BonneGueule raises €6.5M… and we tell you everything

Since 2007, we have been committed to defending quality, generous and responsible fashion.

From the drapers of Tarn to the knitwear of Veneto, from the selvedge jeans of Okayama to the tailors of Porto, we rely on historic European and Japanese know-how to imagine what the fashion of tomorrow will be.

We have experienced several crises: the great financial crisis, but also cash flow crises, human crises. And sometimes on a personal level, crises of stress or crises of meaning.

But we moved forward together, with you.

And what was just a simple student blog has grown and become a real brand with solid fundamentals, a clothing collection that delights us, a community that supports us, and a team that makes us proud. If someone had told us, we would never have believed that the little project of clothing geeks would become the "leading prescriber of men's fashion in France", as the press says.

And our satisfaction is to continue to give you confidence in your style, and to transmit to you a renewed interest in beautiful materials, unique know-how, and human stories.

And today, we are happy to share this good news with you: we have just finalized a fundraising of €6.5M .

It is therefore with emotion, and a lot of gratitude for all those who have made our dream possible since 2007, that we approach this new stage in the life of BonneGueule.

And as with the first fundraising, we live this stage with you, and we reveal all the details to you.

Benoît & Geoffrey

💡 For those who are new to fundraising...

What is a valuation? Company shares? The difference with a loan? Or to know our point of view on the different financing of a growing company, and all the other details of the first fundraising, we advise you to reread the article that we wrote during our first fundraising in 2016 .

And otherwise, we explain everything in 6 minutes in our appearance on TV:

🏗️ What was done with the funds from the first round?

💪 A stronger, more sustainable company

Going back 3 and a half years, BonneGueule raises €1M from business angels and Bpifrance. It was October 2016.

This first fundraising then reassured the banks about our solvency, which allowed us to finance our first stores : Lyon, Bordeaux, or even rue Madame in Paris... with bank loans .

This money also allowed us to professionalize the company with specialized recruitment : a professional editor-in-chief, an artistic director, a financial director, a store manager, a logistics manager, an e-commerce manager. ...

And important point: it is above all the hard work of previous employees which allowed the company to go further and welcome new positions... by creating the prerequisites for lifting . We greet them all as they pass!

👹 The BFR, this ugly beast

The other objective of the first round was to invest in IT tools, and to overhaul our websites in a very ambitious way... Which did not entirely happen!

Except that a large part of the cash then... melted... even though we recorded no losses!

The guilty ? Mr. BFR (Required Working Capital), a nasty beast that bites your leg as soon as you forget it's there.

In fact, our model then based on the production of clothing collaborations switched to an own brand model in 2016 , requiring more cash.

It must be said that at the time, there were no such strong partnerships with suppliers. As a very small brand, BonneGueule represented a significant risk for them.

Since then, we grabbed him by the horns this BFR, and he calmed down. But in 2016, it caused us problems, and fortunately we had raised these first funds, because this pivotal year was more complicated than expected!

💫 Natural growth and return to self-financing

Growth then re-accelerated on its own (we speak of "organic growth") , taking us from €2.4M excluding tax in 2016 to €8.4M excluding tax in 2019.

The secret of this growth is not really one, but it can be surprising.

It is both personal convictions and mathematical logic: we prefer to have very loyal customers by doing our job well (investing in quality, experience, media, environmental responsibility) than lots of new customers. who risk leaving afterwards (by investing too much in marketing, and not enough in quality).

In short, we see growth as a consequence, rather than something to be directly caused .

Put into practice, the growth in our turnover has of course been due to new customers , but above all to the loyalty of those who precede them! And in mathematics, capturing customers while building loyalty is called... an exponential curve.

This is how the good years following the first fundraising regenerated our cash flow , and financed part of the IT projects initially planned. With in particular the implementation of a computer management system (ERP) to automate the tracking of orders, better anticipate restockings, be precise in our purchases, and square financial monitoring.

👖 And concretely, in terms of clothing and media?

