Tips: How to accessorize an outfit (belts, watches, ties, etc.)?

Conseils : Comment accessoiriser une tenue  (ceintures, montres, cravates, etc.) ?

You have now mastered basic clothing, that's very good. But maybe you want to move up a gear: have a more personal style. The simplest solution? Accessories, which allow you to achieve this effectively, without taking too great a financial risk in the event of an artistic failure.

So take a paper and a pencil: let's take an overview of the possibilities available to you (and we're not copying our neighbor, I'm watching you, we're talking about personalizing our approach)! Accessories are the perfect way to express your own sensitivity.

Accessories that accompany us all year round

Moreover, this category of accessories - in addition to bringing personality - also has a practical role. It is therefore necessary to find the right balance between aesthetic aspect and functional aspect.

The most elegant belts for men

The belt is necessarily one of the first accessories we will look at since you can wear it all year round. And with all kinds of stockings! Chinos, suit pants, shorts, jeans...

Above all, know that a beautiful belt should not be too imposing, at the risk of appearing crude or ostentatious. The most elegant ones are generally quite thin and the buckle should also be discreet. Choose it in beautiful vegetable-tanned leather which will give you a beautiful patina over time.


Make sure the leather on your belt is of quality and also remember to maintain it :)

Should I match my belt and shoes? Ideally yes. The colors should at least match each other: brown belt with brown shoes. On the other hand, you can take a little more freedom when it comes to materials. A smooth leather belt will not necessarily clash with suede leather shoes, if the colors match.

There are also canvas belts, less elegant but which fit easily into casual chic outfits . They are also ideal for wearing in summer with Bermuda shorts or chinos. They will give you more possibilities in terms of color: it's up to you to express your personality!

What about suspenders for men? Again, it all depends on your style. They have a retro side that can really set you apart and add value to your look if that is your personality. However, if you feel disguised with it, drop it immediately.

Wearing colored socks brightens up an outfit

Dare to wear colored socks, it's both discreet and quirky. The only rule to respect: never try to coordinate them with another element of your outfit. You can also try jacquard, Aztec, or even polka-dot patterned socks outside of the office. As long as you don't put cartoon drawings or the like, everything is fine! Yeah, even good old SpongeBob.


Nothing in the outfit reminds us of yellow socks. This is not a lack of taste, on the contrary!

Also be careful of socks that are too short and reveal your calf when you sit down. It's not aesthetic.

As for white socks, we tend not to recommend them because they look too sporty. With a suit, it's forbidden. Now, again, if this fits into personal style, streetwear or otherwise, why not.


Here, wearing white socks is clearly justified by the person's very marked streetwear style. Be careful though, the exercise is dangerous and reserved for the most experienced. (Credits: PAUSE)

A watch should not be too imposing

Here is the error I see most often. The watch is the last detail that will fuel your style, the icing on the cake (more of a melon here). In the same way as with bracelets, the watch must be personal : it adapts to your body shape, your style, your mentality and especially your wrist.


The watch has nothing to do with the outfit and remains far too bulky.

Shopping tip: To choose a watch that fits, make sure the watch lugs (the vertical ends that hold the strap) do not exceed the width of your grip. If so, it's too big.


Luca wears a LIP watch, the size of which fits his wrist very well.

Regarding the use of bracelets, leather is very good for winter but much less pleasant in summer (the volume of your wrist can increase with the heat). When it's hot, opt for a NATO or a metal bracelet.

To go further, here are two articles on how to choose your watch .

Bracelets also suit men

We have already written an entire article on men's jewelry , but keep in mind that bracelets - rings and other jewelry too if mastered - allow you to express your own sensitivity. Depending on whether you choose stones, leather, metal... you won't say the same thing about yourself.


They really add depth to the outfit.

Don't hesitate to add color to a simple outfit with these accessories. A turquoise ring or a bracelet made of colorful jasper beads will change the overall look of a dark outfit. In short, just one word on the question of jewelry: treat yourself!

Of course, always staying within the measure. No need to have a whole sleeve of bracelets or rings on each finger. 😉

Sartorial accessories are no longer reserved for costumes

We are seeing more and more accessories like ties or pocket squares worn in everyday outfits, without necessarily being associated with a suit. They have become real accessories that you can play with to build original and personal outfits.

The tie: easier to wear than it seems

The tie is not only intended for suits for the office , or for wedding outfits. So, I know that we are often skeptical about the idea of ​​wearing a tie every day, but it is an accessory that brings an extra touch of elegance without necessarily giving the impression of trying too hard.


Tie and duffle coat go well together, here with a very beautiful herringbone pattern. Credits: The Bespoke Dudes.

Especially since the choice of a tie can be very personal , as there are all kinds (and all colors): plain, knitted, patterned, etc.

In recent years, it's interesting to see that brands have been offering other alternatives (hand-knitted wool ties, chambray, mottled jersey, etc.), in addition to traditional silk, silk/wool ties. , wool/cashmere that we know very well.


The mustard color awakens the palette of blues.

The bow tie: less easy to wear, but more fun

I know, you will tell me that I preach for my parish. But make no mistake, I don't wear a lot of bow ties. In short, it's another debate. Once and for all: stop putting up barriers saying that it's the trendy accessory, hype and so on, and that you're going to overdo it if you opt for a bow tie.

