Find the right hat for your head

Trouvez le bon bonnet pour votre tête

When the cold arrives, the hat naturally becomes a key accessory in a winter outfit . As with many pieces, the current offering is very wide, and there is something for everyone. To clear up doubts and questions, we offer you some good advice. Hoping you won't catch a cold this winter .

1. The right color for your skin

Rather than unnecessarily sophisticated this subject, keep it simple : it’s case by case. There is no absolute truth about color choice. You have to try , try new things. However, it is important to have the basics: if necessary , here is a video (at the top of the article) and an article on color associations .

alva beanie turtleneck sweater

It is necessary to master the skin/hair contrast , otherwise the rest of the article will seem abstract to you. Keep in mind that brighter colors are a little "harsh" on fair skin. See this contrast as a detail, a compromise made between style and the “enhancement” of the face.

Good mouth
Good mouth

It may be tempting, but we don't recommend the hat-scarf pairing . This is surely a sneaky idea from brands who love to sell both in matching packs. Ultimately, it's the best way to hide your pretty face behind too much material and/or colors. At best, "it works", but the result is often... disappointing.

Generally speaking, matching colors with the coat, sweater, or other pieces close to the face are not the easiest to do . It is advisable to have enough contrasting elements on the top of the bust , otherwise you risk a "block" effect. On the other hand, as soon as the nuance is different, it becomes simple as pie.

ireland hat

A perfect match.

As said above, don't get lost in the trivial details . Choose a color that doesn't clash with your coat or your winter clothes , follow the tips above, and you have a 95% chance that it will work.

2. The right materials

At BonneGueule, we systematically advocate the benefits of natural materials . This is perhaps even more true when it comes to hats . Do you want to sweat from your forehead and find yourself with an itchy head every morning when you arrive at work or go to class? Of course not.

sweat cap

Another 100% polyester hat...

It all depends on the budget. If one can afford it, there are beanies including cashmere , silk , alpaca , fine and luxurious wools. For a smaller budget, you can start with merino , warm and durable, but less soft than its competitors.

paul binam yellow cervinia hat

The Cervinia hat, a clever blend (52% wool, 26% linen, 15% silk, 7% cashmere) to keep your occiput warm, available here .

3. Choose the right size

Despite the fact that it is often available in one size, the capricious hat does not adapt to all skull shapes. Depending on the size of our head, the effect is different . Keep in mind that one size does not mean “it’s universal and fits everyone” . Try to identify which types of hats best match your head size, your hair, if you have glasses... Once again, this is an inexact science, which is resolved on a case by case basis.

Good mouth

An ideal fit, with enough room for the hair and sunglasses, and enough air between the crown of the head and the hat.

4. Pro techniques

After having chosen the right hat, you must also wear it correctly. It is not enough to screw it on the top of the head for a successful look. When the hat is adapted to your head size, here are some tips to make sure you wear it well:

  • Let go over a wick of the hat. This helps harmonize the shape of your face, and restore the color contrast of the hat/skin tone that we talked about above. Suddenly you have a more natural complexion.
man black beanie wick
  • Allow your forehead to protrude as much as possible , orienting the cap so that it is tilted backwards . The hat is not screwed onto the top of your head, it follows the shape of your head to keep it warm.
men's taupe lodi beanie blue jacket
gray gabin hat

If your style allows it, the hat can be worn just placed on the head. You need the right haircut and the right hat, but it can add originality to your outfit. This is a technique used by many designers and models , which fits perfectly into a sportswear style, or a more sought-after sartorial style.

Good mouth
Good mouth

However, this remains a divisive subject. This is not a twist suitable for everyone's style, it is advisable that the hat placed remains consistent with the outfit . It's a bit like tucking your top into your pants: depending on the context, it's validated ... or not . Besides, we are interested in your opinion in the comments .

We hope that this little guide has taught you things about the hat, how to choose it well, and how to wear it well.

As we get to the bottom of things, here are our beanies for your ears :

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