Private White VC

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Our opinion
Let's first say that the brand commands respect: it is a company with a rich history, having supplied the kings and queens of the United Kingdom, the armed forces in 1916, the Royal Air Force in 1940. Today, it still commands respect in the sense that it locally anchors its production in the Manchester region, since 90% of the materials used come from 40 miles around. In addition, the brand has a repair workshop integrated into the production tool. Their goal: that their clothes last you a lifetime. We find the brand's economic model healthy and virtuous: Private White VC does not sell, except to liquidate its residual stock. Beyond that, the products are meticulously made, using luxurious materials, careful production and an unstoppable aesthetic, linking practicality and beauty. We also like that the brand is particularly chatty on its sales pages. Everything is explained, we know what we are buying, with the certainty that this garment will last for years. It’s really the philosophy of “consume less but better”. Of course, the prices are affected, in a justified way, since there is no concession on the way.
The history of the brand Private White VC

Private White VC is a luxury ready-to-wear brand born in Manchester, United Kingdom in 1853 aimed at men.

Founder : Private Jack White VC ("Private" meaning "soldier")

Distribution : The brand can be found on its eshop, as well as in two stores in London and Manchester.

Offer : PWVC is best known for its outerwear: its raincoats, harrington jackets and wool overcoats. She also makes sweaters, shirts and shoes.

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