Between ethics and fast fashion, how fashion has changed in 15 years

Entre éthique et fast fashion, comment la mode a changé en 15 ans

We suggest you take a look at the retro. We are in 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy succeeds Jacques Chirac at the Elysée, Apple launches the iPhone, Michel Polnareff returns to the stage. The year 2007 also marks the birth of BonneGueule, in May precisely.

And in terms of fashion, what did it look like? What was it like in 2007? This is the question that the BonneGueule team wanted to answer, Nawal, Benoît and Jordan, helped by Vincent Grégoire, trend hunter for the Nelly Rodi firm.

In the first episode , we looked at the evolution of trends, from fitted looks under the leadership of Hedi Slimane at Dior, to rock or emo or even neon kids looks.

This second episode is devoted to the evolution of consumption patterns, from the explosion of fast fashion brands to the awareness that the fashion and clothing industry could and should also be more ethical, socially and ecologically responsible. .

Made in France began to emerge and Arnaud Montebourg, then minister of productive recovery, championed it, wearing an Amor Lux sailor top on the front page of Parisien Magazine in October 2012.

The tragedy at Rana Plaza on April 24, 2013 in Bangladesh left its mark, causing more than 1,000 deaths. Fast fashion that cares little about the conditions in which its clothes are manufactured is then singled out.

The Fashion Revolution association was born in the process and labels flourished, from Gots to B-Corp via Fair Wear Foundation. Good news, the range of ethical clothing is growing and respecting the planet is no longer antithetical to style. With a consumer becoming an actor.

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