Five strong pieces EASY to WEAR – Sape m’en Cinq #18

What is a strong piece?
We each have our own definition of what is “strong” or not. For some, it is a more difficult piece to wear.
For others, it's a bold piece. And for still others, it is its visibility that defines its “strength”.

But what can you do to assert your style when you want to minimize risks? Can we have “strong” pieces while having a certain consensus? In short, have it both ways?

This is what I suggest you see today.

I also know that some of you were asking for videos more focused on beginner issues. And it’s true that lately, I’ve been really enjoying myself on the subjects!

You know, being passionate takes us, sometimes very far... And it's always good that you remind us of what you would like to see. Even when it's simpler things like here.

And you, do you believe in easy strong pieces? If so why ?

Nicolò Minchillo, in expert mode

My name is Nicolò. I am a Copywriter and have been at BonneGueule since 2015. I obviously write articles and create videos on our YouTube channel, such as "Sapristi" or "Sape m'en Cinq". All this with a certain love for debate, which I will never lose. Alongside that, I lend a hand to the product department so that we can develop inspired clothing in great materials.

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