Well, it's very simple:

👕 Clothing

From around thirty garments available, we now have a whole collection of quality, responsible pieces , adapted to the seasons, with some permanent items continually revisited year after year.

No superfluous, but the essentials of a wardrobe, for those who love beautiful materials .

We always work with Living Heritage Companies and their counterparts abroad, and we have strengthened the CSR dimension in our collection (100% manufacturing today in Europe, more local raw materials, often French, better traceability, technical ecological dyeing or washing, knitting without scraps, strong guarantees on animal welfare, numerous health and ethical labels, etc.). Everything is explained here .

🗒️ Media

It's simple, there has never been as much free content as there is today.

We went from 2 articles per week to almost 1 per day. There has also been the massive arrival of video formats, the rise in quality of texts and photos, the massification of brand sheets which allow us to list everything good that is being done around us, live formats...

And in addition to having become a clothing brand in its own right, BonneGueule is still the leading men's fashion media in French with more than 5 million readers each year.

🏠 Shops

New stores in Lyon, Bordeaux and Paris have emerged.

We were able to learn this new profession that is physical commerce, put our touch on it, convince ourselves of its economic viability, and put ourselves in a position to target a wider range of cities.

How did the relationship go with the business angels and Bpifrance?

🙏 The angels of entrepreneurship

The results of this first fundraising are therefore very positive, including in terms of relations with investors. . Nothing pushes us to say it, but we are grateful to be so well surrounded!

In difficult times, our investors have always supported us, and it's nice to be able to ask them for a little opinion …or in-depth work on an aspect of strategy or financing .

This may come as a surprise, but we even consider some of them friends.

Really, don't listen to those who say that "investors" rhymes with "demand for profitability and margin to the detriment of people and the place of manufacturing". This is a caricatured, reductive and simply false vision. We are living proof.

🤝 On the Bpifrance side

Bpifrance (Investment Bank) is a public organization that helps the development of French businesses.

Rarely have I seen people so dedicated to ensuring that the excellence of French fashion develops, by helping young brands, by doing everything to put them forward.

In a nutshell, thank you

In short, you have understood, without the help of our business angels and Bpifrance, BonneGueule would not be the company it is today. It’s important for us to recognize that. We thank them all from the bottom of our hearts. 👏

Bank financing and financing assistance

Bpifrance's help is manifold. They intervene via bank financing (bank loan, export aid) but also assistance with access to credit (bank guarantee of loans granted by private banks).

At this time of health crisis, it is Bpifrance which is setting up the “PGE” (State Guaranteed Loan) or “Rebound Loan” system to help companies with a cash flow deficit.

State Investment Fund

Bpifrance also invests as an investment fund in many sectors (especially those where private players rarely go... such as fashion).

And it’s Bpifrance’s “Fashion and Finance II” fund that invested in us .

A network of business leaders and experts

It's not complicated, whether you need an expert in logistics, management, or production, they have a contact for everything! Not to mention the multiple connections with other business leaders.

It is for example thanks to them that we were able to meet the former CEO of Petit Bateau, Patrick Pergament, which was one of the most memorable meetings of recent months.

We also had access to really very rich consulting missions .

There was even the Hyères festival, an event dedicated to photography and fashion, in the famous (and intriguing) Villa Noailles, where we took part in a conference .

Coaching and training

Finally, we were able to expand our horizons by discovering other markets from a “fashion business” angle.

If we were able to go to South Korea for the first time, it was also thanks to them. To better understand how Seoul or New York were structured, gain perspective... and see if there is potential for us .

And we are even at the moment (virtually) on school benches, alongside 31 SME managers, within the Fashion and Luxury Accelerator.

Finally, Bpifrance is struggling during the crisis with daily webinars, insider information, dissemination of the latest market developments following Covid-19, wikis on crisis management, etc.

🤔 Why raise funds again?

Providing men with a fashion experience with convictions ”.

This is always our mission as passionate founders, and as a committed company. A mission that is palpable in the team, in our community, and in all those around us on a daily basis.

Our goal is to go even further, to intensify. And this lifting will give us the means to get there for the next 5 years.

