How to choose your umbrella?

It won't have escaped anyone's attention: the weather isn't exactly good these days. Unless we stay under the covers – which we have all considered – we will have to equip ourselves to deal with it.

With a little luck, you have a coat with a sufficiently covering hood that stays in place. Otherwise, you can opt for a headgear , but it protects more from the cold than from bad weather. This is all the more the case with rain, against which the ideal ally is... the umbrella.

The problem is that it is difficult to navigate: what are the differences between models at €20 and others at €200? Rather straight or folding umbrella? What are the criteria to observe? Which brands should you turn to?

That’s what we’re going to ask ourselves!

Anatomy of an umbrella

Whatever the umbrella, it will always consist of the same parts. Above all, it is the materials chosen that will make the difference.

The mast and the handle

The mast is a bit like the spine of the umbrella, onto which all the other parts will be attached.

Usually it is made of metal or wood. The first will be more fragile but will gain in flexibility , compared to the second, rigid but more solid.

The pole fits into the handle. That said, on some high-end models, both are carved from a single piece of wood.

Jupiter model from the Ayrens brand, with mast and handle hand carved from a single piece of maple. At €660, it is also equipped with a GPS chip. Yes yes...

The Web

Most are made of nylon or polyester, for waterproofing.

During my research, I read that the polyester versions were preferred but I cannot confirm this. That said, the most high-end brands – we will come back to this in the selection – do indeed tend to turn towards this option.

When it comes to design, you can find absolutely everything.

You can also find some rare blends made from cotton or silk. Conversely, those benefiting from technical treatments are more and more numerous.


These are the "rods" which connect the canvas to the mast and deploy once the accessory is opened, giving it its shape.

When an umbrella "is broken", it is often because a whale has given way. Those made of steel are the most fragile, prefer carbon or fiberglass. Their flexibility makes these materials less brittle.

There are 8 ribs for the classic versions. The more there are, the more wind resistant it will be.

Wind resistance depends on the number of whales.

The different types of umbrella

We retain two main types.

First, the right umbrella. Also called a "cane umbrella", it ends with a stem that can hit the ground when you walk.

It is the most elegant of the alternatives , in addition to being durable. Only problem: its lack of practicality.

The total height of a straight umbrella ranges between 90 and 100 cm.

It is opposed to the folding umbrella. Certainly less aesthetic, its format makes it much more practical.

Compact, you can carry a folding umbrella around without constraints. That said, it has a smaller canvas than the straight models, therefore a smaller protective surface.

There is a third category: the golf umbrella, designed to provide shelter for two people. Imposing, it is not suited to an urban context.

Think about its use

Before making your choice, ask yourself how you will use your umbrella.

For example, if you don't like taking up space, a folding model is what you need. The same if you are simply looking for “additional protection”. On the other hand, if you travel by car, or you don't mind holding a cane, why not take a straight umbrella?

On the price side, there is also a trade-off to be made. Will you be careful? Do you want an object with a sophisticated design? Are you the type to lose it?

Personally, I forget my umbrella every time I sit on the terrace. For this reason, I will have to pass on this sublime Il Marchesato model with a cobra-shaped handle...

Take the time to think about it to make your choice as wisely as possible!

Tips for recognizing the quality of an umbrella

Obviously, the selected subjects will be the first indicator .

Also check the uniformity of the canvas , that it does not present any defects. For this, use a light source and pass it below. Imperfections will show.

As with any piece of fabric, the regularity of the seams here also gives us an indication of the quality. At the bottom, the edges of the canvas must be reinforced to prevent it from fraying.

If you can, open and close your umbrella several times to test the “fluidity” of its mechanism. But not indoors, it brings bad luck!

A few words about style

When it comes to style, there is no universal rule.

You can't go wrong with a navy blue, black, dark green model...

Why not also go for light colors, just as easy, which change from the usual shades?

That said, the umbrella remains an accessory: we can therefore allow ourselves a little imagination . More and more effort is being made on the design of the canvas, playing with nuances and patterns.

Piganiol tartan umbrella . The colors are very sober, allowing the pattern to remain subtle, while bringing a little “something” to the object.

Foldable umbrellas are not left out. (Fulton)

If you want to go further, it can be used to introduce that touch of "unexpectedness", the little twist that changes an outfit.

Le Flageolet camouflage umbrella . In a casual outfit made up of sober pieces, why not!

The canary yellow umbrella complements the dressy look well, its shade clashing with the neutral tones of the rest of the outfit.

The shopping corner

  • Isotoner : without being phenomenal, the confection holds up. It's a very decent entry level.
  • Fulton : the British brand supplies the court of the Queen of England, which is rather reassuring in terms of the manufacturing. There is no risk-taking in the design, despite some patterned models.
  • Ayrens : dating from the end of the 19th century, the brand was honored with the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant label. There is a real plurality of styles, with a range of prices where everyone can find what they want.
  • Le Véritable Cherbourg : inspired by the film by Jacques Demy, the brand offers models made in France, manufactured with care. On the other hand, the range is limited.
  • Piganiol : another large French factory, it has been offering umbrellas made by hand in Aurillac since 1884.
  • Il Marchesato : manufacturer of my famous cobra umbrella, the Italian brand offers precious models in noble materials (crystal details, gold plated, etc.). Just for your viewing pleasure, I invite you to take a look!

The final word...

The umbrella is an accessory with real practical interest.

Depending on your habits and what you prefer, it's up to you to choose the most suitable format between straight and folding models. Stay vigilant about the quality of the materials and the care of the finishes.

Style-wise, you can't go wrong by opting for a plain and sober model. That being said, you can indulge in a little more fantasy and use it as a way to complete your looks. Manufacturers are competing with each other in inventiveness; we now find umbrellas for all tastes.

Now all you have to do is not forget it when you leave in the morning!

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