How to adapt the maintenance of your hair to its nature?

When I arrived at BonneGueule, I only wanted one thing: to share with you my passion for fashion and clothes. But if there's one thing I value more than all the clothes in my wardrobe, it's my hair!

For as long as I can remember, I've had them relatively long. To tell you the truth, when I was little, I was more afraid of going to the hairdresser than the dentist...

We had already cleared up the question of hair in a previous article . This is more intended to be a complement, guiding you on the specific maintenance of your beautiful mane. Because you worth it...

The basics of caring for your hair

“Clean, nourish and enhance your hair, okay. But how?

The shampoo

Shampoo is the basis of hair care. It allows you to wash them thoroughly and get rid of many impurities. If its primary purpose is not to feed them, depending on its composition, it can also play this role.

How often should you wash your hair?

Here's the million dollar question. There is no single answer, it will mainly depend on their nature.

Apart from special cases which I will detail below, I recommend that you do not wash them too often. Bad habits die hard and far too many men still think that the more you shampoo, the cleaner and healthier your hair is. Error !

Most hairdressers recommend a daily shampoo at most , although one every two days is still sufficient. . Beyond that, you risk damaging them.


Take a small amount of product and apply more to the lengths than to the scalp itself. There is no need to strip your scalp every time you shampoo: gently massage your head to activate your blood circulation, which will have the effect of accelerating and strengthening hair growth.

Also avoid using water that is too hot : it softens the hair, weakens it and, above all, risks making it greasy by causing a reaction in the sebaceous gland (responsible for the production of sebum). Also be sure to rinse them thoroughly, as shampoo residue can damage them.

Although we prefer to lounge under hot water, it is not always good for our hair...


Conditioner, as its name suggests, comes right after shampoo. "Logic !" , you will tell me. Yes and no, because it can also be used alone between two shampoos - even more so if the washes are spaced out - in order to put less strain on the scalp while ensuring that it remains clean.

Its effect is twofold: generally more nourishing than basic shampoo, it also acts as a detangler. Here too, we will take care to apply it more on the lengths and ends.

Exfoliation and mask

The scalp is alive, being nothing more and nothing less than the skin of our skull. Linked to the sebaceous glands which nourish the roots of our hair follicles with nutrients, it is also responsible for their hydration.

Opinions on scalp exfoliation are divided. Poorly executed, it can cause more harm than good : irritation, dryness, even the appearance of dandruff. .

On the other hand, a good exfoliation will remove all the dead skin (and any dandruff) which, as it is deposited, clogs the pores of the skin on the scalp. After a good exfoliating treatment, your scalp will be stimulated, oxygenated, and your roots freed, which will have the effect of restoring shine to your hair.

Although there are only a few purely exfoliating products for hair as there are for the skin, you will nevertheless find some interesting references to test.

The mask, for its part, is intended more to nourish and hydrate your hair. Apply once a week or every two weeks depending on the type, to give it a little boost of vitality.

The food question

Health begins on the plate ,” the adage tells us.

We have seen it: nutrients pass through the scalp. And as you know, the nutrients present in our blood are determined based on what we eat...

A balanced diet can only improve the quality of your hair . Conversely, a poor diet could result in dull, fragile hair, or even accentuate the "greasy" effect. .

Of course, there is no specific regime dedicated to proper hair maintenance. However, for those who would like to provide them with more nutrients, it is instead recommended to consume foods rich in protein, vitamin A, B and C, iron and zinc.

There are also certain food supplements which have a good reputation for promoting hair growth and strength. Among them, brewer's yeast, spirulina, soy lecithin and even royal jelly.

From left to right, an example of royal jelly from Naturaforce , natural spirulina from Naturaforce and brewer's yeast from Naturalforme .

The different types of hair

As with skin, there are several types of hair.

It is defined by the person's DNA heritage. The latter determines on the one hand the implantation of the hair under the epidermis, and their fineness on the other hand. Often, the wider the implantation , the more likely it is to grow straight — and vice versa.

