Orders on the Internet: what the returns hide

Commandes sur Internet : ce que cachent les retours
Why are we often sold out? Reading Orders on the Internet: what the returns hide Next But why the hell is black so sad?

When you make a purchase online, I imagine you look at the returns policy of the site you are ordering from. Like the majority of customers.
And most often, these returns are free, since this has become the norm.

The benefit for the consumer is obvious: they can try on a piece of clothing easily at home. And return it just as easily without spending a euro. To the point that some consumers abuse it. Recently a customer placed 11 orders with us, only to return eight!

A figure from Fevad allows us to take stock of the subject: more than 500 million packages were sent to France in 2018, 24% were returned, or 125 million packages. It is enormous !

When we know that 66% of purchases on the Internet concern clothing, the responsibility of our clothing sector is central. The opportunity to take stock of the subject.

What the law says

A distinction must be made between withdrawal and return for defect.


  • It's when you change your mind. No need to justify yourself. But it is still useful for the brand to know the reason.
  • You de facto have 14 days of withdrawal, 30 days on certain sites, as offered by BonneGueule.
  • This period runs from the day after you receive the package, and not from the date of dispatch. Logic.
  • There are no penalties to pay. Possibly, return costs.
  • The refund is made within 14 days, delivery costs included, as soon as the site is informed of the customer's withdrawal. And not upon receipt of the package by the latter.
  • The right of withdrawal also applies to sale, second-hand or clearance products.
  • This does not work for goods specially made for the customer, such as a tailor-made shirt or suit.


  • The order is non-compliant or defective.
  • The customer must return the package in its original packaging with the reason for refusal. It is very valuable for brands to know where a product is defective.
  • It is possible to request cancellation and refund, exchange, repair.

How much do returns cost?

I'll give you BonneGueule's figures, they're the ones I know best.
For a one kilo package (a shirt for example), you must count:

  • Transport: 6.20 euros
  • Handling, product control and restocking: 2.20 euros
  • Reconditioning (systematic on shirts): 4 euros
  • So I arrive at a total of 12.40 euros.

For your information, we receive, according to Pierre, logistics manager at BonneGueule, we receive more than 700 pieces in return each month. Including 150 shirts on average. I'll let you do the math.

How to limit returns?

On the business side:

  • Make quality products. Our products must be of good quality and defects limited as much as possible.
  • Allow you to buy right away, to choose the right size the first time by giving as much information as possible to order correctly.

On the customer side:

  • Check its size carefully, it's a third of the returns.
  • Avoid ordering several sizes of the same piece to be sure you have the right size.
  • Avoid double or triple orders, order everything at the same time, in one go. That’s so many packages saved.
  • Bring a product back to the store to save on transportation.
Because returns also have an ecological cost. Here is a description of a link to the La Poste website which calculates the carbon footprint of sending a package. It's revealing.

I'm wearing our dark indigo Kurabo denim shirt here.

Geoffrey Bruyere, at the origins of BonneGueule

I am one of the two founders of BonneGueule. I believe in quality content, digital that doesn't forget the human, and positive brands. And I'm the one who finds the nicknames in the team!

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