New format: “(Very) Well Dressed”
Hello everyone, it's Nicolò, and here I am again on video with a surprise for you...
Oh no, it's not a new episode of Sapristi!
If you were loyal viewers of this format which answered the Sape's Big Questions, you will undoubtedly have noticed that I have not released any videos since this summer. After almost two years of tackling complex problems and offering this very theoretical content, I wanted something new, and to come back to something more pragmatic, to advice.
What is the concept ?
(Very) Well Dressed is a 5-minute video, every week , in which I try to give you the clearest, most straightforward and exhaustive answers on a precise and well-defined subject.
For the rest... it's all in the title.
I want to get straight to the point, and help you acquire (or refine) real basics. I would n't talk to you about being “stylish” , about having a unique, very personal look, but rather about being “well dressed” . Because there is indeed a difference between the two (even if they often overlap).
That is to say, to know its morphology , to understand the colors , the registers of the parts , to recognize the quality , not to get confused in the assemblies , to choose this or that part carefully...
And the basics are not necessarily the basics of the sap.
My Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teacher always said:
“The black belt is when you have all the basics.”
Do you see what he meant?
The basis is this “common base” , on which we can rely before being able to break and revise the “rules” as we wish. And even if we gain in ease and freedom as we advance, we never finish learning.
To put it another way, when Jordan tells you that "finding your style is an Odyssey" , he is absolutely right. Being “stylish” requires going beyond what an article or video can explain to you from A to Z.
This requires personal risk-taking, and accepting a certain degree of uncertainty. But before sailing on unknown seas , in search of new stylistic shores, the clothing adventurer also needs to be a competent sailor... and at least know how to read a map.
Now that that's said...
This week, we are tackling a very contemporary subject :
How to wear sneakers with a suit?
Purists will say that it simply doesn't happen...
But the costume evolves , and the morals too .
So if you're going to do it, you might as well do it well.
Because these two pieces were not originally designed to be worn together. A stylistic gulf separates them . Therefore, to succeed in this combo, the objective is to choose all the pieces of the outfit in order to reduce this gap as much as possible.
1. The choice of costume
It all starts with choosing a costume suitable for practice. A formal piece par excellence, you will have to choose all its details, as well as its shape, its fabric and its color in order to “relax” it .
In addition, the suit is a piece with very ancient origins, compared to the sneaker. This relaxation is therefore not only a matter of registers, but also a way of reducing the impression of anachronism that one may have when seeing the pieces side by side.

2. The choice of sneaker
We proceed in the same way as the costume, but taking the opposite route, and hoping that they meet in the middle.
It is impossible to make a sneaker "formal", but failing that, how can we make it more "elegant" , and in doing so bring it closer to the world of costume?

3. The correct pant leg opening
One of the most debated questions in men's fashion. It’s an element that makes and breaks fashions.
Beyond personal preference, the choice of a trouser opening greatly influences the type of shoe that can be worn with it. Is there one that allows you to combine sneakers and suits?
4. Relax the top
It goes without saying that if we try to make the suit more casual, and the sneaker more elegant, we cannot wear the classic “tie-shirt” combo under your jacket as if nothing had happened. We need to find a replacement who is also more casual, but who is still compatible with the costume.
And there’s a tip for that: choose something that provides visual “geometry”.
And that's it for today! Good viewing !
PS: In this video, I am wearing... a light BonneGueule sweater .