🎙️Jeans and techwear, breadth and originality – Parlons Clothes, podcast #4

🎙️Jeans et techwear, ampleur et originalité – Parlons Vêtements, le podcast #4
Can you wear moccasins in winter? – CDL#82 Reading 🎙️Jeans and techwear, breadth and originality – Parlons Clothes, podcast #4 Next Can you wear moccasins in winter? – CDL#82

It’s time for the 4th episode of the Parlons Clothes podcast. And the last one of 2020. The recipe is the same as for the previous ones. Questions we ask, questions we ask ourselves. And a debate during which speech is free, always free. With on the microphone, Benoît , David , Jérôme , Jordan and Nicolò . Good listening. Christopher.

1. Sustainable jeans on the test bench

Our colleagues from 60 million consumers magazine have scrutinized different jeans. And wanted to measure their durability. And there surprise, on the podium of the most sustainable jeans, we have: Replay, Guess, Jules…
The question arises of their definition of what is sustainable. What lasts over time? What is environmentally friendly? This is where the debate begins. We discussed these tests within the editorial team and with Julien, our product manager, and we have some reservations about these results. We'll explain it to you.

2. Techwear or not techwear?

Those who know BonneGueule a little perhaps know it, those who know Benoît a little probably know it. He has an addiction. An addiction to techwear. A video on the subject was long awaited, so we made two: a Gimmick in which he deciphers four looks and a Let's Talk Clothes in which he gives us his vision of techwear. And each member of the editorial team has a strong opinion on the subject.

3. What is magnitude?

When you were little, did you inherit your older brother's clothes even if they were too big? Did your parents buy your clothes a size up, or even two, in anticipation of your sudden growing pains? This is what Jordan describes very well in his post dedicated to the magnitude and his praise. And many of you recognized yourselves in what he describes. The opportunity for Jordan to clarify the difference between loose clothing and too big. And for others to deliver their vision of scale.

4. Are you more micro and mega original?

What is original, what is not? Compared to who or what are we original? “Who acts, who behaves without imitating anyone”, “In a bad way, singular, strange”, “An original, an original, person who pushes singularity to the point of making people laugh”, “Original without copying, man who makes himself noticed by its singularities"… the definitions given by Littré are numerous. If we are talking about it today it is because Nicolò dedicated his last Sapristi to it . And he has therefore developed an interesting scale of value from micro to mega-originality… Explanations.

Bonnegueule Editorial Team,

We needed a signature to bring us all together and share with you our common selections, as well as our current obsessions. In these articles you will find all our talents, our knowledge, our experiences, our sometimes madness (not the neuroses) of the entire editorial team.

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