
Our opinion

This results in one of the best value for money in this range of shoes . Something that would not be possible with all the paraphernalia of a more conventional brand.

The offer is really extremely interesting: you would immediately have to spend much more to find quality equivalent to what the brand offers.

Since shoes are a very important element in our wardrobe, Markowski is an excellent option for having beautiful shoes without breaking the bank. In addition to that, the brand offers many models with Goodyear assembly, known to be more solid than Blake assembly .

Update 02/31/20: For some time now the brand has changed ownership (exact date currently unknown to the editorial team), is now renamed "Prince Jorge", after the former name of the high-end line of Markowsi. Still based on a similar model, it is however dedicated to shoes positioned a little higher in quality and price than the late Markowski. A brand profile on Prince Jorge is coming.
The history of the brand Markowski

Markowski was created in 2007, by Marcos Fernandez and Claude Makowski .

Mr. Fernandez is particularly known in the shoe industry for having imported the first Sebago, then the first Doc Martens, but also Converse. It was also he who created the Bowen brand in 1979, with the former president of Canal+, André Rousselet.

Markoswki is based on a direct distribution model , which allows this brand to operate with a low structural cost (only two stores to date, also serving as a patina workshop and logistics platform for orders placed on the Internet).

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