☀️ What will NOT change

We can never say it enough: if we raise funds, it is not to change the patiently developed fundamentals , and on which the success of BonneGueule is based until today .

So we will continue to transmit our passion for clothing and know-how , through our creations and our content.

We're going to do what we already do, except we're going to do it better: ever more engaging independent content, ever more refined clothing.

We defend men's fashion that is beautiful and sustainable, stylish and committed, and which excludes no one. So we are not going to sit back on our social and environmental initiatives: we are going to amplify them.

We also believe in stores in which we can live a real, human and warm experience. .

We continue to make this big difference that no one believed in years ago: addressing someone who is completely discovering style as well as a person who is much more advanced and seasoned in this fabulous journey that is men's clothing. And make him love both his clothing, how it is made, and a certain idea of ​​life.

Weaving a sincere and innovative fashion experience with you: this is what we want to do in the years to come.

🌟 What will change

We have a few surprises up our sleeves, and specific ideas in the back of our minds...

But we also make no secret of the fact that the crisis changes everyone's plans, that we will have to remain agile, capable of questioning our strategy as many times as the context requires.

That said, when we close our eyes right now, this is what we have in mind.

We always dream of beautiful materials, rich but accessible clothes , with texture and history.

We dream of seeing them on stage, whether on the e-commerce site or in stores, with an even more assertive artistic direction , an always recognizable touch, and a constantly renewed pedagogy.

And we have the idea that this dream would be even more beautiful by further pushing the social and environmental dimension . Because despite all our efforts, we know that there is still a long way to go and that we must never relax on these subjects .

We of course dream of being ever closer to you, by embroidering new digital contours, and by opening new places, very real, for more connection.

And we wonder if the idea could not translate into other sectors, such as sports or beach clothing. Or let's be crazy , why not in women's fashion after the great success of last summer .

And then, perhaps this borderless dream would transform into borderless fashion: introducing our European know-how to other cultures, and in turn drawing inspiration from theirs.

And rediscover on the road who we are, and what clothes we want to wear, because they tell the world in which society we want to live.

Because it is not the destination that counts, but rather the path, with whom we take it, and what it will have made of us .

🏦 Who are we raising funds with?

✊ Generis, solidarity fund

The new entrant is him: Generis Capital Partners . Behind this somewhat obscure name lies an independent investment fund whose job is to finance and support the growth of SMEs. Their objective is to “do investment capital differently”.

Born during the 2008 financial crisis, Generis is one of the very first solidarity funds : they are both attentive to the ethics of the companies in which they invest, but they also redistribute part of their capital gains to an association that we we love a lot and of which we are a part: the Entreprendre Network .

To tell the truth, we had already been in contact with Generis several times. It is therefore nice to see that the planets are finally aligning with these rigorous, positive and caring investors. Welcome aboard Édouard.

👌 Bpifrance, more than ever

You understood, Bpifrance was already at our side. And from the first fundraising, they told us they really appreciated the company and wanted to invest more substantially.

These 3 and a half years of cohabitation created a real relationship of trust, and it was quite natural that they continued their investment with this second fundraising.

I hope we get a chance to drink a glass of soda water after this endless confinement, even though we receive advice, articles or encouragement every week from Delphine and Damien.

😇 Business angels mostly stay

Our business angels received this fundraising very well, and even gave us a lot of advice.

And when the outlines of the fundraising became clearer, we suggested that they “go out” , that is to say, reselling their shares to new investors, with added value.

What we didn't imagine was that… most of the business angels preferred to stay on board ! A very nice mark of trust and support from them.

Fundraising is intellectually very interesting to experience, but it's not really a pleasure: it's long, it takes time and mental load. Lots of mental load .

There are many people involved, who ask very specific, challenging questions. Sometimes it takes hours of work to gather the data that accurately answers a single question.

