Birkenstocks, velvet and sneakers with a suit – Parlons Clothes, podcast #13

Des Birkenstock, du velours et des sneakers avec un costume – Parlons Vêtements, le podcast #13
The correct shirt COLLAR SIZE – (Very) Well Dressed #3 Reading Birkenstocks, velvet and sneakers with a suit – Parlons Clothes, podcast #13 Next The correct shirt COLLAR SIZE – (Very) Well Dressed #3

Welcome to this new episode of the Parlons Clothes podcast for November 2021. To discuss fashion and clothing, on the microphone Benoît , David , Jérôme , Nicolò and Jordan remotely, in Bordeaux, all hosted by Christophe .

These pieces that I never thought I would wear...

Jordan recently told us about the beginning of his story with Birkenstocks. Yes, Biskenstocks, he himself writes that he never imagined wearing them one day. In the same way Jordan tested a difficult piece to wear, the jumpsuit.
What clothes do you love that you would never like to wear one day?

How to wear sneakers with a suit?

Nicolò made a video to tell you how to wear sneakers with a suit in his new weekly Very Well Dressed Friday format. So if we know that formal shoes with jeans are not our cup of tea, what do you think of the sneaker/suit combination?

The revival of velvet

Velvet probably has a tacky image to some of you. Jordan dedicated an episode of Panache to dusting it off a bit. First of all, what image do you have of velvet? How do you like it? How do you wear it?

Five questions from our readers

“Does the raglan shoulder suit all body types? » (GD)
“What do you think of quilted blazers? » (Xavier)
“What is the origin and function of the fishtail on certain parkas? » (Eric)
“Can you wash wool pants by hand? » (Martin)
“I have a sparse wardrobe and I'm looking for a very versatile piece of outerwear for fall/winter. Which one would you recommend to me? " (Ludovic)

Bonnegueule Editorial Team,

We needed a signature to bring us all together and share with you our common selections, as well as our current obsessions. In these articles you will find all our talents, our knowledge, our experiences, our sometimes madness (not the neuroses) of the entire editorial team.

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