
Wrangler Reading Royalties Next AND Q
Our opinion

Royalties socks stand out from the competition by offering several styles decorated with original patterns.

Certainly, the price of a pair may seem high, but this cost is justified given the very high quality of the product. Royalties socks are very comfortable to wear and they hold up very well in terms of longevity.

On the other hand, they are quite high – they are knee-highs – so if you like to wear low socks, this will not be for you.

The history of the brand Royalties

Founded in 2011 by Emmanuelle Plescoff and Timothée Pic, Royalties is a high-end sock brand , uniting British style codes with French know-how.

After several researches, the two creators established their references between tradition and modernity. Royalties translates and declines traditional motifs, combines classicism and individuality , while ensuring a singularity specific to the French style. For them, each pair of socks must best reflect their world.

The making of the socks is entrusted to the Broussaud workshop, a French family business guaranteeing real know-how, passed down from generation to generation since 1938.

The brand is distributed in around twenty countries (from Japan to the United States), where Royalties maintains a qualitative and confidential brand image.

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