Wearing JEWELRY for MEN – Very Well Dressed #18

Porter des BIJOUX pour HOMME – Très Bien Habillé #18

Every Friday is the start of the weekend, but also a new episode of ("Très") Bien Habillé!

(Already the 18th, it goes by quickly huh?)

Today we are going to take a quick overview of the subject of men's jewelry.

Do you find men's jewelry stylish, but are n't sure how to wear it?

No worries, in this video, I tried to give you what I consider to be "the basics of the basics".

Focusing on rings and bracelets , which are most commonly worn by men.

Don't forget to also take a look at our guide to men's jewelry . It develops a more technical and story-centered approach, and also includes a nice selection of brands!

I recommend Benoît's Let's Talk Clothes , to discover his personal vision of men's jewelry, subjective and accepted as such!

And finally, if you share her taste for a certain style of niche jewelry, very popular with the Japanese...

You will most likely be interested in her video on the Secrets of Native American Jewelry.

So ! You have reason to delve a little deeper into the subject 😉


It’s true that the question is legitimate.

For some, these little daring touches are seen as "taking a risk"... So what's the point in giving it a try?

You probably know that the collars of your tops, scarves, ties and headwear “dress the face”? There, it's the same, but for the hands. And as the video will prove to you: when you move, we look at your hands!


Overall, the most common men's bracelets can be divided into three categories:

  • Leather bracelets , undoubtedly the most classic and reassuring for men, for the raw and unpretentious connotations that leather brings.
men's brown gold ursul leather bracelet

© Ursul

Leather and gold bracelet (plated, which is normal unless you want to pay thousands) from Ursul.

  • Beaded bracelets , which are more daring.
    The trend exploded in the early 2010s, to the point of becoming a bit of a “menswear” cliché. But just because things have calmed down doesn't mean we should immediately throw out this option. I would even say that it is perhaps the opposite ...
  • The bangles , that is to say the parts entirely made of metal. It's robust, but often a little more expensive (for the same quality of materials and manufacturing).
brown refiners bangle bracelet

© The Refiners

Jonc from the Refiners.

We will see some beautiful models together.


Overview of rings. There are far too many to create real "categories", however, I recommend "rings" to start with, namely pieces in a continuous shape. (Rather than set with a stone, or a signet ring with an element that sticks out on top)

men's silver ring gray blue

The hammered silver ring: not difficult to wear, sober, not too precious, not cheap in appearance. Good starting point.


Here we come to what is really important in my opinion: when it comes to jewelry, you have to be as interested in how they are put together on your hands as in each piece individually. Maybe even more in the assembly, in fact!

You will see that there is an "overall" logic to the jewelry we wear, a bit like an outfit.

It’s also thanks to this that “stronger” jewelry becomes easier to wear.

lino ieluzzi harpo jewelry silver blue turquoise

Riddle: will you recognize this man, the true mascot of Pitti Uomo, just from his highly decorated hands?


It is believed that men are reluctant to wear jewelry for fear of being perceived as feminine.

That's probably the case, but that's only half of what makes them a little intimidating: the other half is the fact that some jewelry simply presents a dirty image , that it will be difficult to undo.

I will therefore try to list the most commonly perceived as "to be banned", but I insist on one thing: it is not so much my personal opinion as a simple transcription of what seems to me to be the common opinion.

I have absolutely no doubt that you can wear all the jewelry on this "blacklist" in a very stylish way, as long as you find the piece that stands out from the crowd and do it well. See it more as a “at your own risk” than as any injunction. 😉

In this video I wear...

Nicolò Minchillo, in expert mode

My name is Nicolò. I am a Copywriter and have been at BonneGueule since 2015. I obviously write articles and create videos on our YouTube channel, such as "Sapristi" or "Sape m'en Cinq". All this with a certain love for debate, which I will never lose. Alongside that, I lend a hand to the product department so that we can develop inspired clothing in great materials.

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