My 2 good clothing resolutions for 2023 - Yann

Mes 2 bonnes résolutions vestimentaires pour 2023 - Yann
In just a few months, my relationship with clothing has evolved a lot. A former novice, I discovered the unlimited power of beautiful clothing. The one who gives you self-confidence and who tells lots of things about us humans. For 2023, I decided to tame this power. Here are my two areas of progress.

1 – Continue to do as I please

Before working at BonneGueule, I had never asked myself the following question: “but what am I going to wear tomorrow?”. I prioritized practicality over aesthetics, and I made sure to go as unnoticed as possible. I was in another world .

met gala 2022

© Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images

The Met Gala 2022, a typical example of an event that I didn't understand and that I would have avoided like the plague a few months ago.

A world where clothing was, in my eyes, just a piece of fabric that we put on to avoid being cold and remain decent. Artists wear colorful and/or expensive clothes, because that’s what artists do. The rest just alternates the office shirt with the Sunday shirt. In all this mass, there remains me, who systematically tucks my tops into my pants.

chris olsen french tuck

© Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

How is it ? Why does the “French tuck” suit him so well??

I didn't think that clothing and everything related to it was so important, so full of meaning. I didn't know that clothing could give confidence . For 24 years, I denied the obvious: clothing is a powerful thing. It is what defines us, categorizes us, it is both what unites us and differentiates us.

Since then, I have perked up . Tired of the stylistic gap that separated me from my new peers, I decided to begin my transition. I don't specifically want to look like Jordan, Benoît or David , but rather define the boundaries of my style and have fun with what I have, or what I want to buy. In the past, I was very afraid of the looks of people, of my loved ones, of everyone. Today, I'm surrounded by people with their own style, who don't care what others think. Very inspiring.

My first resolution? Continue to learn, try cuts or materials that I would never have worn before, continue to be free . Now that I'm cultivating my taste for risk-taking, here are some stylish and elegant looks, on which I could well spend half of my BonneGueule money :

2 – Buy as much, but buy better

Here again, my habits have been turned upside down since my arrival at BonneGueule. The rare times I went to buy clothes, I took what I needed without really thinking about it. I bought light clothes for summer, warm clothes for winter, and shirts all year round. Below, my old temple: The Uniqlo du Marais.

I was aware of the diversity of materials, cuts and qualities, but I didn't really have any preferences. I was doing the best I could with my budget. My favorite brands? Uniqlo, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike (*go ahead, judge me*): nothing too incredible, both stylistically and from an ethical point of view .

Now, I'm starting to identify the right purchasing criteria : do I need it? Does this suit me? Is it well done? I ended up understanding that I shouldn't do anything, and think carefully about each purchase . I was already aware of the impacts of my consumption, but this is where it really started.

tiruppur river pollution

© Creative Commons

The Tiruppur River in northeast India. The course is very polluted, due to the numerous tanneries and dye works along the river... An environmental disaster.

Even better, second hand. While I was absolutely not in the habit of going thrift store hunting , it was only recently that I made my first discovery: super wide pants, which surely belonged to a grandfather in another life. Amazing ! A little laundry, a little quick sewing , and the magic happens.

This is the culmination of my first resolution: I would never have worn these kinds of pants a few months ago .

bergamo pants

This photo perfectly sums up my current state of mind.

The hardest part is putting words into action . That’s what makes good resolutions so charming, right? I would be very curious to see yours, just below.

In any case, a great year to those who tuck their shirts into their pants, and to everyone else.

Yann Pêcheux,

A messy writer, a confirmed hedonist, a pathologically curious person: there are many adjectives that can be used to describe me. Full of good will, I try to serve my fellow man. I analyze, I reflect and I drink my ginger beer. That's the life of an artist.

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