It starts with the creation of the fundraising documents: we discuss, we refine the strategy with our advice, with the objective of creating three very important documents:

  • the 1-pager, which is an ultra-impactful, hyper-concise summary... in a single page. A bit like your fundraising CV!
  • the deck, a large file of 70 slides, and each page contains graphics and models. This requires an enormous amount of information reprocessing work. The challenge is to summarize what BonneGueule is in a file, while being both exhaustive... and digestible!
  • and the pitch, a selection of 15 features from the deck which will form the presentation support. Here, it is the rhythm and the sequence of ideas that must be perfectly oiled. In two voices, since we are two founders.

We then launch the first meetings with funds. And we say to ourselves that so far, we have learned a lot of things, it's rich, and even fun to meet all these very intelligent people.

This is where you have to manage repetitiveness: "pitch" the story of BonneGueule for 2 hours, and then pitch, pitch, pitch again with other funds... a good twenty funds... Sometimes the same one several times day.

And with Generis alone, we pitched 3 times! .

And after the pitches, there are the “Q&A meetings”, where you are asked lots of questions, and from which you come out with a suitcase of answers to provide.

By drinking our only weekly pastis, we could at least console ourselves by saying that our file is popular, and that ultimately we find much less funds than certain entrepreneurs who sometimes have to exceed a hundred meetings!

But the most difficult thing is not to present BonneGueule and answer the questions , but to present the same pitch, and answer the same questions, always with the same enthusiasm, the same motivation, and without missing the nuance of a question to which you risk answering too mechanically.

And when you say to yourself, it's okay, we've chosen our fund, it's chosen us, let's go have a drink, well that's where the audit begins.

You then have to gather hundreds and hundreds of documents, and when you are not asked for a new data analysis , well we are asking you in dribs and drabs for this administrative document from 6 years ago, of which you do not even know the existence, and which you will have to search in 10 years of history, to realize that your accountant of the time forgot to create it

Oh yes, and otherwise, you are on point with the forced exit (drag along) or joint exit (tag along) clauses. You know how to argue it, the discussion on rank 1 preferential liquidity which must clearly differentiate A shares from rank B and C shares. Well, neither do we, but we had to get started on it. Yes, even a relatively “simple” lift like ours remains complex. And that's normal, we're still talking about a very large sum.

In short, it's a real marathon, started in July 2019, in the middle of a heatwave, and finished in mid-March, in full confinement.

Fortunately, we were supported by incredible people.

And because fundraising, like any project, is always teamwork, we would like to thank them:

  • Clipperton , the investment bank that supported us during the process. An investment bank is in fact more of a consulting company than a bank . Their role is not to manipulate capital, but to help companies raising funds to find the investment funds that are most suitable for them, and to defend the interests of the former during negotiations. Thanks to Caroline, Milan, Thomas, Eloi and of course Thomas who is a big fan of our clothes .
  • The Fed , which is not the Federal Reserve of the United States , but our auditing firm. Thanks to Maldoror, a very old BonneGueule reader, who was unfailingly responsive, even on vacation .
  • Villechenon , our specialist lawyers. Thanks to Morgan and Amélie for their commitment and patience, from the first day to the last second.
  • Bertrand our amazing DAF, PH our very unique Single Accounting, Loan the Junior DAF (Tenor?), Simon the data-analysis ace, and all the others who lent us a hand at one time or another. You have to do it to imagine the work that all this represents!

Finally, the very special side of this lifting is that it ended in full confinement. And with the economic context deteriorating very quickly, we make no secret of the fact that stress was starting to mount, with a question in the back of our minds: “ What if this fundraising did not happen because of Covid-19? "

Fortunately Generis and Bpifrance played the game to the end and kept their commitments, whereas other more cautious funds stopped their projects at the same time with other companies.

In entrepreneurship, it is customary to say that it is when things are bad that we see what type of funds we have. And this lifting in the middle of the crisis will certainly have been a good indicator.

Still a company in the hands of its founders 👌

The last point for us is obvious, but important: we are still in the majority of the capital , and therefore remain fully in control of BonneGueule. In the event of disagreement, we are the ones who set the company's strategy and daily management.