These characteristics are also linked to ethnic origin, which can impact one's genetic makeup.

Straight hair

If you have straight hair, it's because your hair follicle initially directs your hair to grow straight. All the cells that make up the hair stack perfectly on top of each other, without deviating to form curls.

Although the thickness of the hair is not linked to its growth, straight hair tends to be flatter, with a vertical fall.

How to maintain them?

Straight hair is often more resistant than others, thanks to its more homogeneous composition and no breakage in growth.

That being said, adopting a regular hygiene routine remains essential . Shampoo and conditioner every other day, and a mask plus exfoliation every two weeks are suitable, unless there are contraindications due to the nature of the hair. .

Wavy to curly hair

Whether you have curly, curly, or just wavy hair, you actually have asymmetrical follicles. The hair will therefore tend to turn into an oval (more or less regularly), unlike straight hair which grows in a straight line.

The results can be very different depending on the degree of undulation. However, the curlier the hair, the drier it is. It will therefore be more brittle and difficult to style on a daily basis.

Care Tips for Wavy to Curly Hair

If beautiful curly hair can cause more than one hair to fall out, it could cause you some inconvenience in the event of poor maintenance.

In order to maintain good ventilation, it is wise to comb regularly with a suitable comb , in order to shape your curls and prevent them from getting tangled with each other and suffocating your hair.

Focus on more nourishing and hydrating products . Using oils can be a good option . We then leave it on slightly damp hair, distributing it along the length and focusing on the ends. For an effective treatment, allow thirty minutes. You can also leave it on overnight for better penetration.

frizzy hair

Frizzy hair is very curly by nature. They are also fine but very close together at the roots, which gives this relatively dense appearance, especially when there is length.

Frizzy hair is dry, therefore more fragile, and likely to break if it is not well maintained.

Maintaining frizzy hair

If you have frizzy hair, you will need to space your shampoos normally so as not to damage the hair too much, but do not hesitate to nourish it by increasing the frequency of the masks to one per week . These should be composed of ultra-nutritious elements such as shea butter, avocado extracts, coconut oil or aloe vera for example.

Using oils can also be a very effective way, as explained just above!

The different types of hair

A hair is not defined only by its type. Its nature, too, will be decisive in its maintenance.

Normal hair

So-called “normal” hair has a silky appearance. It is also easier to style them.

In fact, the sebaceous glands function "normally", that is to say they produce a sufficient quantity of sebum to fulfill their function of protecting the hair, without giving it an oily appearance.

It is considered that normal hair will only start to become greasy after three days without shampoo.

Maintenance tips

In terms of maintenance, you who have normal hair — lucky you guys! — be calm. You will only need to spend a little time on it . As explained above, a shampoo and conditioner every two days will be sufficient, as well as a mask every two weeks to enhance your hair a little more.

Recommended products

  • Shampoos: classic Davines shampoo, Sachajuan shampoo.
  • Conditioners: Lush neutral conditioner, Baxter of California enriched conditioner.
  • Complementary care: the pre-shampoo scrub on Melvita .

Greasy hair

A real problem for many, oily hair is often the result of a poor diet, too much stress, poor daily maintenance or, more problematically, a hormonal problem.

In fact, it is hyperseborrhea, or an excessive secretion of sebum, which will clog the hair root and gradually spread over the entire hair follicle.

Maintenance tips

When maintaining an oily scalp, you need to be gentle and be careful not to mistreat it. . Otherwise, it will produce even more sebum to protect itself ...

In terms of frequency of care, it will be necessary to focus on it more often than for normal hair. Shampooing (and possibly conditioner if you have long hair) every day, as well as a weekly mask are also recommended. If you're feeling up to a scrub, it might come in handy here.

Recommended products

When you have oily hair, certain products and treatments should be favored, which will aim to regulate sebum production.

