Naked & Famous

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Our opinion

Naked & Famous is a brand that offers very good value for money.

You can easily find what you're looking for in jeans: lots of different cuts, choices of colors... And they're just as effective on t-shirts and shirts!

The history of the brand Naked & Famous

Naked And Famous is the craziest jean maker in the world (they say so, and they're probably right)!

We had the chance to visit them in Montreal, and their products are incredible.

The brand only offers raw selvedge jeans, but not just any jeans. Apart from classic selvedge, you can find jeans made of Kevlar, hemp – the heaviest jeans in the world – jeans that change color depending on the heat, jeans that smell like raspberries, jeans that shine in the black…

In short, we strongly invite you to discover this brand!

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