“I wanted to capture the workwear style of my ancestors”: the interview with The Urban Hippie – Déclic #3

« Je voulais capturer le style workwear de mes ancêtres » : l’interview de The Urban Hippie – Déclic #3
The quest for the pants of my dreams – Carte blanche to… David Reading “I wanted to capture the workwear style of my ancestors”: the interview with The Urban Hippie – Déclic #3 Next How to be stylish in summer with few clothes? – Let’s Talk Clothes #48

(Cover photo credit: Svante Nybyggars by theurbanhippieswe : this is where you can regularly discover her looks with Tres Bien accents, a site based in Malmö. I know the people who run this e-shop. This is where I keep me informed of the latest news.

All generations have their preferences when it comes to style. I have nothing negative to say about what is happening today.

svante nybyggars the urban hippie outfit workwear blue white

© @streetphotomoffe

What do you think of the concept of an ideal wardrobe ?

The ideal is to be able to create lots of different outfits with your clothes. Today, I have a large wardrobe and I don't buy many new things anymore. The same goes for vintage. It's hard to find good vintage clothes, at least in Malmö. I would have to go to London or Paris.

My stylistic journey is something wonderful, which has given me a lot. People often recognize me in the streets of London or even in Tokyo. Since I was a little older, the media have been interested in me. Not only in Sweden but also internationally.

At the moment we are recording a documentary for Swedish national television. It's a documentary about me and another gentleman my age. The movie should be called “Big Boys.”

Jérôme Olivier Jérôme Olivier
Jerome Olivier, cinema, velvet and rock'n'roll

Former wine merchant and pocket rock critic, great lover of films and Siberian cats, I create emails and I am interested in the little stories that go with clothes.

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