Advice: Should you have style or be fashionable?

Because no! It's not the same thing…

“Should you develop your own timeless style or follow fashion? »

It's the eternal debate that pits the old-school dandies against the trendy ones, the sober ones against the exuberant ones, the elegant discreet ones against the fashion addicts . But is it really impossible to reconcile the two? Rest assured, we will put everything the world agrees.

The quest for masculine style

What is style?

BonneGueule always strives to give you simple and practical advice, and to direct you towards clothing that we select independently. But sometimes, taking a step back from fashion allows you to achieve your goal more quickly: finding your style.

And what a goal! Style is your quest as a man who wants to stand out from the crowd, and make people know (subtly) who he is. Style is this identity card that continues to tell us, from one outfit to the next, who you are, where you come from and what you like.

Style is therefore not something linked to your environment or to a trend, but to you . And it evolves with your personality, like skin that bears a tattoo, your scars, and the tan from your last vacation.

So there is not ONE style, but STYLES…

...and styles, I have as many as there are men: or in any case I would like...

Future-proof style that says F*CK in fashion
(Vianney, BonneGueule columnist)

Develop your style

You discover your style when you begin to know yourself and get to know who you are. It is not a conscious journey, but the natural result of your experiences.

Concretely, don't think too much in terms of trends or what other people are wearing. Conforming to others is just so much makeup that hides your authenticity.

Go towards what inspires you . Go for what resonates with you… And only then ask yourself if it’s in good taste where you live.

The sirens of fashion

And what is fashion then?

If style is the individualistic side of clothing, fashion is its social side. Because yes: under its exuberant and liberated aspect, fashion is resolutely conformist .

A fashion trend unites people to a given culture and era, and to common values. This is the case even when it wants to be anti-establishment and anti-social... or rather... ESPECIALLY when it wants to be anti-establishment and anti-social.

The baby rocker: alternative spirit or pure product of his time?

So I throw away fashion?!

Especially not, unfortunate! On the contrary, follow it! And day by day if that is not already the case. Come on !

But not necessarily that of the podiums. I think more simply about people in the street... and what appeals to you in the magazines you read or at the cinema.

Because fashion will fuel your creativity: it's up to you to sort things according to what suits you. See fashion as a laboratory of ideas , as a field of experimentation .

Sometimes a bad but viral idea spreads…

Don't let your style get sick in a Tektonik outbreak

And other times, great discoveries remain confined to privileged environments...

Too elitist or just too avant-garde?

You get the idea now! Style and fashion oppose each other… but above all combine.

  • So if you're the classic type, don't look at fashionistas with big eyes.
  • And conversely, if you're buying into the hype, don't be snobbish.

Mass is said 😉

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And to go much further in this type of mindset thinking, get The Stylish Even Unshaven Man's Guide. We cover many other points, plus a lot of practical content to effectively improve your way of dressing (and as usual: ZERO headache).

Geoffrey Bruyere, at the origins of BonneGueule

I am one of the two founders of BonneGueule. I believe in quality content, digital that doesn't forget the human, and positive brands. And I'm the one who finds the nicknames in the team!

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