Tips: How to dress well when you are a STRONG or MUSCLE man?

Conseils : Comment bien s’habiller quand on est un homme COSTAUD ou MUSCLÉ ?
Dressing as a muscular man is never easy. BonneGueule explains how to choose a shirt, pants or jacket if you are strong.


Double Trouble , a Z series that we highly recommend
(if the mullet cut is your thing).


Which makes it concretely difficult to find:

  • A shirt , or jacket in which the shoulders and biceps fit perfectly without there being excess material around the waist.
  • Pants/jeans into which the thighs fit and whose waist hugs the hips well. That is to say that the waist does not float around the body, the pants stand very well alone without a belt.

So of course, it's always easier to dress in tracksuits in everyday life, like in the gym. And I know that when faced with many disappointments in stores, it's easy to convince yourself that you won't find anything else that will suit you anyway.

Yet that's not true: shirts, jackets, pants, everything is within your reach... Let me show you.


Below I have chosen some photos of very well drawn actors (who often play superhero roles), dressed for everyday life.

If you are thinking that they are not muscular enough to have difficulty dressing, look for some photos of them in swimsuits, it should be pretty clear: the paparazzi did their job well, you will not have no difficulty finding.

Also, dressing well with your physique is entirely possible. Here is some "evidence".

Chris Evan in shirt

Chris Evans (who plays Captain America), and who fills out his shirt well without his muscles straining the fabric around his biceps.

Henry Cavill casual outfit
© Henry Cavill (Superman).

Henry Cavill (Superman).

Chris Hemsworth
© Chris Hemsworth (Thor)

Chris Hemsworth (Thor).

Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig (James Bond), real-life superhero, here in SkyFall.


Always try before you buy. Your physique does not match 95% of the models designed by brands, so never assume that it will suit you. Don't be lazy, try a lot, and when you find the cut that suits you, buy the same piece in several copies or several colors.

Know a good retoucher . This is the secret to a physique like yours. Be aware that you can have any piece in your closet retouched. Simply with a trusted retoucher, to whom you will entrust your jackets, shirts and pants. With this relationship, you will buy more easily, and with the assurance of a result that will suit you after a few modifications.

It won't cost you much compared to the price of the part.

Tip: How to find a great retoucher? Simply call the most upscale boutique in your town and ask where they have alterations done for their clients.

Casual scene

It is with this relaxation that you will do your shopping once you have found your retoucher.

Last thing, look to add verticality. You have an athletic body, you don't want to give the impression that you are wider than tall (I'm caricature, but it's so you can visualize the idea). This is why it is in your best interest to add verticality to your silhouette. Concretely, this means avoiding horizontal stripes or large squares. Prefer thin vertical stripes. Have the length of your pants and sleeves carefully altered. This is particularly important if you are small, but in any case don't really worry about it.

To review the fundamentals of your wardrobe, I invite you to reread these articles.

  • Fidelity .

    Some additional suggestions on Rawr Denim .

    For pants, see Carhartt , Rogue Terriory , Norse Project .

Straight jeans 501

Above are 501 straight jeans that have been refined a bit. By Many de la Cruz at EffortLess Gent .


Knitwear is less complicated to choose, because it is a much less structured and more elastic piece. It is therefore ideal for those who are difficult to dress, such as strong ones.

I read a little bit of everything on the subject. Some people think that you should absolutely avoid large meshes and others think that you should avoid fine meshes. For me, the truth is elsewhere.

No reason to worry. Just remember that thick knits highlight the shoulders well (especially on models with collars, shawl collar cardigans or turtlenecks). For fine knits, just be careful that it is not tight. Once again, to dress your shoulder width/waist ratio, head towards brands that create fitted silhouettes.

Mesh too wide

It's too wide.

Adapted mesh - good size

Just right.



Straight jeans, but not baggy, with a pair of beautiful manly shoes.

And to dress the top with very simple pieces, t-shirts, henley, shirt and a short thick jacket/cardigan.

For shoes, you can go to brands like Alden, Wolverine, Red Wing.

Casual outfit with a cardigan, henley and jeans
Casual outfit - jeans, white t-shirt and leather jacket


We saw, above, the points to check on the jacket and pants. For the suit it's simple, make sure you choose the jacket carefully and choose the pants separately. Don't compromise.

For more ideas for super tailored suits on muscular models, take a look at Tom Ford's silhouettes. The suits always have well-defined shoulders and waistlines, as well as rather wide lapels. It's a brand that you can come across from time to time on eBay or sites like VideDressing.

Daniel Craig in taupe brown suit
Business outfit - black suit
© Photo borrowed from The Style Blogger blog. There you will find a photo of the shirtless model. I assure you that he is the strongest there is.


A shirt, a chino, all well chosen, fitted and suited to your body shape, it immediately looks great.

Sober colors for an elegant and spontaneous outfit:

Shirt - chino

In conclusion, I insist on the fact that your physique really does not prevent you from dressing well at all . There is no reason to hold back from wearing this or that type of piece, everything is allowed. The difficulty is of course finding the nuggets that will suit you well enough.

Dressing well is a journey, your tastes will evolve and assert themselves over the years, but please don't throw style out of your life just because you can't figure out how to dress. It can be learned and it's not something weak, I hope that the photos which illustrate this article will have convinced you.

Nicolas, BonneGueule contributor

I am a style and blogging freak. For me, dressing well and being fashionable are not the same thing: that's what I want to share with you. But the simplicity of a green curry in Bangkok is fine with me too.

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