In practice: my 5 stories of the week, from thin belts to the Valstarino jacket

En pratique : mes 5 histoires de la semaine, des ceintures fines au blouson Valstarino
You all know jeans or 5-pocket pants. Practical for slipping in your belongings and little stories. This is precisely the concept of this little column: very concrete little anecdotes spread over five days, to share with you my questions and my experiences with clothing.
How to wear pink in 5 outfits - Panache S03E08 Reading In practice: my 5 stories of the week, from thin belts to the Valstarino jacket Next In the locker room of French presidents


Joseph Cheaney grained leather boots with commando sole . The brand is among the selection of Jordan thin brown leather belt from the English brand Scott Fraser Collection . 15mm wide, made in London, beautiful finishes. It is superb and it meets a specific need.

Like some of you, I actually bought the EdWood pants designed by Nicolò. Problem: until now I didn't have any belt suitable for Hollywood type pants. In reality, I only had one and only belt from Septième Largeur . Way too wide. I then consulted David's article dedicated to his passion for belts, for inspiration:

And then I digressed. Belts aren't far from being the most accessible thing at Scott Fraser - which doesn't mean they're very affordable, mind you. What is certain is that I am not disappointed. So all that remains is to pair it with the pants. The rest of the outfit should follow. An example :

camel gray bonnegueule sweater pants scott fraser belt brown collection

© Good mouth


For a long time, I told myself that we were doing tons with the Valstarino model from Valstar. In its most common form, it is a suede leather jacket and is inspired by the US Air Force's A1 flight jacket. It's made in Italy, it's very beautiful but it costs an arm and a leg. This jacket has a very high degree of desirability, particularly within the editorial team:

It turns out that I just bought one, second hand. And we must admit that everything is faithful to the initial description: it's a jacket that definitely has something. The one I have looks roughly like this:

We can possibly rave about the quality of the leather, the immediate comfort and the astonishing lightness of this jacket. The finishes and details of the collar and ribbing are also magnificent. But that's not what struck me the most when I tried it the first time.

The Valstarino dresses up in nothing. It's a concentrate of quite astonishing elegance, and you can even wear it with jogging pants without feeling in the least bit out of style. If you ever have the opportunity to wear one, if only for the experience: go for it!


It sometimes happens that we struggle to put on pants with a tighter bottom. This style trait is not specific to BonneGueule pants, and in fact we have expanded our range of cuts in recent years. But the fact remains that sometimes it doesn't work or no longer happens. And here is the drama...

I love the Vito pants for their material and the gray Breno pants for their lightness. Both have a carrot cut and a slightly fitted bottom. This last point may be a hindrance for some of you, if for example you have good calves.

For my part, most of the pants I like and own have a more comfortable leg opening. So what can you do, if you are like me, to find pleasure in wearing these two pants in particular?

Consider retouching? David had already shared with me his experience with the MC joggers . So I entrusted my two pants to my local retoucher: and imagine, it works! With the alteration, you can gain almost a centimeter at the bottom of the leg without distorting the cut .

Vito Breno Bonnegueule gray pants

© Good mouth

My two BonneGueule Vito and Breno pants once retouched at the bottom

It's now more comfortable for me, it doesn't cost too much and when you have a particular attachment to clothes, it's always worth trying something. Be careful, however, not to fall into Frankenstein-type temptations: retouching yes, but sparingly.


If you love statement materials like I do, you probably enjoy wearing a little corduroy from time to time. When you have the budget for, or simply to dream of the stars, you can look at these three beautiful sets from Drake's :

But we can also imagine other possibilities with this material, more workwear like for example what Jordan presents here or try the mismatched without necessarily pushing the cursor towards very dressy. What is mismatched? This is a very common trick for costumes that Benoit explains to you here:

But it also works with more casual pieces, especially when it comes to velvet clothes. A very simple example: mix a workwear- inspired jacket in heavy corduroy with pants with finer ribs .

jacket pants velvet 1st pat rn oliver spencer green turtleneck sweater bonnegueule camel
velvet pants jacket 1st pat rn green editions mr turtleneck sweater bonnegueule camel

It's all about contrast, from thickest to thinnest. In my wardrobe, for example, it takes the form of a heavy velvet jacket on the dark green side 1ST PAT-RN that I can pair with slightly dressy pants in a similar color from Oliver Spencer if I want a set...

...Or Editions MR five-pocket pants in camel velvet if I want to go for something mismatched. Try it, you will see that one noticeably tones down the other and that you can have fun wearing a velvet jacket and pants set without fearing for your style.

Jérôme Olivier Jérôme Olivier
Jerome Olivier, cinema, velvet and rock'n'roll

Former wine merchant and pocket rock critic, great lover of films and Siberian cats, I create emails and I am interested in the little stories that go with clothes.

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