Value for money, style and cinema – Parlons Clothes, podcast #3

Rapport qualité-prix, style et cinéma – Parlons Vêtements, le podcast #3

Like every first Friday of the month, it's the day of your podcast Let's Talk Clothes, in the company of Benoît , David , Jordan and Jérôme .

Should we stop looking at value for money?

The quality-price ratio is widely debated within the editorial department. A subject that raises a lot of questions and comments. Some people are obsessed, obsessed with this subject. They only think about that and look for that. And Benoît is fed up with it , to the point of wanting to dedicate a video to it. Explanations.

To watch Benoît’s video on value for money, it’s here .

How has your style evolved in 5 years?

Do you remember what you were wearing five years ago? Is there an item of clothing that you wonder how you ever wore something like that? Or on the contrary, a piece that has been with you ever since and that you wouldn't part with for anything in the world. Have you adopted new colors, new cuts, new materials? We take stock with you of a five-year period of style.

To see three looks deciphered five years apart by Nicolò, it's here .

Was Sean Connery a stylish actor?

Sean Connery passed away last weekend at the age of 90. He played a major role in such a way that some announced the death of the hero, James Bond. Many observers have praised Sean Connery's style. What is your point of view, was he a stylish actor in the cinema?

To find all of Jérôme's articles on fashion in cinema, it's here .

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