Its surface is so clean, so smooth.
Barely out of its packaging, it is so beautiful and so immaculate that you even hesitate to wear it, for fear of making it lose its intact innocence.
You still face your fears, and you even enjoy putting on these brand new navy pants for the first time. Your day can begin.
But barely leaving your home, your new companion finds himself caught in a merciless invasion: hair, wires and dirt of all kinds... they didn't hesitate for a single second to stick to it , and don't care of his innocence.

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Even your Yorkshire Terrier's hair gets in on it
And your pants become a real Christmas tree, decorated with plush garlands.
So what is happening to this fabric? How did he become a dirt magnet?
Well, I'm going to explain it to you, as part of this series of articles which has somewhat become our "It's not rocket science" of clothing.

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Would you like a petition for a featuring in the next article?
As a bonus, I will obviously send you some solutions to limit the accumulation of lint on your favorite clothes.
Spoiler: you will even be entitled to an atomic physics course.
Before embarking on scientific experiments, we can approach a first explanation which does not require physics lessons or laboratory research.
This is a first factor that was revealed to us by the work of Doctor Common Sense: the structure of matter.
In fact, the smoother a material, the less anchor points dirt will have to cling to it. Conversely, a rougher fabric will allow them to bond more easily for the day.

© (Photo credit: Pixabay).
Here, your cat's fur will be spoiled for choice when it comes to finding accommodation.
Fabrics such as corduroy, woolen cloth, or even knitwear allow fibrils to protrude onto their surface. The latter will happily extend their hand to the various particles that fall on them.
This is also the case for suede leathers. It is not for nothing that we clean them with a brush, since its bristles allow access to dirt.
Less hairy fabrics, such as jersey or cotton twill, will not leave much lint to hold on to.
It's like climbing: you would have more difficulty hanging on to a glass wall than to a mountain with dense relief.

© (Photo credit: Chen Hu -
Rare photo of a hair landing on a knitted sweater
This is why you will more systematically see the lint from your scarf clinging to your woolen cloth coat than to the poplin of your shirt.
This is the most common cause, and the answer to our question for
It is also one of the first physical phenomena to have been described: it was in 600 BC that Thales of Miletus, a Greek philosopher, noted that an amber stone rubbed against a piece of silk attracted particles. Moreover, the word electricity itself comes from the Greek word elektvon. Its meaning? Well this word simply meant “amber”.

© Photo credit: Wikipedia
Representation of Thales of Miletus, considered the "first physicist".
But the discoveries on this subject went no further, although other theorists were interested in the attractive capacity of certain materials following friction. It is thanks to progress in physics that we now know the underlying facts of the phenomenon.
To explain to you the how and why, we are going to go through a short course on static electricity.
And we're going to have to shrink

© Photo credit: Antman & the Wasp, Marvel Studios
So here we are, off for a trip into the quantum world.
I'll start by introducing you to protons and electrons.
There are trillions of protons around the world. The same goes for electrons.
They are distributed evenly in the atoms, which constitute matter itself. Every body is made of it: us, our wool coats, the hair of our cats, and many other examples taken completely at random.

In red, the protons, and in blue, the neutrons in the representation of an atom. The electrons are in gray and gravitate around them.
Two protons constantly send each other virtual photons: a particle that appears and disappears quickly enough to go undetected. By throwing this particle at each other like a baseball, the protons create a force that pushes them away from each other. And electrons are just as playful, since they also interact with photons to move away from their namesakes.
On the other hand, protons and electrons get along quite well, I would even say that they attract each other, a bit like magnets.
In a way, they reject their peers but drain each other.
Protons have a positive electromagnetic charge, while electrons
To go further into this dimension of atomic physics ScienceClic has made an excellent video on the subject:
Basically, a material has a neutral electric charge, since as many protons as electrons are on its board.
But that's without taking into account the movement of electrons: they are great travelers, convinced that the grass is always greener elsewhere.
When one material comes into contact with another, certain electrons will rush to pass from one support to another. And this is where an imbalance in the force is born: the first matter will become positively charged because it will find itself with a majority of protons, while the other will find itself in the opposite case, negatively charged.
However, as I told you, protons and electrons are very friends. A matter with a majority of electrons (negatively charged) will therefore attract any matter with a majority of protons (positively charged). Here, we can say that opposites attract.
A piece of clothing accumulating a positive or negative charge as a result of rubbing against your skin, a brush, or another piece of clothing will thus magnetize any particle with an opposite charge.

