🎙️Corpulence, college, military clothing and the quest for style… Let’s Talk Clothes, podcast #11

Which belt to wear with your shoes? Reading 🎙️Corpulence, college, military clothing and the quest for style… Let’s Talk Clothes, podcast #11 Next Which belt to wear with your shoes?

Welcome to this Parlons Clothes podcast from September 2021, first episode of season 2 after a long summer break. With Benoît , David , Nicolò and Jérôme for a little over an hour of debate around fashion and clothing.

1. Clothing to conceal or enhance?

We'll start with David's latest Gimmick video, which sparked quite a few comments, sometimes a little heated. The subject: dressing well when you are strong or corpulent.

The question then arises as to whether clothing is intended to hide our shapes and curves or, on the contrary, to better embrace them.

In the reactions of Internet users, there are clearly two camps, with very clear opinions. So, what is your opinion on the question: clothing should enhance or conceal?

2. What style for college or high school?

Just before the start of the school year, we released the first episode of the new season of Panache .
Jordan dedicated this video to those who are entering high school or college and who want to stand out from the crowd, with, as usual in this format, five suggested looks.
What are your memories of looks in high school or after? What role did clothing play in your daily life? What was the influence of those around you? A look back for the editorial team.

3. What does it mean to have a style?

Jordan wrote a post lamenting not having style. So obviously those who know him cannot believe him. He didn't mean that he didn't have a predefined style, unlike certain people, who you can tell at a glance that they have a workwear, streetwear or sartorial style.

Would you be able to define your style?

4. What place does military clothing have in the city?

We started a new video series with Benoît which follows years of Parlons Clothes. This time Benoît will dig into the secrets of a theme.

For the first, he focused on a subject close to his heart, military clothing.
Real military clothing. With the attention to detail that you know.

If I tell you military clothing, what is your first thought? Can they have some form of utility in our daily lives? Is this a style that can have its place in the city?

To finish the five questions selected by David:

  • Is it possible to wear a shirt mid-season, when it is cooler?
  • Can you wear a cap with a suit?
  • For or against white socks in city outfits?
  • What is the ideal belt color with white sneakers?
  • How to dress when it's hot and rainy?
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