House Bonnet

Our opinion

Obviously, the service is very expensive: €1000 for the acetate, €1500 for the horn and even more for the tortoiseshell. That said, if you have a very clear idea of ​​the pair of glasses you're looking for and you can't find it elsewhere, then this is the place to go.

Indeed, the pair you will have at the end will be your pair, just yours, the pair of your wildest dreams.

We are no longer talking about an object that we generally change every 2 years, but of a piece of jewelry that will follow you all your life (or almost).

If your eyesight changes, we only replace the lenses! The acetate pair lasts almost 20 years. A little less for the horn which doesn't really like the cold and which can leave you company after ten winters.

Please note: you will not find Maison Bonnet tortoiseshell anywhere else, as its trade is now prohibited by international treaties.

The history of the brand House Bonnet

Maison Bonnet is a Parisian eyewear house created in the 1930s by Alfred Bonnet .

Since then, this rather special eyewear store has been run by the Bonnet brothers who manufacture custom-made glasses. From the design to the final finishing details including the choice of material (acetate, horn or tortoiseshell), they take care of everything. Entirely made to measure, each pair is unique to perfectly meet the needs of each customer.

The confection requires at least three stages, requiring at least three appointments in the workshops of the Palais Royal, in the center of Paris. First of all, the initial reflection and its share of first sketches. Then, prototyping and the first tests on the nose. Finally, the final test, the millimeter adjustment and the final finishes.

At each meeting, the client is at the center of decisions. Furthermore, Maison Bonnet has received the “Living Heritage Company” label.

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