© Credit: Antoine Bastide, grand master of graphic arts at BonneGueule
A few frictions between two neutral entities, and here you are with two electrostatic charges. Negative on the left (since there are no more negatively charged electrons) and positive on the right.
Such an electron transfer can be done in three ways:
- By friction
- By contact, when a positively charged substance pricks the electrons of a neutral substance
- By induction, when the electrons remain on their support while moving as far away as possible from a negatively charged substance which is approached.
There will therefore be no shortage of opportunities to generate static electricity.
But one question must undoubtedly be on your mind.
I am sure of it.
No ? Well I'll answer it anyway.
"How do we know which matter will become positively charged? Which matter will lose its electrons and which will gain them back?"
This question can be answered by a 245-year-old painting: the electrostatic series.
Initially developed by researcher Wilche in 1757, it allows us to know the direction of transfer of electrons in the event of friction between two materials. To do this, simply read the relative position of the materials on the list:
So if you take any element from the first list, such as your skin, and rub it against a polyester t-shirt, present in the second list, you will create a negative electrostatic charge on your t-shirt. .
The latter will therefore attract any positively charged particle.

This cat did not appreciate its position relative to polystyrene in the electrostatic series.
This phenomenon also explains why your hair can fly away after a brush: on the table, human hair tends to be positively charged. According to biomedical engineering professor Troy Shinbrot, each hair will therefore leave its electrons to your brush and end up with a positive charge. These proton-charged hairs will thus repel each other, giving rise to what some subtly call “firecracker hair”.

Einstein was a very positive person.
To finish this hair aside, Doctor Hazen, researcher at George Mason University in the United States, explains that it is simply a transfer of your charge of electrons accumulated over a certain time. Remember the contact electron transfer mentioned above? We're in the middle of it, and it's your arm that literally served as an electrical cable.
Here too, it is the absence of a conductive entity which will have allowed your charge to accumulate until it comes into contact with the metal of the handle, whose electrical conductivity is extremely important.
And no, you will not be able to take advantage of this phenomenon to try to charge your smartphone.
The influence of electrical conductivity on anti-static behavior also explains why your suitable clothing will cling to dirt more easily in winter.
According to American meteorologist Chris Shaffer (WCCO), cooler winter air loses its ability to retain moisture. Your excess static charge therefore struggles to dissipate.
a team of researchers from Vilnius University (Lithuania) came together to study the behavior of materials in the face of proton and neutron flows. A piece of fabric from each material was affected under the same atmospheric conditions:

For each material, the first column corresponds to the charges retained at the time of the electric discharge. The second corresponds to the time it took for the charges to dissipate.
According to experience, the trophies for static electricity (and therefore dirt magnets) have gone to the synthetics. It was in fact the latter who took the longest to get rid of the charges.
Linen (in the lead), viscose, cotton and wool demonstrate the best anti-static properties, with on average less than a second to disperse the ion flows.

Looking back at the ISSN's experience with scarves, see how cotton has significantly less negative charge compared to polyester after rubbing against the skin.
Note that even within Polymers (here, plastic materials), the differences in anti-static characteristics from one fiber to another are also significant:

By rubbing pieces of Nylon, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and Polypropylene (PP), our professors at the University of North Carolina noted significant differences in charge level (on the abscissa).
Many people have been struck by this curse. Forums and self-help sites are full of questions on this subject. It is even said that some people ended up abandoning their black jeans, leaving this piece at the back of their wardrobe, tired of removing the hair hanging from it one by one.

© Photo: Levi’s
Black jeans, always ready to collect the slightest hair from your cat
If black jeans are such a powerful particle magnet, it is because their color attracts light and therefore
In other words, they will be more fidgety.
And if they are more fidgety, they will more easily tend to flee and therefore create a static imbalance. The black color of clothing therefore reduces its antistatic properties.
In the industrial, medical and even military equipment sectors, static electricity is a problem.
Among other things, too great a charge generated, in certain very specific atmospheric conditions, can cause a spark. Not very fun if you work in a hospital, laboratory or factory, where there is no shortage of chemicals that are potential sources of accidents.

