Far Afield

Our opinion

Far Afield is an English brand. Consequently, it is affected by Brexit and you may incur additional import costs when ordering from their eshop.

To avoid these costs, we advise you to obtain your supplies from French or EU-based distributors.

The brand is interesting at first glance.

It has a style statement that takes it a little away from the basics and which can still speak to as many people as possible . The knits have original knits, the shirts have original patterns, the jackets have original colors or materials.

In addition, the prices are not too high : we are in a medium/low mid-range range. Around €80 for a shirt, €100 for a sweater, €130 for a jacket.

What are the concessions to achieve this result?

1/ The sweaters are not all 100% natural material : we find a little synthetic (polyamide, acrylic) in the composition of certain references.

(The shirts, jackets and pants are 100% cotton.)

2/ Manufacturing is separated between Europe (without further details) and Sri Lanka .

Concerning the latter country, the brand works with workshops with the “Garment without guilt” label, which could be translated as “clothing without a guilty conscience”. These workshops are audited and guarantee the non-presence of child labor or forced labor, for example.

In summary : the brand is rather recommendable from our point of view, especially if you want to give a little pep to your style while controlling the budget. All this while being aware of the constraints (Brexit therefore going through a FR or EU reseller) and limits mentioned.

The history of the brand Far Afield

Far Afield is a British ready-to-wear brand.

Founders : Mark and Chris Scholes

Year : 2016

Offer : the heart of the offer is made up of pieces with sleeves: knitwear (sweaters, t-shirts, polo shirts), jackets, shirts. There are other families of clothing in the collection but which are less well represented, pants for example

Distribution : on their online store or via distributors: in France, you can find the brand at BienBienHabillés or Drimi Men

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