Can you decorate a room like you put together an outfit?

Peut-on décorer une pièce comme on compose une tenue ?

At BonneGueule, for years, our philosophy has remained unchanged. Clothing is a way for humans to feel better, to find or regain self-confidence.

And that's precisely what Julien thinks, a loyal reader who offers you an article combining his two passions: fashion and interior decoration. Dressing well or decorating your home well remain two very similar factors. The importance of colors, materials, associations are completely vital for a successful outfit or decoration.

In this article, I will try to show you that parallels exist between the construction of an outfit and a decoration. But I'm going to go even further by proving to you that stylistic knowledge can be transferred to your apartment.

1. Declutter first

In clothing as in decoration “Less is more”, in other words “less is more” . However, many of us still accumulate a whole series of objects in the spirit of conservation.

messy apartment kitchen

Credit: Gettyimages

We all have old memories at home that we refuse to throw away, gifts from our grandmother that we never used or even the exercise bike that now serves as a coat rack, because one day, we had the good idea of ​​becoming a great sportsman.

Well, you understand, the idea is to bring unused objects back to life. I suggest you look around you, observe all the objects that are present in order to sort them.

Because yes, as Benoit already recommended to us in “Let's Talk Clothes #17”, before adding an item of clothing to your wardrobe, it is best to declutter it first. The same principle therefore applies in interior decoration.

List and evaluate all objects without qualms, even those that are not in use or that are broken. There is no point in keeping old debris, the same goes for clothes. I don't think you should keep a sweater with a hole in it, a shirt with a completely deformed collar , or a t-shirt with a yellowed armpit from perspiration .

Moreover, a little advice, do not hesitate to give or sell these famous objects. It would be a shame to generate even more waste than the planet already has, but it can also allow you to start budgeting.

2. Determine your budget

The rule laid down by Benoît for clothing applies perfectly to decoration: do not exceed 8% of your salary in monthly budget for clothing , always be able to save and must not take over the experiences of life.

Some clothes are expensive, the same goes for decoration and furniture. In a piece, there is a particular universe determined by stronger pieces. We can mention the sofa in the living room, the table in the dining room and obviously the bed in the bedroom. So many elements that will instantly capture attention.

designer table bo

Credit: Gettyimages

Finally, it is important to know which decorative element to put your budget into and which ones are difficult to compromise on quality and needs.

You will then be able to draw up a list of your wishes before checking out.

3. Cultivate yourself, seek inspiration

Our interior is ultimately a reflection of ourselves.

Would you be surprised to find a throw with Native American motifs on Kevis' sofa?

Very often when we decide to resume our interior decoration, it generally starts with a trip to IKEA, Leroy Merlin... and we then buy a cushion or a lamp, telling ourselves that the deal is complete.

Satisfied, we go home but very quickly we get tired! We often notice that something is wrong without really knowing why. And the reason is this:

As in an outfit, a successful decoration is based on major principles: play of volumes, colors , mixture of materials, with polarity as a continuous thread.

That is to say that the opposites must respond to each other and create a certain harmony: for example having a style with sober clothes and a strong piece by its color or texture which enhances the outfit.

man pink sweater velvet pants<!--nl-->

In this photo, the pink sweater responds to the brown corduroy shoes and pants that echo the fields behind. Credit: @triplepape_

There is no need to rush and, just like establishing your stylistic identity, it takes time!

Know your body shape, your tastes, your needs... Nothing is set in stone, if you choose strong pieces carefully you can change the atmosphere of a room. Let's put this into practice: in autumn, you can very easily give an autumnal touch to your living room without having to change your sofa or coffee table.

The fundamentals remain the same but certain accessories will change (like an accessory in clothing).

The most important thing is to start by looking at the different decoration styles, whether by watching TV shows, Youtube channels, Pinterest photos... (In this regard, I recommend two interesting Youtube channels: Fressya and Another Home ).

And if you don't know the exact terms, look at the styles or objects that attract you, and try to understand what captures your attention.

The textures? Color harmonies? The subjects ? The volumes ?

4. Work on volumes, materials and colors

Interior style and design are based on very similar principles : the volumes , materials, colors.

The volumes

Volumes are a very important point and it is essential to take them into account for your decoration. We don't all have the same volumes, in the same way that we don't all have the same silhouette.

