inspiration for your tattoo is much easier than you think. The real difficulty is to give meaning to all of your inspirations.

At the beginning, we have an accumulation of images, meanings, words that have no real connection with each other. It can be a tagged wall, a color, a geometric figure, a work of art, textures seen in nature. You have to know how to make the connection between what you want and what you can do. This is the key.

tattoo parlor inspirations tattooed woman

Your tattoo artist will offer you a panel of designs if you don't have any inspiration.

The tattoo transcribes a “piece” of who you are. Your tattoo will say something. The simply “aesthetic” tattoo does not have the same objective as what we are talking about; it does not require in-depth thought as long as you are primarily looking to “decorate” a part of your body according to your tastes. Make a cuff with flowers, stars or small symbols, ideas are easier to find.

There is no minimum or maximum time to be ready to get a tattoo. A good methodology is to store images in a “tattoo inspirations” folder and update it as often as possible, deleting and adding as much as you want. Over time, if you are "right", something interesting will form and you will be able to start a project.

tattooed man arm

Tattoos usually say something about you and your personality.

If you know someone who can help you tie these elements together, don't hesitate to spend some time with them. An artist, a writer, someone who has reflexes of assimilation and assembly. It can also be an architect or a musician.

Different sites have also been created in recent years.

Give yourself the means to create a unique identity for this tattoo by bringing the sensitivity and eye of someone who corresponds to the spirit you want to give.

How to choose your tattoo artist?

1. Where to get a tattoo?

Officially, all over the world, there are places to get inked everywhere. Unofficially, it is not so obvious.

For example, it is out of the question to set foot in tattoo parlors that do not respect hygiene measures . Also avoid these new “tattoo concept stores” with red walls, deer heads on the wall and tattoo catalogs . Or the kind of shop in seaside resorts and tourist districts that ink from tribal to chain.

Tattoo needle equipment

The equipment must be new and sterilized: the tattoo artist generally opens it in front of you.

For a first piece, except if it is a big project, also absolutely avoid all-artist tattooists, who will respond to you via email by automatic message:

No discussion before, no appointment, you will see your drawing the same day. View our calendar to schedule a session.

You risk turning away and enduring the tattoo artist's tastes more than anything else.

Everything is therefore a question of dosage, you must feel integrated into the creation but not to the point of not leaving part of the field free to your tattooist. Remember that they are artists first and foremost. They must be able to express themselves in their art, you would insult them by asking them to copy and paste.

2. The price of a tattoo

First of all, you have to be prepared to have to pay a certain amount of money to have a quality tattoo. Getting a tattoo is not a trivial action (at least at first). The more difficult the surface is to ink and the more detail you want, the higher the price.

As tattoo artists are mostly paid by the hour, an overall estimate of the cost of your project is possible. Prices vary depending on a tattoo artistʼs experience, reputation and demand. For around €150 per hour, you will find many very competent tattooists, knowing that it takes up to several dozen hours for “large” pieces.

tattoo man body

Large pieces take time and are done over several sessions.

Below €80, you risk being disappointed: the stitching technique, the ink used and the material will undoubtedly be less efficient. You will regret it a few years later, when you see the ink take on a strange color and the contours of the tattoo become less precise, widening a little.

We can never repeat it enough: you will keep a tattoo for life . Price is therefore not the priority criterion. If it is for you, then don't get a tattoo: you probably have better things to do with your money.

3. Which tattoo artist to choose?

You must choose a tattoo artist who knows how to stitch: that is to say with real lines without burrs, very uniform and without this impression of ink blocks.

Generally, each tattoo artist has a very specific style. So choose your tattoo artist based on their style. You wonʼt have the idea of ​​asking a mechanic to help you choose your 31 outfit. Here, itʼs the same, you wonʼt go to a tattoo artist specializing in Japanese sleeves to do a biomechanical style tattoo.

tattooist salon bearded man overalls

Observe the walls of the living room and chat with them to get a nice overview of their work.

Then you have the real artists. Guys for whom we are prepared to wait at least a year, even years, and above all to save a lot. You are sure to have an exceptional and unique piece. This kind of thing is best reserved for a large project. I assure you, they do not accept everyone and only take on projects that motivate them and that bring them profit: a sleeve or a completely covered back, for example.

