Advice: The Men's Perfume Guide #3

How to wear your men's perfume?

Less is more ! As is often the case, men cannot afford as much freedom as the fairer sex... And perfume does not exception: for a simple eau de toilette, 1 to 2 sprays on the torso... 1 on each wrist : and that's it. You can put it on other hot places on your body such as the hollows of your arms or the back of your neck. Ah yes: and don't be afraid of the high intensity when you have just put on perfume, the fire will quickly go down.

You can use it on your hair because it doesn't heat up and the oils don't evaporate as quickly as they do on your skin. I don't really like the idea of ​​putting it on clothes as people sometimes tell you, because it can quickly leave stains, especially for colored perfumes, and no one wants stains on their shirt Melinda Gloss , n 'is this not ? A good time to apply perfume is right after a shower, the pores in your skin will have opened and will absorb the oils to mix with your body odor. Remember that after a while your nose will get used to your fragrance (which will seem less present), but that doesn't mean you need to add more! Because those around you will always perceive it!


Choose the (right) opportunities

An important thing to respect in my opinion: opportunities. You can't smell honey-sweetened mandarin to go out to a nightclub... just as it would be unacceptable to unload a cloud of muscat nut during a meeting with your boss. You have to adapt the perfume to the situation and the seasons. In summer, you can use light, lively, flowery fragrances. In winter, you will prefer more concentrated, heavy, woody and spicy scents. Some fragrances are more suitable for daytime wear, others for nighttime use.

perfume spray

So here it is

a short summary :

  1. Choose what you like.
  2. Don't add too much.
  3. Adapt it to the occasions and seasons.

By respecting these three little rules you will surely not make any mistakes.

How to maintain your perfume?

Like anything, a perfume needs to be maintained... but don't worry, it won't cost you anything for once. 😉

You got yourself this olfactory masterpiece that cost a small fortune. And once you get home, you unpack it, admire it for a few seconds, put it in the bathroom and… STOP!

NO ! A perfume cannot withstand the UV rays of the sun to which it will be exposed all day long, nor the vapors which will rise when you take a nice hot shower. Light and temperature will greatly influence the lifespan of a composition. Therefore, find a good little corner in a drawer in a room that is at best not warm. In stores, they must be displayed to be sold, but the testers are exchanged at a constant frequency (every 3 months it seems to me) so as not to have any unpleasant surprises. Because like anything, a perfume will deteriorate one day .

keep your perfume away from the sun Hidden from the sun, your perfume will have a long life.

Even with the greatest care, the oils will gradually escape, transform and leave behind a putrid smell reminiscent of an old, dingy mattress in a damp cellar. Expect a life of 3 to 4 years for a creation, that's correct. Some will still be good for 10 years, or much longer! There is no exact date.

Some brands of men's perfume

I present to you some of my favorite brands, but there, it's to each their own taste.:

Hermès, Amouage, MDCI Paris, Annick Goutal, L'Artisan Partemporel, Frédéric Malle, Parfumerie Générale, Tom Ford sometimes does beautiful things.

Guerlain too: it is one of the most recognized houses, it is not for nothing that they have created more than 300 perfumes (90% for women) since their beginning.

Also try to find exclusive lines from brands, such as “Hermèssence” from Hermès, “Les Exclusifs” from Chanel, etc. which often hold nice surprises. You may also have a favorite perfumer and follow their creations.

mosaic of perfumes

I advise you not to touch those perfumes that everyone wears like “Le Mâle”, “1 Million” or “Acqua di Giò” among others. We feel them everywhere. Cultivate your originality !

Also leave aside the hype brands like Lacoste, Boss or Diesel (which can do good things too!)... and explore high-end brands that no one knows like Creed, Acqua di Parma, L'Artisan Partemporel , By Kilian, Nasomatto… I could list hundreds of them, it would be of no use to you in the end. So go and discover them for yourselves.

And to finish…

...One last important thing before closing this article: A perfume is not good because David Beckham says so in his TV commercial... nor (and especially not) because all your friends wear it. He's good when you like him , period. For once we give you a free choice, take advantage of it! (respecting the short summary above).

And in perfumery, even if you don't like the name or the bottle of a creation, try it! You will have excellent surprises because ultimately, we don't care about the brand or the image that we try to make you associate with a perfume , the important thing is that you feel (in the good sense of the term ) comfortable.

perfume bar Set off to discover…

Because appreciating a different, special, quality perfume can be learned, it is a passion that is lived and developed over time: by testing a multitude of smells, by being curious and open to new things . Don't you want to make perfumery your passion? No problem. This perfume guide is simply intended to explain a few basics and help you choose one or more fragrances that suit you and that you will enjoy wearing. 🙂

I hope I was able to help you and that all this doesn't seem too scientific to you... that you keep the fun part.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to post them in the comments.


Note from Benoît & Geoffrey:

This article follows two others:

Given the number of visits, you really liked this Perfume Guide. You owe it to Yvan (one of our readers), so a big THANK YOU to him. If you in turn want to enrich the BonneGueule community, do not hesitate to contact us. And of course we remain available by email to answer your questions about men's style.

So see you soon!


Perfumery is my favorite field, as well as men's fashion, which I try to master to find my personal style.

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