  • Shampoos: Davines rebalancing shampoo, Lush dry shampoo.
  • Conditioners: Natura Siberica white infusion conditioner.
  • Additional care: Christophe Robin sea salt cleansing scrub ; Leonor Greyl leave-in tonic treatment.

Dry hair

Unlike oily hair, dry hair is characterized by low sebum production. Less protected, it is more fragile and then loses its vitality. The result is clear: the hair rubs and ends up irrevocably breaking or falling out.

Maintenance tips

Dry hair must be treated in an appropriate manner in order to compensate for its lack of natural hydration .

It is then recommended to use products whose composition does not aggravate dryness (presence of alcohol or sulfates, for example).

You can, despite your dry hair, only wash it once every two days, making sure to use products rich in nutrients and sufficiently moisturizing.

Recommended products

  • Shampoos: Christophe Robin regenerating shampoo; Shampoo for dehydrated hair Leonor Greyl from Comptoir de l'Homme .
  • Conditioners: Davines Nounou Conditioner conditioner; Crabtree & Evelyn Conditioning Conditioner at Mencorner .
  • Complementary care: Natura Siberica sea buckthorn scrub, Aesop rose hydrating mask.

In my kit I have...

In addition to maintenance products, mastering the treatment of our hair involves equipping ourselves properly.

Hair combs and brushes

If it is not necessary, when you are a man, to invest in a host of accessories of all kinds, it is good to at least have a brush and a hair comb . This way, you distribute the sebum from the scalp to the ends. This is what will give your hair shine and resistance.

Using a comb rather than a brush depends on your hair type, although often their use is complementary. Trust me, your hair will thank you.

Handmade Altesse horn comb with close teeth: the curlier your hair, the farther apart your comb should have teeth.

For curly or frizzy hair, use a wide-toothed comb which will snag less and detangle it effectively without breaking it.

For straight hair, you should rather use a brush with spaced out bristles. Choose materials such as wood or horn and avoid plastic materials, which risk damaging your hair.

The boar hair brush: the essential that does not damage the hair during your daily maintenance.

Finally, I especially recommend using a boar hair brush (or other natural hair). Similar to the composition of our hair – therefore containing keratin – it allows the hair to be effectively and gently detangled and brushed. It will rather complement an initial detangling with a comb or brush with spaced out pins.

It is not recommended to brush your hair directly after showering . More fragile and softer , they will break more easily. However, it may be convenient to use a comb to help you apply your mask. But be sure to do it carefully.

For those looking for some references, check out brands like Mason Pearson , Thomas Liorac or the Artisan Brossier France site, for example.

Styling products

Many of you frequently use styling products. Whether it's to tame curls, lift up a somewhat flat hairstyle, or give a particular shape to your hairstyle, there are many reasons...

Here is a small selection for lovers of styling products who have not yet found what they are looking for.

Horace styling salt spray

This salt spray gives a fairly natural beach, “post-surf” effect, in order to texture the hair.

Baxter of California Clay Pomade

This natural effect styling wax strongly fixes hair, even the most rebellious, and is removed very quickly when rinsed.

American Crew Modeling Paste

Styling paste which remains malleable all day and gives a fairly natural shiny appearance.

Davines invisible serum

This lightweight hold styling serum is very malleable and invisible. It is best applied to wet hair to create beautiful locks. It also has an anti-frizz effect.

The final word...

In order to maintain your hair as best as possible, it is essential to determine its type and nature. Depending on this, you can adapt the care you provide them.

The material chosen is also important, choose it carefully in order to preserve your hair.

When it comes to styling products, there’s no point in wearing too much. The rest is up to you!

Axel Yvon,

A big dreamy child, a bit bohemian, I consider clothing as a way of expressing everyday life, which amuses, reassures, and excites. A night owl, a Sunday socialite, I love pajama shirts, Marvel blockbusters, stormy nights, and carbonara pasta (only my mother's). Non-exhaustive list.

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