Peers In Paris

Pete Sorensen Reading Peers In Paris Next Balthazar
Our opinion
Beautiful Portuguese tailoring with careful finishing, a real sense of detail (like the gold-plated or galvanized laces), beautiful designs, and good materials. Italian and Spanish leathers are carefully chosen. Comfort is also there! Products well positioned in relation to their price in our opinion. Special mention to the very neat lined interior and the semi-translucent sole of certain models, which is one of the brand's signatures. 2023 update: the brand has renamed itself "Pairs" with a stronger emphasis on ethics (use of organic materials, dormant stocks, vegetable tanning, etc.).
The history of the brand Peers In Paris

Created by Caroline Robert in 2013, Pairs In Paris is a brand of unisex sneakers with a rather minimalist but quite "creative" style.

The brand is positioned at the top of the mid-range , and offers more classic pairs as well as more original models, often with a little design twist.

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