After a discussion with a renowned tattoo artist during a salon, his wife said that he couldn't even get sick during the year because his schedule was set over several years.

Once you find your tattoo artist, you're good to go!

The different styles of tattoos for men

1. Japanese and Asian tattoos

A major and most popular style in the West: inspiration from traditional images of this region, Chinese dragons, fish, flowers, lettering...

There are fundamental rules in this style, a lot of meanings present. Some people take years to get a full body Japanese tattoo.

tattoo asian man white tank top shows gold

2. The old school/new school influence

Most of the inspirations come from the 50s and 60s with, for example, pin-up drawings (yes!), boats, ribbons, marine symbols, roses, the famous spider web... We recognize them immediately thanks to the famous stroke.

Mainly linked to rock culture, we see many with a recurring English influence which revives the style. There are also some old school tattoo artists who move towards cartoons. This is the kind of tattoo that you really have to take on.

old school pirate rose tattoo for men shoulder

3. Biomechanical aesthetics

It is made up of mechanical, organic and biological elements. It is a style of tattoo that is quite present in certain communities, which is very inspired by the world of science fiction.

There is often a robotic part covered by human tissue or a mixture of human/alien tissue. There is a real effect with the skin and the patterns which give the impression of a transformation.

4. Lettering

This is a perfect style for a first tattoo , lettering with a well-chosen font on one side can be perfect in addition to being inexpensive. On the other hand, we can quickly fall into the has-been R'n'B singer cliché.

Rock roll hands lettering tattoo

Is not it ?

5. Tribal/Polynesian influence

Originally a tradition with real meanings , sometimes very harsh, not to be underestimated depending on the countries you go to.

Unfortunately, our times have killed this style: traditional cuffs are sometimes sublime but are now ridiculed, unless they have corresponding origins. Otherwise, it won't happen.

Polynesian Marquesan tattoo

The Marquesan tattoo has been an integral part of Polynesian culture for centuries.

6. (Hyper) realistic tattooing, portraits and reproductions

Based on original portraits or creations, certain inspirations are based on a multitude of cultural references, whether on the Renaissance, religions, lifestyle, decoration or even geography.

There is also a sub-style oriented towards hyper realism, recognizable by very specific features which transcribe reality as faithfully as possible.

We play a lot on gray nuances, shadows, details. We also play on exaggeration, simple innocuous portraits are transformed into masterpieces.

realistic eye tattoo

7. Graphic tattoos (dot work, drawings, geometric patterns, original creations, graphics)

In the majority of cases, you will start with a “unique” piece. The best tattoo artists of this genre are usually very good at graphics . Itʼs very difficult to imagine something concise and clear in this style, these are truly original creations.

graphic shoulder tattoo for men

How to properly prepare your tattoo?

Lots of rest beforehand. No drugs, no alcohol.

Above all, don't think of pain as if it were insurmountable. You have to accept the pain and not fight against it.

1. Breathe well following the artist's method

Some tattoo artists will only stop very briefly during the session, others will do the opposite. Take peeks during the session to overcome your anxiety and understand how it works.

We all have limits, remember that some areas are very painful and you have to be prepared to feel it. The inside of the fingers, for example.

Don't hesitate to bring your laptop or smartphone to watch a film, without your reactions to it disturbing the tattoo artist. Be careful though, this is not everyone's opinion, as Erwan, a tattooed reader, points out:

Some tattoo artists (including some tattooed like me) will take it badly if you spend your entire session on your book or your phone. It's a lack of respect to not be interested in how your tattoo is done. It's also a moment of exchange (whether the tattoo artist talks or not, you exchange money for ink). In a sense, a session allows you to take your time and enjoy the time that passes.

back tattoo artist

Bringing something to entertain yourself with the tattoo artist can help you cope with the pain.

The tattoo will age differently depending on its color, its area, your lifestyle and the expertise of the tattoo artist.

Which areas to choose for a men's tattoo?

The area, let’s talk about it. As a man or in the process of becoming one, there are certain areas to favor and others to particularly avoid. .

