Advice: The Men's Perfume Guide #2

Where to buy men's perfume?

Not at Carrefour, nor at the Chinese market selling their copies which will cause you to have allergic reactions due to the junk they contain. Don't touch it! You would risk your health.

A brand called... perfumery is the right place to help you choose. So start by visiting the big chains like Marionnaud or Sephora if you don't know much about it. I also strongly encourage you to visit the small private stores which often offer masterpieces (that you don't see everywhere): that's where you really find the interesting things.

Another solution exists (especially in order to save money): Internet. For example, I was able to purchase my bottle of “Live Jazz” for €20 online instead of €60 in a perfume store. But watch out! I am very skeptical when it comes to Ebay and other private sales sites, copies made in China are never far away… so prefer sites that specialize in the sale of cosmetic products.

Visit pages like:

  • Cheapsmells Don't pay attention to the name of the site... very poorly chosen... 😉
  • Fragrancex
  • Fragrancenet
  • Fragrancedirect

For the most exclusive:

  • The Perfumed Court
  • Luckyscent

Pay attention to shipping and customs costs depending on where you live! This can quickly become more expensive than going to the perfumer down the street.

How to choose your men's perfume?


It's done, you've walked through the front door of a retailer. Okay...what now?

If you are lost, ask for advice from sellers who are really interested in the subject, who can guide you on the right path, not those who want to empty your wallet at all costs. You'll recognize them by the fact that the first thing they make you try is Hugo Boss. 😉

If you already know what to focus on, it's simple, try it! Take a few sticks (the paper tabs) and try whatever takes your fancy.

I didn't think I'd explain the next part, but you can always see people doing really stupid things.

  1. Do not rub the area of ​​your skin where the perfume was applied ! This is the phenomenon I observe most often, it simply results in you destroying the structure of the fragrance.
  2. Before smelling, first let the alcohol evaporate by shaking the dampener for a few moments. Alcohol being only a carrier.
  3. Do not smell a perfume through the opening of the bottle , the alcohol will disturb your nose.
  4. Don't try more than 2 or even 3 perfumes (separate!) on each arm, otherwise the smells will mix and result in nonsense.
  5. Do not press the wiper against your nose ! Too often I see some who almost try to suffocate themselves with it… Hold it 2 or 3 centimeters away.

Don't expect to discover a perfume by letting it evaporate on a wiper, it will only be able to show its true face on your skin, and that's where it gets interesting, because no perfume will smell the same way on two different people. Everyone has their own body odors, their chemical composition. And it is with the heat of your body that the perfume will unfold its soul.

Don't be too greedy

Since your nose becomes exhausted quite quickly and will no longer be able to distinguish smells, the golden rule says: Do not test more than 3 scents consecutively.

I must admit that I never respect this rule when I find myself faced with this sea of ​​masterpieces that all deserve to be tested. Don't follow my example and do better than me! 😉

If you do more, ask the sellers for the coffee box, every perfumery that dares to call itself that should have one. The strong smell of coffee will have the function of neutralizing your nose, so you will be ready again to face other smells.

And before leaving the perfumery:

Once you have chosen your favorite scents, ask the seller for samples. In my experience, you're going to get them almost everywhere, even without purchasing anything.

Little tip: Sympathize with the seller and be interested in the brands, ask questions. This will increase your chances of receiving samples. Otherwise, he will believe that you are only there to fill his pockets and never come back. This is how, after my visits to the stores, I bring home a dozen samples. 😉


To help you decide, nothing better than samples.

You will then be able to test them whenever you want, depending on your mood, the weather, good occasions, etc. Don't forget to follow its development.


I highly doubt a millionaire could use that...

If you still like it, there is nothing stopping you from purchasing. (Ask for a sample pack before paying).

Also think that in a sector like perfumery, it's 95% psychology and 5% personal decision, as we try to associate a perfume with this or that image, its name, the bottle, everything is calculated based on advance, so don't fall into the trap and stay objective.

Note: This article was written by Yvan, one of our readers and follows a first article on How to recognize a good men's perfume? (1/3)

And it's not over ! The last part of the Men's Perfume Guide will teach you How to wear your men's perfume and maintain it? (3/3) (yes! a perfume needs maintenance), but also which brands should you choose Blink

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