Resolutions and me, that makes 28.
It's been almost 28 years that I've been trying to make resolutions and stick to them . Before postponing them to the next year, in addition to abandoning the current ones. Maybe I lack willpower...
But this year, I want a real renewal . And I have already started this renewal by arriving at BonneGueule, where I know that I could flourish in many aspects of my life, but particularly in terms of clothing.
In just a few months, my relationship with clothing has changed again, and I can't wait to confirm that in 2024!
I still have a lot to discover. I thought I had some basics and knowledge about fashion, but I quickly realized that I am still a beginner on the subject.
I recently talked to you about my relationship with clothing over the past 10 years. And today, I want to talk to you about resolutions that are important to me to continue refining my style.
So here are my four clothing resolutions for 2024.
1/ Towards looser clothing
So that my clothes finally fit me
I am tall and slim with swimmer's shoulders.

According to the meter (and Baudouin), my shoulders are 52cm wide. For an ectomorph, that's not bad!
I always felt the need to have fitted or body-hugging clothes to look “stylish.” I thought that clothes that perfectly hugged the lines of my body were the key to a successful outfit. Even if it could lead to some oddities, like jeans that were a little too tight on my legs, giving that chicken thigh impression. Or the short legs effect.
When it came to my tops, I often opted for smaller sizes , too. I opted for a medium rather than my actual size to accentuate my V-shaped silhouette and avoid giving the impression of drowning in my clothes . However, this preference was not without its challenges: it could sometimes result in a feeling of being tied up in my t-shirts or sweaters with an armhole that rode up my shoulders, all with a pulling effect on the pecs.
Today, I realized that given my body shape, fullness was the order of the day . So I started wearing my real size: Large.
Since then, I feel better. And it doesn't matter if I "float" a little in slightly larger clothes. On the contrary, the stylistic possibilities have also expanded.
To save space for my legs
I told you about it in my article on the evolution of my perception of clothing over the course of this decade , I only wore jeans and chinos, at best, tapered; at worst, very fitted.
Working on the editorial team at BonneGueule has had another unexpected consequence for me: I've started wearing straight-cut pants. Something that would have been unthinkable to me just a few months ago.
Michel made the SPCDB joke in his article about the basics you won't buy again next year . And in fact, he's only too right.
So I joined David and Michel on this path. They made me understand that you could be well dressed, while still being comfortable.
So, I had started a gentle conversion with the Memphis jeans from BG in 2021, where the cut was straight, yes, but it still remained close to the body. Not too many changes or fullness all at once, please!

I find that the cut is a bit similar to that of the Levi's 501. By the way, it's also these jeans that allowed me to continue in this transition. I discovered them in 2022, in an outlet in Roubaix.
I was looking for a pair of jeans made in Japan, when I suddenly came across these 501 selvedge jeans from the “Made & Crafted” line, which took up the design of those made in the 1980s. Without further ado, I tried them on and immediately fell in love.
I also did it again in 2023, this time with a 501 “shrink to fit” which is made in Japan.

My latest purchase at Levi's! These magnificent 501s made in Japan.
Finally, it was the Renji bleach jeans that confirmed my choice in addition to opening stylistic doors for me. I managed to get a prototype, and it quickly became my favorite jeans.
Why? Because it is, in my opinion, the best option to fully operate this transition. It is very balanced in its volume and its fall.

The Renji bleach jeans.
Ultimately, seeing everyone in the office wearing those famous straight-leg pants clearly influenced my decision to take the plunge. And now I understand why they all wear them.
I don't regret this choice, and I will never go back.
2/ Towards accessorizing my outfits
I'm not really into head coverings, scarves (except to brave the winter) or bandanas .
When it comes to headwear, I think mostly of caps. I don't know if it's just me who doesn't know how to find the right shape, or if I don't know how to wear it, but I find that they don't suit me at all in general.
On the other hand, I really like jewelry .
Paradoxically, I have never worn one apart from a silver chain given to me by my father when I was 9 and which I still wear; as well as an entry-level Seiko watch.
It's a field that's not easy to get into when you're not used to it, or don't have any ideas for style. And it's even harder when those around you don't wear it/wear it very much.
However, they are part of the elements that can embellish an outfit.
Finally, for that too, BonneGueule initiated me to change.
For Christmas, I was given a silver bracelet, which I was telling you about in my Christmas list .

© legram
This is the perfect bracelet to start this transition. It is both elegant and minimalist, very practical to match with almost all of my outfits and wear it daily.
This is the first in a long series. I plan to acquire more in the years to come, so that I can alternate and change as I wish. I already have views on this one, still at le gramme and a little more affordable:

© legram
In terms of rings, there are those from Harpo that catch my eye. We are already fans of their jewelry at BonneGueule, and I totally understand why. Halfway between Native American tradition and a whimsical touch, we can easily play with them to match them.
3/ Towards a more formal style
I think the clothing styles that speak to me the most are soft-tailoring and those inspired by the Ivy League .
I have always been casual, sometimes casual chic. But I want to go even further…

In Jordan's words in his article on how to wear the Ivy style : "Andy Spade and his predatory smile"
A tailored style
I had been looking for some dressier pants for a few months. Something that would take me away from jeans and chinos. And it was completely by chance that I came across them, it was love at first sight.
I got it at a sale on their website. A pair of tailored, high-waisted pants in navy wool from Berg & Berg . There was only one pair left, in size 48. A bargain, since that's my size.
Ultimately, it's a bit tight on my waist, but still totally wearable. It just needs a touch-up to really fit my legs.

© Berg & Berg
The Antonio navy pants from Berg & Berg, purchased during their winter sale. I still couldn't believe it when I received them.
With these types of pants, I can finally start my transition to something more chic, while still remaining casual. Pure soft-tailoring (or casual chic).
That's what I find most interesting about this kind of piece: they are infinitely adaptable . You can make them very formal, or simply casual.

Credits: Berg & Berg
And like David, it's at Berg & Berg that I find myself best: sober, refined lines, but very chic and straight!
In fact, to paraphrase him: “ Actually, I just feel good in elegant clothes. And besides, I think it’s a style that suits me .” And indeed, not only do I feel good in this kind of clothing, but I’m also often told that it suits me. So there’s nothing left to do.
And to complete this fantasy style, I'm still missing one thing.
The Shoe Revolution: An Introduction to Loafers
I've been talking about this for a while now, but I promise it's only a matter of time before I take action! Again, it was my colleagues who slightly influenced me to take this direction, but again I totally understand why.
Just like with pants, I need to vary my shoes. I often wear sneakers, and occasionally ankle boots. But I miss these other varieties of shoes that can be worn on multiple occasions, and to vary with what I already have.
This is the case with moccasins.
And I already have my sights set on this pair to start with (thanks Jordan for suggesting this first pair):

The “Classic Moc”, at Septième Largeur.
I'm still hesitating about the color, black or chocolate.
But there you have it, the idea remains to be able to finally fulfill myself in casual chic, and achieve this Ivy-inspired silhouette that I want so much.

The outfit is simple but dressy. The shoes bring that touch of casual formality that I like.
Credits: Steve Calder, for Informale
4/ Towards self-affirmation
My latest resolution is to be more confident in myself, both in the clothes I buy and in the way I wear them.
Even today, I think I'll opt for a simple outfit, without taking big risks. Despite this, doubts remain about my choice of clothing.
So it's decided: this year will be a period of evolution of my style, but also of taking risks.
And you? What are your New Year's resolutions? Risk-taking? Playing it safe? Don't hesitate to share them with us ;).