Nuggets (for a seaside vacation) from the editorial staff #67 – Jordan

Les pépites (pour des vacances à la mer) de la rédaction #67 – Jordan

For me, being on vacation means seeing the sea. Otherwise it's not vacation. The sea or the ocean, I don't want to discriminate.

I imagine it's the same for many.

The start of vacation is not when you sit on the train, the plane or the bus, it is not when you turn the key or even engage first gear. And it’s especially not when you bite into your sandwich on the side of the highway.

The start of the vacation is when that little dizziness hits me just before seeing the sea. The same road, the same trees, the same flavor of day and suddenly something changed in the air. The leaves move differently. Time no longer flows the same. It's like a shadow that hangs over everything. A drum roll behind the scenes.

We understand. She's right there behind. This is the last hill. This is the last hill. This is the last turn.

You can be ten years old, you can be seventy, I bet you feel the same little dizziness.

It’s this dizziness that marks the start of the vacation.

Then comes the usual package, sand in the hair, the song of the waves, reddened skin. We know.

As you can imagine, the nuggets that I present to you now are for these moments. Because I need a vacation and surely you do too and I need to see the sea.

Sailor sweater - Le Minor

Man in sweater and jeans

I've been wanting a sailor sweater for a long time. In an unrefined wool, which is a little scratchy. That way, you feel thick skin, you could board a boat, fight against the wind. This wool is a second skin, the skin of adventure.

The Minor does this well and has for ages. 100 years to be precise. The model has apparently not changed since. When a design is beautiful and practical, it stands the test of time.

The stitch is knitted in a workshop in Morbihan, in Brittany. And the woolen thread was spun in Europe.

160€. It's worth it.

The cut called “sock” is close to the body and long. This is explained by the fact that it is a sweater whose use is marine: to maneuver your boat and protect yourself from the deadly winds.

sailor sweater with buttons

Personally, I find that this sweater, whose construction is at once rustic, solid and uncompromising, confers a certain dignity. It's the sweater we wear when the sea is rough or when, for freshwater sailors like me, we need warmth by the sea for a stormy walk or a seafood platter in winter .

It's the sweater you bring back from the sea to wear in town. We take it out of its original use to make it a classic in our own wardrobe. With raw jeans and sneakers. With loose chinos and brogues. With bleach or white jeans and mocs.

Linen beach towel - Seagale

blue beach towel

I'm carrying around a sort of small boat towel that's starting to come out of my eyes. Blue towel to match my girlfriend's pink one. It's not my style to match things with my girlfriend. It irritates me about as much as the guys who walk around shirtless in the middle of town just because the sea isn't far away.

You have to have struggles in life.

Brief. I plan to part with this towel. And one day when we were in Italy attending the Pitti Uomo show with Ben (and Julien and Nicolo), I noticed that he had one of these linen napkins from Seagale and he was particularly happy with it.

It is enough for me. If Ben says it does the job, it does the job. I won't look any further.

So, when it's time to change my beach towel, I inevitably have this one that comes to mind. For the color, I'm hesitating between herringbone light blue, chic green and night blue.

Colorful linen napkins

If any of you have it maybe you can tell me more. However, I think I'm already won over, for all the properties that we know about linen .

Velvet jacket - Outland

blue short-sleeved jacket

I was casually strolling through the Bien Bien Habillés eshop. I didn't have a specific goal other than the desire to be challenged. And I was, in a jacket with nothing exceptional in fact.

It was especially the photo of the piece worn that convinced me: the loose, straight cut and the short but long sleeves.

man on a beach wearing a blue jacket and white shorts

What I like about this jacket:

  • The proportions of the room from which a beautiful harmony emerges
  • The slightly washed color, perfect in a maritime context
  • This generous collar that falls without structure
  • This kind of bib on which this large off-center pocket is sewn
  • This large off-center pocket
  • The shape of the jacket but with short sleeves
  • Fine velvet for summer

You know everything. It's made by Outland and in Portugal. Take a look at the brand, it's honestly very good for a summer wardrobe.

If you see me this summer at the seaside, here's a taste of how I'll be dressed.

Jordan Maurin Jordan Maurin
Jordan Maurin, Mr. Panache

“Clothes are there to have fun, so have fun” is the phrase I say the most in my videos. Style is not a set of rules, it is a field of possibilities. You can wear anything, you just have to find your way!

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