First of all, because it's not true: this accessory has become popular. A trend, as its name suggests, is temporary: it's already been 2-3 years since the bow tie trend ended (see the catwalk photos). And even so, free yourself from trends, dress freely: you will feel much better 😉 .


And Nick Wooster understood that well! Here he wears a matching bow tie and seersucker jacket. (Credits: Soletopia.)

The bow tie reminder is here.

The clutch is easy to wear and enriches a look

The little bag can liven up your outfit in a subtle way. For example with a tweed blazer, to give it a more contemporary touch (and give depth to your outfit). Also called a “pocket handkerchief”, it can also help you in the event of stress or an untimely rush. .

There are endless colors and patterns. Only rule: don't match pocket square and tie. It's too redundant, lacks subtlety and gives off a "panoply" effect. Note, however, that the white pocket square is the safest choice to start with: it goes with everything!

To find out more about wearing a clutch, do not hesitate to read our complete guide on the subject . And do not forget ! The pocket square is not reserved for wearing a suit. It can be worn with any blazer, worn mismatched with jeans, chinos, etc.

mismatched-casual-chic clutch

The white pouch, a sure value!

Note: Don't come and tell me that this type of accessory (like a tie or bow tie could be) looks dandy. This word is so overused today that it no longer means anything. Dandyism is more than just a style, it is a real art of living which is very difficult to apply these days: let us be very clear on that!

What about the tie clip and cufflinks? Personally, I find that cufflinks are a little too much : to be worn only on special occasions (like a wedding). Regarding tie clips, there are no rules, it really depends on the taste of the person. I wore it before but it passed me by.

These elements can quickly become distasteful if you overdo them. It is therefore a question of choosing them relatively discreet if you like them and not taking out all the paraphernalia at the same time.


The attention to detail (and accessories) taken to the extreme. We are swimming in bad taste here.

Winter accessories: practical and stylish

They allow you to combine business with pleasure, so treat yourself here too :)

The scarf: to keep you warm in winter, but not only that!

Sometimes you don't really know how to wear your scarf: it weighs you down more than anything else. The mistake not to make is wanting to control the slightest folds and overlaps. Don't worry and trust your instinct: the result will be natural. A deliberately neglected way of wearing it will be perfect!

If you have a more workwear style (or want to take inspiration from it), needless to say that the striking “blue” scarf is prohibited. “Earth” colors will do the trick (brown, khaki, sand beige). Or to put it simply, take a gray scarf, it will go with everything.


Wearing the scarf freely gives verticality and volume to the coat (and therefore lengthens the silhouette).

In terms of colors: no restrictions. Don't worry about necessarily wanting to match it with the rest of your outfit. Same, you can choose it with patterns as long as they are stylish and reflect your personality .

A nice pair of gloves to face the cold

Gloves are essential in winter to protect yourself from the cold. And if the weather warms up a little, you can easily wear them as an accessory in the front pocket of a jacket.


A very widespread practice at Pitti, in fact.

Smooth leather, suede, nubuck... The choice is yours. We still recommend that you match them to your shoes but, if you choose a more original color, you can very well match them with other elements of your outfit (such as the tie, the bracelet of a watch or even the patina of a shoe).

There are also mesh gloves but these are less durable over time and easily absorb water. To find out everything about how to choose and wear men's gloves: click here .

Hats and bonnets: accessories that you need to know how to master

The hat is easier to wear, the other hats a little less so. Personally, I like to wear rabbit felt hats to cover myself in the winter. It's an accessory that I really like, although it's difficult to wear today. It is often too much in certain looks where we could favor the hat.

If this accessory matches your personality then why are you depriving yourself of it? That said, if it catches your eye because you see it everywhere but it doesn't match your style, what's the point! Again, a matter of style and personal taste here.


Luca prefers beanies, I prefer hats, each to his own 😉

Explore, try and embrace it!

You now have the basics to personalize your style. To begin, you can choose to focus on one or more accessories at a time : it's up to you according to your personality and the environment in which you operate. To permanently improve your style (or refine it), remember these 3 points:

  • Explore : we find inspiration every day, whether in the street, on public transport (the metro remains my favorite playground) or on the Internet. Be observant!
  • Give it a try : once your ideas have matured, it’s time to take action. Don't be afraid to dare, to wear something completely new. You may make mistakes (like everyone) but at least you will refine your look and your style.
  • Take responsibility : you have the scarf, and so do the ways to wear it. You even experience a certain pleasure in mixing your accessories into your outfits and your style improves (for example, you get more compliments). Continue like this, and push a little further if you feel like it! Conversely , a failure has slowed you down: don't lose confidence and continue to discover new patterns, new colors/materials. Persistence always pays off. 😉

Conclusion: good reasons to master accessories

  • Accessories add extra character to your outfit in a subtle way (always in small touches).
  • They allow you to personalize your outfit at a lower cost .
  • You can really choose accessories that suit you: the offer is clearly unbridled (there is something for everyone).
  • You can quickly get a taste for it and enjoy developing a more original style . Beyond the primary function of dressing so as not to go out bare buttocks, clothing and accessories can make room for daring and creativity.

Last thing: although we love Booba, we are less fans of 50 Cent-style streetwear . You understand, ostentatiousness is prohibited 😉

Hey, we also make accessories!

Florian Deveaux, loves customers as much as Arsenal

I love the details of beautiful fabrics and accessories that subtly communicate a state of mind. I have also been passionate about football since my early childhood (I know, we are not perfect).

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