Even if to make our important decisions, we rely on our management committee (with the financial director and the information systems director) and on our steering committee (which brings together all the managers).

As for our commitments, we obviously have a duty to inform the funds, and as I explained in the article about our first fundraising, it is a healthy approach which pushes us to take a step back and be rigorous.

Our vision of the world after 🌍

We're not going to lie, the French market is in a very bad situation. A year of yellow vest demonstrations, and strikes such as France has rarely experienced, and finally a health and economic crisis of global proportions, have seriously attacked a market which was already in recession year after year.

We also remain heavily impacted by the Covid-19 crisis.

And yet, there are reasons to be optimistic, because there has never been such an acceleration in the topics of social and environmental responsibility, the imperatives of transparency, and the desire for sincere brands and authentic materials.

A more enlightened and informed consumption which is gaining importance, and to which BonneGueule must contribute. We are particularly pleased to be able to offer our spinning mills, tanners, manufacturers and other partners a certain stability by maintaining our order book despite the crisis.

In our opinion, this is this “next world” that we can see.

And the efforts already undertaken and our “start-up spirit” will – we hope – be beneficial. Other crises have shaped us, and we feel capable of adapting to uncertain contexts.

Even if today we need to think on the scale of weeks, not years.

Feet on the ground, head in the stars ” as they often say.

And now ?

It is now up to us to continue this adventure in a lasting way, faithful to the values ​​of the beginnings, and looking towards the future.

At the service of our readers, customers, and all of our partners, we will further strengthen our fundamentals: clothing with ever more developed quality and social and environmental dimension, free content always renewed, stores more than ever places of life, with always the same ambition to share our vision of clothing with a wider audience.

The times are changing.

BonneGueule is evolving.

We remain the same.

FAQ Our answers to frequently asked questions

👉 Each new stage of our adventure is a source of questions. Maybe for you too?

And in a way, it reassures us if you too feel the same thrill: it means that you are there, that you care about BonneGueule.

You may have grown up with us, or discovered some useful tips recently. Either way, it matters to us. Our 30 year old guy eyes, not just our entrepreneur eyes.

This is why we remain faithful to our commitment to transparency. It’s up to you to remain our compass .

So if you have any questions (that aren't in the FAQ below), whether you're an old hand or a newcomer, we'll be happy to answer them. Ask them in the comments, or by email if you prefer ( |

And finally, if for you fundraising rhymes with sleepless nights, we simply ask you to reflect calmly on these 13 years during which we have always said what we do, and done what we say .

In practice, this €6.5M includes the buyout of certain outgoing minority shareholders

. But above all, this sum must finance us for the next 5 years. And it is not “so important” for a fast-growing company which achieved a turnover of €8.3 million excluding tax in 2019.

There are all scenarios within companies.

Most young companies live their life, growing quietly each year, without the need to raise funds because the growth is modest, and there are therefore no strong needs for systems, tools, human resources, stocks, etc. . to be set up in advance. These are also companies that do not interest investors , so the question of raising funds does not arise in any case, unfortunately even in the event of cash flow needs.

A fraction of young companies, on the other hand, are experiencing hyper growth.

Among them, there are those so profitable that they don't need to raise funds, but in fashion, I don't know of any... Even players like Veepee or Showroom Privé have had to raise funds, even if even they do not advance cash for their inventory purchases. . This is obviously the best scenario, but it is rare.

There are also profitable companies, but which need financing to support their strong natural growth, due to lack of sufficient cash flow in the medium term. . This is the case with BonneGueule. These companies call on “development capital” investors , which finance fast-growing companies, but only if their profile is not too risky... hence the healthy imperative to target profitable companies.

Finally, there are companies that raise a lot of money even though they are not profitable at all. And again, it's a whole universe with many scenarios. There are companies that count on very long-term profitability, as is often the case in technology, research laboratories, internet platforms, home catering services, electric bicycle fleets, etc. and it is therefore entirely justified to raise funds. Of course, not all of them will survive, but that is the price of technological innovation. And they have another type of fund in front of them, which we call “risk capital” funds. ready to finance high-risk companies, and to accept that 9 out of 10 companies achieve nothing significant, as long as the tenth is the next Über, Deliveroo, ManoMano, Vestiaire Collective, etc.

