🎙️ Rain, staleness and teleworking – Let’s Talk About Clothes, podcast #2

🎙️ Pluie, ringardise et télétravail – Parlons Vêtements, le podcast #2

Like every first Friday of the month, it's time for Parlons Clothes in podcast version, with Benoît , Jordan , Nicolo and David on the microphone. To begin with, thank you for your very encouraging feedback. Good listening.

How to maintain your style in the rain?

It's not a scoop, it's autumn. Who says autumn says rain. Then there is the question of style in a downpour, how to not look like a wet dog. So what's the best way to deal with rain? Does it involve technical materials, simply an umbrella or a hat?

What's nerdy, what's cool?

Do you remember the last time you saw something nerdy before you found it cool? Or conversely, how did something cool become obsolete at high speed? This is the subject of the latest episode of Sapristi de Nicolò. He talks about the passage of time, of trickling down, then up… in fact everything that makes fashion cyclical. What is your vision of what is old-fashioned? Here is that of the editorial division of BonneGueule.

Dress better at home to work better?

Teleworking has now become commonplace. Obviously, due to the health context. And it is likely that this will last over time. And a question arises, and how do you dress to work at home? Like in the office or more casual? And will the way you dress at home ultimately change the way you dress at the office?

To listen to the first episode, click here .

Bonnegueule Editorial Team,

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