W.1910, the brand of virile adventurers

It was in 1910 that Monsieur Walter, a clothing manufacturer, created the very first leather jacket in the USA dedicated to bikers.

Far from the clean fitted jackets that we all know: cut with a scalpel and whose lambskin is as smooth as a baby's skin, this first jacket was made from odds and ends. We simply needed something durable enough to accompany American bikers, whose spirit of adventure remained intact even in the 20th century.

W.1910 thus invites us into the world of American bikers and their legends:
Steve McQueen or even James Dean.

It is this spirit that Mélanie Clémençon has taken up through her brand W.1910.

Each of the materials, finishes and patterns exude testosterone, and apart from taking out a pair of chain mail: you can hardly be more virile. This is normal, because in addition to the inspirations drawn from the beginning of the 20th century, the brand also looked to the world of motorcycles, as evidenced by its logo. The jackets are also similar to those worn by bikers for the very first motorcycle races.

Simple but manly.

We have a lot of respect for a brand
who shoots his coins at Wolverine.

Knowing absolutely nothing about it, I will briefly deal with this aspect, but basically you can even buy refurbished vintage motorcycles on the site!

W.1910 goes really far in this universe and even goes so far as to bring suspenders up to date, in collaboration with a specialized brand: Euskal8 (an extremely sophisticated traditional Basque workshop).

Jourden Checked Shirt Review

Let's talk more specifically about a specific model: it's the Jourden checked shirt. It is typical of the W.1910 spirit: the patterns are raw, very clear and the color contrasts very marked.

His particuliarity ? Its lambskin yoke on the back of the shirt and its wooden buttons. For me, it's the yoke that gives all the character of the shirt, this impression that it is made of odds and ends.

A bit as if a Canadian lumberjack had landed in Mad Max and had painstakingly sewn a leather patch to strengthen his shirt. The leather also has the merit of being very well made, in addition to being soft and having a slightly velvety feel.

If you have good shoulders, it will not fail to highlight them thanks to a clean and well-defined seam.

It's a good flannel shirt, but let's not forget that it's a summer model. The cotton flannel exudes quality, but it's also thin enough that you don't feel like you're wearing a fleece on you whenever it's over 20 degrees.

The last ingredient on this shirt is the wooden buttons. And we can really see from afar that it is an authentic, very natural wood and not plastic buttons whose color shades are close to a vague orange-yellow. You would almost believe that they have just been sculpted by a cabinetmaker and their light color gives a nice contrast to the darker checks of the shirt.

Even stylish bikers want practicality: hence the two chest pockets, with a fun trompe l'oeil effect at the closure and their wooden buttons.

How to wear the shirt?

So of course, there is the big brute option...

But not everyone has to go out at 5 a.m. to hunt wild boar with a bow to treat themselves to breakfast. So here is our alternative solution (bunch of little natures).

To really play on the Americana side: definitely with raw selvedge jeans with visible hems. For me, the raw selvedge jeans and the plaid shirt: it's a bit like Batman and Robin, minus the tights and the notorious sexual ambiguity.

If you've been following along, you know that Naked and Famous jeans are a benchmark in terms of rigidity. Be careful, however, if you are sensitive to heat: I would not venture to wear it above 22-23 degrees.

I really like this combination, especially with the color contrast of the brick red Mark McNairy GoodYear soles (in Vibram, as seen here .

To add a little substance, I like to add a t-shirt underneath with a slightly low neckline but in a neutral color to avoid a too busy outfit.

I would also avoid an immaculate white which would give an impression that is too clean and at odds with the virile adventurer spirit. The perfect color for this type of outfit is heather gray: almost as neutral as white, minus the cleanliness (and less mess).

You can also try layering with a patterned t-shirt: but you have to stay in the same register and keep it sober. We will always choose a neutral color and a dark pattern, not too colorful, and a little grunge to reinforce the adventurer side.

As always, we'll take a thin, slightly scooped neckline: that's all I found at Charlotte Sometimes, a designer who recounts her trip to California through her t-shirts: perfect for the Americana side. Available here .

About The Optimists

Thanks to The Optimists for allowing us to carry out this test.

We were also delighted to discover their selection of brands which are particularly suitable for those who appreciate the Americana style. The high-end Levi's collections (like Levi's Made and Crafted) are present there, as are the unforgettable Marc Mc Nairy and their orange soles.

Slightly less daring brands like Bérangère Claire are present for a more urban style, but also the Lyonnais from L'Arpenteur , the large luggage store from Bleu de Chauffe, our friend the Montreal " crazy denim maker ", but also You Must Create or Surface 2 Air. In short, basics that are a little sharp but solid and will last over time in terms of style.

Valery Khung, BonneGueule contributor

Always looking for the best possible value for money, I discuss purchasing methods and good deals on my site JamaisVulgaire. I also like Thai boxing and Rachmaninoff.

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