fellow blogger but also the creator of a brand new blog dedicated to another of his passions: Tattoo Culture . Hearing about the launch of his new site, I offered to write a guide, and he was kind enough to accept. Manuel it's yours!It would be very pretentious to write the ultimate guide to tattooing for men , as the subject is vast and above all personal.
Like men's fashion where more or less you have style or you don't, tattooing is such a subjective practice that it is very difficult to establish precise standards.
However, if tattooing is above all an intimate practice, it also reveals many things about the person who wears it.
The democratization of tattooing in recent years has also seen the emergence of a number of charlatans with more or less dubious practices. Because tattooing is above all something irreversible, we therefore offer you some common sense advice to approach this stage as calmly as possible.

An essential step when choosing to get a tattoo, hygiene conditions must be respected by your tattoo artist. You must avoid like the plague any professional who does not respect all of these rules or who responds evasively to your questions.
Performing a tattoo is, in fact, an aggressive act for the skin, which must be carried out in aseptic conditions (no need for sterile conditions).
Here are some rules that will allow you to see if your tattoo artist is someone serious.
- Needles: these are single-use and must be opened in front of you.
- Gloves: wearing single-use gloves is also essential. These must be removed as soon as the tattooist comes into contact with an object foreign to the creation of the tattoo in progress.
- Plastic film: it is recommended to use plastic film to protect the work surface, the light, the caps or the spray bottle containing the antiseptic solution.
- The place: the place where the tattoo artist works must be relatively protected. No need to be in an operating room but it is better to avoid getting a tattoo right in front of the salon door where every 5 minutes someone comes in to say hello...

Yes and no.
If you are going to get a tattoo for the first time, learn how to answer this question, you will be asked it throughout your new life as a tattooed person! 🙂

Again, a crucial question when getting a tattoo for the first time. A few years ago, the shoulder blade, lower back or ankle were the most popular locations for a first piece. For some time now, whether you are a man or a woman, Tattoo Culture .