Successful decoration is based on knowing your strengths and weaknesses. In fashion, looking at yourself objectively to know your strengths and weaknesses allows you to choose what you want to highlight. The objective is to erase our complexes up to a certain limit.
But don't panic, in architecture as in mining, it is possible with a few tips to correct it but above all to highlight the advantages.

Good mouth

Let's take the photo of David for example: he tucks the shirt into the pants to highlight his waist and the double pleats of the pants emphasize his very slender legs. These same techniques are used in decoration.


It is important, as in outfits, to create a set of materials that can be divided into two categories: so-called hot materials and so-called cold materials.

For example, wool and wood are warm materials, marble and glass are cold materials. They obviously have advantages and disadvantages and it is essential to know what their roles will be in a play.

In principle, we recommend this little mathematical formula: 3/4 quarts of hot materials for 1/4 of cold materials . (Please note, this is not a science, there are also other factors that can come into play, such as the brightness of the room for example)

Good mouth

Imagine a room entirely covered in marble, an unpleasant feeling of coldness would emanate from the room. Conversely, an old rustic chalet composed exclusively of wooden furniture and objects would give off a feeling of suffocation.

You must therefore ensure that the room has harmonious colors and materials.

Good mouth

For example here, the tulip table by Eero Saarinen in marble has a cold appearance. To counterbalance this trend, he uses objects in a warm shade such as the carpet, the chairs and the window (which opens onto greenery). Everything responds between a play of colors and materials.


The principle of 3 quarters - 1 quarter applies for the same reasons: it is better to start with basic colors like blue, sand or white at the beginning and then decline the remaining quarter in warm colors. You can take inspiration from color circles or colors found in nature.

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In this photo, there is not a quarter of strong color but here it is the material of the wood which gives the feeling of warmth.

It's not impossible to start with a strong color but it's like with style, it requires a certain mastery. It is best to first understand the rules in order to free yourself from them later.

Good mouth

The orange of the hat and the azure of Jordan's sweater are two strong colors that immediately catch our eye. Everything is softened by the corduroy jacket which is soft in color but has character in its texture.

5. Create an inspiration board

The mood board is a good solution to determine the desired visual orientation in your decor.

In an inspiration board, place objects, furniture, and even things outside the decoration that suit you (like a photo of a beautiful car, a trip that inspires you, or even a passion...).

From then on, you will realize that there are certain aspects to which you are sensitive and thus you will be able to more easily determine which style of decoration suits you. Besides, each style has its own code.

Here I offer you the different most important styles in interior decorations.


Japandi is a style of decoration which mixes Scandinavian and Japanese decoration , it is inspired in particular by Hygge concepts advocating comfortable intimacy in living spaces, and wabi-sabi (so dear to Benoît) which refers here to the simplicity and aesthetic sobriety.

The style is characterized by minimalism, functionality to the detriment of the superfluous, sober colors, clean lines, raw and natural materials.

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Good mouth


The arty style focuses on details for interiors that look like art galleries. It's a colorful style that mixes different eras and is extravagant.

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Good mouth


The bohemian chic style is inspired by the hippie world and travel. It is appropriate to make a colorful and warm decoration with objects from many regions of the world.

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Good mouth


The industrial style is an architectural style incorporating codes of industrial architecture for buildings and interior designs. A raw and imposing look by mixing raw materials like wood, metal or brick and combining noble pieces like leather.

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Good mouth

The world of sapphire and interior decoration both share iconic pieces. The items are created by designers and have a recognizable signature look. Most people sometimes don't know their names but the silhouette of these objects seems familiar to them, like the perfecto jacket for example.

Do you know the Martinelli Luce Pipistrello lamp? I think the name doesn't mean anything to you like that, yet its design is iconic.

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An example of this famous lamp from our friend Luca (@lucallacio)

Examples like this, there are many others, like the plastic chairs invented by Charles and Ray Eames or the “Vertigo” ceiling light by Constance Guisset.

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Good mouth

I hope that, on my own level, I was able to provide you with some answers, give you food for thought and perhaps arouse some desire.

With clothes as with interior decoration, you have to try, start again, but above all have fun!

Julien Antczak, fashion and decoration

My name is Julien! I like clothes and what they say… But also interior design, manga and street art

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