But then, our opinion in all this. Well it all depends on the context. The company's growth profile simply must be consistent with the investors it faces.

In our case, with our good growth, we could have insisted on being financed by a "VC fund", which would have had much higher growth expectations, at the risk of distorting the project. We therefore preferred to discuss with “cap dev funds”, more aligned with our desire for natural and sustainable growth.

But others could have made other choices, “take the risk”. We respect that too.

It's all about being consistent in the end, between what you say to your team, to your clients, to your investors, to your loved ones, and to yourself when you look in the mirror. This alignment is still important to us personally. This is what we would recommend to fellow entrepreneurs, whatever their context: stay consistent.

No, this is a classic capital increase.

Since 2012, we have regularly used bank loans to finance our organic growth. However, operational costs (payroll, logistics costs, production) cannot be financed with a bank loan. Just like investments (IT systems, product development, new stores) when they exceed a certain threshold. Although our historic bankers (BNPP and HSBC) have always supported us morally and financially.

The contribution of external capital will precisely strengthen our equity , and allow us to make more significant use of bank loans at the same time.

Crowdfunding is an interesting start-up mechanism for young companies, and sometimes also a creative communication relay for companies launching a new product, but it is not a financing method suitable for financing a growing company after its first years. years of existence.

In fact, we would never have raised a fifth of the amount with crowdfunding. And this was already the case during the first fundraising.

Beyond that, you should know that crowdfunding in significant amounts also involves classic investment funds "among the crowd" (for around 70% of the amount), and not exclusively individuals as one might believe. We therefore partly fall back on the classic investment scenario.

And finally, we have to count on a certain administrative burden when we have to report to a hundred people (who would still have contributed more than €50,000 on average in our case, if we had found a hundred).

Nothing changes regarding the media.

We continue to invest in its development, and we have never written so much free, quality content, or responded in a personalized way to as many questions as in 2019. This is thanks to our team which includes an editor-in-chief, two editors and two community managers.

The media therefore remains one of our reasons for existing: to explain the true price of things, to educate without belittling, to bring transparency to the market. Where also being a brand allows us to prove through facts that another path is possible on the market.

Confidentiality for the sake of confidentiality has never been our thing. We believe in fashion that is shared, not in exclusive clothing for a few happy few .

That said, we understand that some may look for confidentiality in a brand, but there is still room for improvement in that regard! BonneGueule achieved a turnover of less than €10 million. This is both significant for an emerging brand, but still a fraction of what other legacy creative brands achieve. And a small part of a French market which represents several billion annual turnover.

We may know our clothes by heart (still happy!) and yet we rarely come across them in the metro or in the street.

No, it's quite the opposite. The objective is to further structure the company, to make it reach a comfortable size with economies of scale on raw materials, manufacturing and logistics on the one hand, and better amortization of its fixed costs. on the other hand.

And this is not a hypothetical scenario, but what has already happened at different times in our history, and in particular thanks to the financial contribution of business angels from the first fundraising .

Our pricing policy always seems to us to be the right one: increasing them would not correspond to our vision, lowering the quality would not make sense either. And lowering prices further would not be economically viable, despite the many advantages of our economic model (very low communication and marketing costs, very strong loyalty, communication and distribution via our own channels, notion of fair prices, etc.).

No, that’s still not our strategy.

In the past, we have opened ephemeral corners at Printemps, at Le Bon Marché, or under the Louvre Pyramid, but for the purposes of market knowledge, communication or to test neighborhoods before setting up our own boutique. .

And it is also us who declined a renewal of partnerships with department stores, or even La Samaritaine which will re-open soon.

No, they seem to us to be at the right level today depending on the month . The idea is to maintain a low ratio of expenses to turnover, and to continue to maximize word of mouth and customer loyalty by doing our job as clothing enthusiasts to the fullest.

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