Concert, festival, wedding: how do I design my outfits? — Let’s Talk Clothes #36

Concert, festival, mariage : comment je conçois mes tenues ? — Parlons Vêtements #36
Nigel Cabourn, Rewoolution, ABCL: May 2020 – CDL#61 Reading Concert, festival, wedding: how do I design my outfits? — Let’s Talk Clothes #36 Next What are the strong colors that are easy to wear? – CDL#62

You know me, I have a very "systematic" vision of men's style, which implies that an outfit is a system where each piece is chosen according to the others and other external constraints.

It’s an intuitive process for me, but one that really intrigued Christophe, our editor-in-chief. He asked me how I had thought of three outfits, for three occasions that have nothing to do with each other:

The DJ Snake concert

Yes, I went to see him in concert, at the Défense Arena near Paris, here are the constraints:

  • Waiting for an hour or two in the cold outside
  • No locker room (or no desire to use it)
  • Heat inside (the hall has more than 30,000 spectators)
  • Freshness after the concert

Techwear was a useful help to me, I won’t tell you more…

The Boom Festival

The Boom Festival is officially dedicated “to psychedelic cultures”. It was completely new for me, a great first, and there too, there were real constraints:

  • A week without having access to a washing machine
  • A week surrounded by people, so it's not possible to go there with three t-shirts and "too bad for the smell" (as was the case in Mongolia )
  • Temperatures which fluctuate between 35°c in the middle of the afternoon and 15°c at night
  • And a 34l backpack to fit everything

So, did I dress up as a hippie for the occasion? You will know everything!

A wedding in the middle of winter

It really surprises those around me when I talk about it: I attended two weddings in winter, the atmosphere of which is very different from a wedding in summer.

And the constraints are there:

  • An omnipresent cold, for sure (very complicated to properly heat a room in a castle/manor)
  • A representation issue that is there, with rigorous elegance.
  • Elegant shoes

In short, you have to make sartorial in the middle of winter, at the coldest of the season.

After watching this video, I'm very curious: am I the only one who thinks like this or have you also had occasions where you had to think carefully about your outfit?

Tell me everything in the comments.

I'm wearing a BonneGueule turtleneck sweater and a BonneGueule gray blazer .

Benoît Wojtenka Benoît Wojtenka
Benoit Wojtenka, co-founder

I founded in 2007. Since then, I have been helping men build their style by providing them with clear and practical advice, but also more advanced thinking. I also like techwear, Japanese materials, sports and tea.

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