1. Places to avoid

We strongly advise against the neck and face , just in relation to your job search: it can be disabling. If he's big, it looks fake gangster. If it is small, we still wonder why you wanted to get a tattoo if it is to inscribe an English word or a first name. Not subtle and a bit “keke”.

neck tattoo for men dark t-shirt black hat

Yes, the tiger on the neck is not recommended.

2. Areas to favor

Cuff (full arm), forearm, upper arm, back, sides : the key areas of the male anatomy. The possibilities are numerous, interesting and you will be completely in the spirit of a tattooed person.

Don't look for half measures. You want to express your personality, tell a story. So no need for little symbols behind the ear: make a Japanese cuff, a realistic chest or lettering on the upper back.

3. Delicate areas

Calves, hands and chest to consider in case of a real artistic project. They are too often chosen to stick a big mahori/tribal, Arabic lettering, etc. Above all, you will seem like a singer in need of recognition.

Integrate these areas into a larger tattoo or if you already have a good portion of your body tattooed.

Hands tattoo for men

Here, the tattoo on the hand completes those on the body.

How to maintain your tattoo?

Very important, this is what will give your tattoo its first breath. The healing period can be catastrophic for some people. It is therefore essential not to do anything.

A tattoo requires minimal maintenance, it is an act that does more harm than good to the skin. After getting inked, you will feel a little irritated and swollen. This is completely normal, the skin will peel a little afterwards. After two to three hours, you will need to wash and clean the entire tattooed area, using dabbing and not rubbing (especially not).

Apply ointment, vaseline or olive oil as a poultice and put on your medical film (be careful, no cling film). Repeat the operation three times a day, don't forget this before going to bed.

Same thing the next day. In most cases, you will no longer need a dressing after 48 hours (sometimes even after 12 or even 24 hours). Now it is possible to still be embarrassed: in this case, do as the two previous days.

NEVER expose your tattoo to the sun for the first few weeks.

Sun tattoo for men

Keep your tattoo away from the sun at first, it will delay healing.

Do not scratch the scabs, otherwise some touch-ups will unfortunately not be possible, and you may even have holes in your tattoo. No swimming during the first ten days. Maximum hydration during the first 10 days.

Overall, after 7-10 days, your skin will have almost completely returned to its initial appearance and you will only have some small redness which will fade very quickly.

Never forget that the better your tattoo artist is and knows how to stitch, the better your tattoo will age and become more beautiful.

A good idea would therefore be to work on the background of the drawing as a whole - for example with a graphic designer - but to leave free rein to your tattoo artist on a majority of the shape, who will add something "racy" and characteristic.

Failed tattoos

Errors are common, no need to search for long. Just take a look while walking down the street. The Chinese sign on the wrists, the enormous tribal chosen from the catalog on the biceps, the lettering in questionable English on the upper torso, the “cheap” dragon which goes up to the calves.

Tattoo man first names biceps red t-shirt gold curb

We remind you just in case: don't get a tattoo of the first name of your great love.

You will understand, even if it is not necessary to have an intense “reflection” and to go there gradually, try to start on a solid basis and not get tattooed just for the hype.

Humorous tattoos are in questionable taste and will only make your friends laugh (shout out to Homer Simpson tattoos). You are free to take it on at the beach afterwards.

How to integrate a tattoo into a man's look?

A tattoo is a real plus when it is fully assumed, you must be aware that it will become your skin in its own right.

Starting from the principle that your tattoo is an extension of you, a part and a reflection of you, just like your style... you quickly understand that the two combined form a unique cocktail. If you are connected, you will really exude an astonishing charisma. As long as your tattoo is visible.

Nick Wooster tattoos arm jinbei black sunglasses

(Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)

Brightly colored in an outfit with dark shades, the tattoos enhance the whole look.

You can wear a Monoprix tank, faded jeans with slightly damaged black ankle boots. If your tattoo is a sleeve that resembles “you”, your style will be enhanced. Your tattoo will be the highlight of your outfit.

A tattoo can add a little craziness to your formal outfits for example.

Pascal Bagot, the tattoo guy

A journalist specializing in tattoos and travel, I am passionate about the mysteries of tattoo culture in Japan where artisans have elevated skin dressing to the rank of art. Custom-made, of course! To follow me on Instagram: @pascalbagot

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