Why French corduroy has not said its last word

Pourquoi le velours français n’a pas dit son dernier mot
Did you know ? French velvet almost disappeared... before being saved at the last minute. In this new report, we take you with us to Saint-Amarin at Velcorex: the one and only factory that still produces velvet in France.

In 2000, you could easily find woven corduroy clothing near you , as several French factories worked with this material. Today, you will have to look for your Made in France corduroy because only one and last factory makes it: Velcorex, located in Alsace.

But why did this real know-how almost disappear from our territory? And besides, how is corduroy made in France? To find answers to our questions, we went to report in Saint-Amarin. The opportunity to reveal to you all the secrets hidden behind this noble and timeless material.

Durability, quality, tradition, history and know-how : this is what French corduroy from Velcorex has to offer. These are also the reasons why we decided to use this local and unique factory in the world for our clothing, from the Cesena overshirt to our Bolton pants.

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Nawal Bonnefoy Nawal Bonnefoy
Nawal Bonnefoy, vintage forever

Addicted to vintage and in love with clothes that have a story, I love vinyl records and putting on makeup like a 60s star. A former consumer of fast-fashion, I now campaign for responsible fashion, and am slowly (but surely) building my sustainable wardrobe.

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