
Our opinion
The bags offer good value for money and are quite nice (especially the "weekend" bags). Not all sneakers are worth it, but if you dig around a little, certain models stand out: the Aspenlow, Hazel or certain models from Hosta for example. Ready-to-wear is rather respectable, even if we have some reservations about the t-shirts and sweatshirts with flocked messages, which do not present much stylistic interest. For accessories, we will remember the braided belts, offered in a wide range of colors and suitable for spring and casual looks.
The history of the brand Faguo

Having just returned from an exchange in China, and still studying at a business school, Frédéric Mugnier and Nicolas Rohr created Faguo in 2009 during a period when they would normally have to complete an internship. The name “Faguo” means “France” in Mandarin , and comes to them following a university exchange carried out together in Beijing.

Distributed in 16 physical stores (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, etc.) and by more than 600 resellers in France and internationally, the brand first made itself known with a collection of sneakers and bags, in a casual universe. Since then, the range has been expanded with sweaters, pants and shirts for example. She is part of the Eram group.

Since its beginnings, the brand has committed to planting a tree in France for each product purchased . We also find a small round wooden button sewn on each piece in their collection.

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