In Lucallaccio's locker room

Dans le vestiaire de Lucallaccio
Our video series “In the Locker Room” is back, and not with just anyone. In this episode we welcome Luca, former collaborator of BonneGueule, to talk about his stylistic journey and very vintage clothing with him.

Today, you are about to see a rather special video ...

In 2015, we released our video format “ In the locker room of…” , where Luca (without s), one of our collaborators whom you surely know, talked about his locker room.

Even though he left the company a few years ago, I still have a strong bond with him!

And I was curious to know how his wardrobe has evolved, 8 years later. In 8 years, we evolve, we gain experience, we mature, and we also keep our identity. This is felt in a clothing style, and I wanted to explore this aspect with Luca.

So I went to his house, I asked him, and we filmed the exchange, which you can see just above!

It is also a highly symbolic episode for me, because it touches on one of my greatest prides at BonneGueule: the connections, the relationships, and the bonds that we have created and which continue beyond the business.

In the meantime, I wish you a good viewing, between vintage jeans, a farmer's jacket and a very heavy perfecto!

In this video, I'm wearing our Milo khaki overshirt .

Benoît Wojtenka Benoît Wojtenka
Benoit Wojtenka, co-founder

I founded in 2007. Since then, I have been helping men build their style by providing them with clear and practical advice, but also more advanced thinking. I also like techwear, Japanese materials, sports and tea.

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