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If you need such caution when handling a substance, you may not want a spark falling into it.
And we must not forget that natural fibers owe their anti-static capabilities to humidity. A cotton t-shirt will therefore not be enough to reduce all risks to zero if a working environment is too dry.
It is therefore in these areas, out of necessity, that technical solutions aimed at limiting static electricity on clothing have been developed.
To limit static charges, two objectives in the design of clothing were sought, each focusing on the conductivity of the equipment:
- Dissipate charges within the fibers
- Transfer charges directly to the ground, where they can subsequently dissipate.
This dissipation can also take place when a positive electrostatic charge comes into contact, on a common surface, with a negative charge. They will thus be able to “cancel” each other.
A first approach applied by manufacturers consists of adding a conductive thread or fiber to the weave of the fabric.
For example, here is a US patent filed for open mesh weave, where a conductive thread has been incorporated:

This is not braille, but rather the different trajectories that the thread in question takes in the stitch. The latter represents only 0.5% of the entire fabric. It is therefore invisible to the naked eye.
Another invention makes it possible to incorporate a conductive fiber into the wire:

Figure 2 is a cross section of the wire used, with the conductive fiber in black.
In the military field, fibers of metallic origin are used, such as stainless steel filaments of 8 to 12 microns which are mixed with nylon or cotton. These filaments can represent up to 5% of the material, and demonstrate excellent efficiency.
If we can focus on the very constitution of the clothing's armor, certain sectors rather favor the addition of conductive antistatic finishes on clothing.
We also sometimes use the application of chemical agents whose molecules are hydrophilic.
A popular technique, for example, consists of adding carbon black to clothing, especially when they are made of polyester: this antistatic agent mixes perfectly well with polymer fibers. It is also a coloring agent, so it will result in a black synthetic material. This is why this technique is only used when the visual rendering is satisfactory.

© Photo credit: Mathilde Brigaudet -
Carbon Black is not a perfume line, but an elementary amorphous form of carbon. Here is an image obtained under a microscope
"Okay, there's no shortage of anti-static techniques. But do my favorite brands use them?"
Well no. Or, if so, very rarely.
The fact is that when you're not working in a laboratory, or putting out fires at night, static electricity is not a serious problem in itself.
At least, it is not enough for brands to embark on research costs or specific manufacturing processes, the impact of which on the final price would be direct and too high.
Finally, I let you imagine that the splendor and hand of a beautiful alpaca wool knit will not remain unscathed if an aluminum wire is incorporated.

I doubt Johnston of Elgin would want to harm the hand or hang of this cotton/cashmere cardigan with a metal thread.
For certain materials that are very prone to static electricity, a brand may find it beneficial to counterbalance this disadvantage with a chemical agent or a finish, but I have not found a specific case to present to you.
However, that doesn't mean you can't do anything about that lint sticking to your pants.
If you won't be able to combat the roughness of corduroy, you can always limit the electron clusters to ensure that less current passes between your clothing and your hair.
But be careful to limit these solutions to cases of static electricity, which you will easily recognize. For example, if you notice it on a smooth synthetic fiber material.

© Photo: SuitSupply
Methods against static electricity will have no use on a wool jacket, where it is mainly the structure of the sheet that can catch lint. Which is completely normal.
Firstly, in winter, think about the relationship between static electricity and humidity: if you become a real power strip because of your dry skin, remember to moisturize the skin on your hands and face.
Likewise, a piece of clothing that gives you fits of loading in dry weather can be calmed with a light spray of water spray.
A practical and portable version of this tip is to use dryer sheets. The latter being often positively charged, they will correct any excess electrons on a garment. A sheet can be reused several times.
A recurring tip is to use a metal hanger. If the idea of playing on the conductivity of the metal is effective, I must still remind you that they will not do any good to the shoulders of your clothes.

In the long term, this instrument of torture can leave marks on the shoulders of your shirts.
There's no miracle solution here: once the dirt and lint have stuck to your clothes, all you have to do is remove them with a brush.

Nicolò recommends using a Kent hairbrush, simple and effective. It is a mark used by the English crown.
A lint brush will do the job just fine too.

Some models are even specialized for animal hair (puppy and kitten sold separately).
All you have to do is rub (gently)!
Whether via their surface structure or their tendency to generate static electricity, certain materials are born to attach particles.
Velvet, wool, or even suede leather will not need to lose electrons to attach lint. A brush suitable for the material from time to time will be enough to remove unwanted particles.
Cases of static electricity will be common on synthetic materials and especially in winter. If you are easily prone to it, consider moisturizing your skin and (a little) your electrostatic-prone clothing this season.
You will also need to opt for cotton, wool or linen when you choose your shirt or t-shirt. But you already know that.
For some professional sectors, static electricity is a big enough problem to require the development of anti-static techniques. The challenge for a more common daily life, however, remains too trivial for manufacturers aimed at the general public to question the design of their clothing.
Congratulations in any case, you now know why clothing can grab onto dirt. If you are a student, you can even make it your thesis subject.
Otherwise, you will still be able to shine in society with your new knowledge of atomic physics, and clothes without kitten hair.