Podcast: clothing and accessories in extreme environments, with Nico Mathieux

Podcast : les vêtements et accessoires en milieu extrême, avec Nico Mathieux
Here is the new episode of our Parlons Clothes podcast, led by our co-founder Benoît. His guest? Nico Mathieux, an explorer. A passionate exchange between two outdoor fans.
In the locker room of... Nico Mathieux, explorer and YouTuber Reading Podcast: clothing and accessories in extreme environments, with Nico Mathieux Next Fashion: these 7 pieces we can't wait to wear this spring

When two outdoor fans meet around a microphone, it's time for a passionate conversation. In the new episode of our podcast "Let's Talk Clothes", Benoît, the co-founder of BonneGueule, talks with Nico Mathieux - a sportsman, adventurer, explorer and YouTuber.

We first met him during the filming of an episode of our video format “Dans le Vestiaire de”, which can be found right here . This made us want to push the subject of “clothing as a survival tool” even further, around a microphone.

Their exchange can be found below:

We hope you enjoyed and interested this podcast! If so, don't hesitate to like it, comment on it, share it but also subscribe.

Nawal Bonnefoy Nawal Bonnefoy
Nawal Bonnefoy, vintage forever

Addicted to vintage and in love with clothes that have a story, I love vinyl records and putting on makeup like a 60s star. A former consumer of fast-fashion, I now campaign for responsible fashion, and am slowly (but surely) building my sustainable wardrobe.

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